
Scattered crystal

Ivan_James_Singcay_8717 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 3

The morning sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the land. I had made my way up to the top of the tower to take in the breathtaking sight of the sunrise. It was a sight that never grew old, no matter how many times I had seen it before. As I stood there, taking deep breaths of the fresh, salty sea air, a guard suddenly burst into my room.

As the sun began to rise, I opened my eyes and peered out the window of my tower. The view from the top was breathtaking. I watched as the sun's golden rays painted the horizon with a spectacular display of oranges, pinks, and purples. The warm air filled my lungs as I took a deep breath, savoring the moment. Suddenly, a guard entered my room, interrupting my reverie. "Vesh," he announced. "The kings of other nations are arriving soon, and you need to get ready and head down to the ground. That's the order of your highness."

Descending from my tower, I made my way down to the seaport where I could hear the rhythmic sound of the water splashing against the docks, creating a soothing melody. As I gazed into the distance, my eyes fixated on the majestic ship of the king, slowly approaching the shore. The sight was breathtaking as the ship's flag waved gracefully in the wind, and the reflection of the sun on its metal exterior created a sparkling effect. The crew members aboard the ship bustled about, preparing to dock the vessel. I watched in awe as the ship finally reached the port, and the sound of the anchor dropping echoed through the air. It was an unforgettable sight to see the king's ship arrive at our humble port.

As I made my way towards the gathering of kings, I suddenly heard my name being called out louder and louder. I turned to see Mitch running towards me, her face filled with worry. As she approached, she grabbed my shoulder tightly and took a deep breath before speaking. "You made me worry, Vesh," she said. "I've been looking for you, and found you still in your room. The king said that we should go together because you're still healing."

I reassured her that I could handle myself, and together we walked towards the gathering of kings.

The ship's door swung open and a voice boomed out, "Get ready to lay eyes on the King of the Water Nation, King George of the Netherlands!" The crowd erupted in a frenzy of excitement as the king and his generals emerged from the vessel. With a warm smile, King George greeted the assembled throng, proclaiming, "Welcome to the Kingdom of Land."

Out of the door stepped a striking young man, the Prince of the Wind Kingdom. As soon as he appeared, a chorus of screams erupted from the girls in the crowd, captivated by his remarkable looks. "Jeez, he's so handsome! His eyes sparkle like gems," gushed Mitch. Following the prince, the rest of the generals emerged from the door one by one.

As I gazed at the procession of generals, my attention was drawn to a woman who seemed more preoccupied with the ship itself than the distinguished guests who had just disembarked. As the crowd obediently knelt, an old man emerged from the vessel. The woman's face lit up with joy and she rushed forward, embracing the old man tightly. Curiosity getting the better of me, I turned to Mitch and asked, "Do you know who that woman is who hugged the old man?"

"Oh, that's Meoly. He's a scientist in this kingdom, and the old man is his grandfather. He's the strongest mage in the world," she explained. I nodded in understanding.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Land," greeted the king. "I hope you enjoy what we have prepared for you upon your arrival. Now, let the fun begin!" With that, the festivities commenced, and I began to relax and enjoy myself.

However, as the party got into full swing, an unsettling feeling crept over me. The air turned frigid, causing the birds to take flight and the sky to darken suddenly.

Concern etched on his face, the king turned to the elder and asked urgently, "What's going on? Why did the sky suddenly turn dark?"

The elder's response was grave. "Oh no, he's already on the move! Stop the ceremony, and let's begin the meeting immediately," he exclaimed.

With a sense of urgency in his voice, the king ordered the festivities to be halted. The guests quickly made their way into the castle, their joyous spirits dampened by the foreboding darkness that now enveloped the land.

The king unfurled a map and spread it out across the table, his expression grave.

"You all know that Captain Mors has escaped from prison, and we suspect that he is in the Mountain of Grotto. The elder has confirmed our worst fears: Mors has obtained a crystal, and that's what's causing the sky to darken," he announced. "He won't stop until he gets all the crystals and destroys us all. That's our mission - we need to stop him."

"But how?" asked the prince.

"Excellent question," replied the king. "Firstly, we need to retrieve all the crystals before he does, and we may be able to use them to defeat him. Secondly, we need to capture him - dead or alive - but he is immortal and won't die. Finally, we must protect all the citizens of our kingdoms."

The king paused before continuing, "Every kingdom must order every army they have to hunt down Captain Mors."

"I have a question," said the King of Water. "All the armies? There are pirates attacking our villages near the sea, and I can't leave my people without protection."

The room fell silent as they all contemplated the king's dilemma.

"Very well, then. Just divide your army into two parts - one part will watch over the people, while the other half will search for Mors," replied the king. "Does anyone else have any questions?"

The Elder stood up, his expression grave. "We need to stop him as soon as possible. He's already obtained one crystal, and if he regains all of his power, we might not stand a chance. So, by today, we will start our operation," he said, his eyes narrowing as he looked at me.

"Now, let's go before the sun sets," the king said, his tone resolute. With a sense of purpose, they all rose from their seats, ready to face the daunting task ahead.

As everyone else left, Mitch informed me that we needed to stay back, as General Acushi had some orders for us.

"Vesh, you will escort Mitch to the village of Verun and she'll protect it. And after you done that mission you then go to the dark forest. We suspect that there maybe a crystal hidden their. The soldier you'll be guiding is outside, ready," General Acushi said. I nodded, feeling the weight of the task ahead of us.

As I got ready to leave, the Elder passed me by, his eyes narrowed as he looked at me. I couldn't help but feel confused about his gaze and what he wanted from me.

"Come on, Vesh, we're leaving," urged Mitch, snapping me out of my thoughts. With a deep breath, I followed Mitch outside to meet our soldier and begin our mission.

As I was carrying some items, I noticed someone approaching from behind me. I turned around to see the Elder, and he seemed to be hiding something behind his left hand. He came closer and pointed at me.

"Give me your hand," he said firmly.

I was surprised and looked behind me, wondering if he was addressing someone else. But he confirmed that I was the one he wanted.

"What's behind you?" I asked, feeling a sense of unease.

He slowly revealed a knife hidden behind him, and my heart began to race with fear.

The Elder slowly approached me and forcefully gripped my hand, causing me to yelp in pain as he injured my palm, blood dripping down onto the ground.

"What was that for?" I demanded, confused and angry.

"Your blood is impure," the Elder replied, his voice low and ominous. "You may have an elemental power, but you are not of pure bloodline. When did you first manifest your power?"

Confused by his words, I answered, "I gained my power when my parents were killed," I replied, wincing in pain as he squeezed my injured hand. "Our village was caught in the crossfire during the battle against Captain Mors. Filled with anger, I erupted in flames and that's when I first realized my power."

I turned to look at the elder, wondering what he meant by those words, but he was already walking away. I mounted my horse and rode towards the village of Verun, still pondering over the elder's strange behavior and his cryptic words. The sky had turned orange and red as the sun began to set, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding about the mission ahead