

Blaze only wanted to help his sister to see if the man arranged for her was harmless. Little did he know, that wasn't his last meeting with the man as they will always cross paths, especially whenever he was in danger. Problems will then arise once the man started to develop feelings for him as both of their families are against same sex relationship. Plus, his parents' secret about his birth will also play a big role as he will discover that everything he believed and grew up with are all lies.

BlueSapphire_dust · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
265 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six

Siegfried sighed as he descended the stairs. Today's trial was exhausting, even though it only took about forty minutes. Well, Blaze had assured him that Lowells Group would win the dispute, but he was sure that Mr. Kim would not just sit there. Blaze said that it's possible that the old man will appeal—judging from the last statement made by Mr. Kim, it's very unlikely.

Oh, Siegfried doesn't care. Win or lose, he just wanted this dispute to end quickly – so he didn't have to see Lawyer Schift again. Well, just hope.

"Mr. Lowells..."

Siegfried turned and saw Blaze approaching him, half running. He looked at him worriedly. Hell, the stairs are quite slippery because of the rain. Maybe Blaze will.

In the next second, Siegfried managed to catch Blaze. The lawyer was about to go back to the hospital with a broken bone if he didn't catch his body. Siegfried held his breath for a few seconds. After confirming that they were still standing, he heaved a sigh of relief. However, something felt a little odd. Well, currently he is hugging Blaze tightly and he can clearly smell the sweet scent of his hair.

Apple? Lemon or even vanilla, he thought.

While Siegfried was still wondering what the smell was coming from his hair, the lawyer himself looked very shocked. Blaze held on to Siegfried very tightly. He felt his heart explode. Damn, he smells so good.

Then, Blaze released his grip on him and put some distance between the two of them. Siegfried looks awkward with what just happened. He looked at Blaze. His face was slightly red.

Siegfried took a breath. "Are you okay? Don't run like that again."

Blaze nodded. "Sorry, thanks for helping me. Again, it looks like I had no luck with the rain."

Siegfried agreed with Blaze's words. He cleared his throat slowly. "Is there something you want to talk to me about? Regarding the trial?" He asked again, focusing on why Blaze had called him earlier.

"Ah, regarding next week's trial, if the decision is made according to our expectations, then it won't be a problem. However, if something unexpected happens, I wonder what Lowell Group's internal decisions will be. You know, like filing an appeal or something," Blaze said awkwardly.

Siegfried took a deep breath. "Well, I guess you forgot that the Lowells Group didn't expect defeat. There is a lot of interest at stake in this trial. Do whatever you think will save the factory and all of its employees. Although I don't know what made you hesitate again, even though you told me earlier that we would most likely win this case, I just want you to keep this in mind, Lawyer Schift. The entire future of Lowells Group and all of its employees is in your hands."

Heck, the man's words made Blaze's stomach feel uncomfortable. He may often get a case with a very big responsibility. But the Lowell Group's case made him feel like he would kill himself if he lost. He knows that Lowells Group is a large company with tens of thousands of employees. If Lowells Group collapses because of the loss in this land dispute case, it is possible that, apart from all employees losing their jobs, the Korean economy will also be affected.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Lawyer Schift. You've worked hard, and whatever the court ruling is next week, well… we just hope for the best, don't we?" Siegfried said it again.

Blaze swallowed his saliva. "Yes, we only wish you the best, Mr. Lowells. Then see you next week and I hope you won't be late again."

Siegfried grimaced, but he tried to keep smiling. "I'll try, Lawyer Schift."

Blaze then bent down and walked down the stairs. He left the man, who was watching him. Well, actually, Siegfried noticed his left hand. The left hand was still wrapped in a bandage and made Siegfried wonder how badly the wound was. It's even been a month since the incident at the Incheon factory. He took a deep breath. He had to do something about the wound.

"Mr. Schift..."

Blaze turned around. "Yes?"

"When are you going to the hospital again? For the wound on your left hand," said Siegfried, who is now walking towards Blaze.

Blaze looked at his left hand. Is he still watching him?

"Don't think that I didn't notice. It's been a month, but your hand is still bandaged like that. Is the wound that serious?" asked the man, who is now in front of him again.

He lowered his left hand and shook his head. "The wound is not serious. Today I'm going to the hospital to remove the bandage. It should have healed, but the doctor wants to confirm it in person."

"Good, then I will come with you."

Blaze's eyes widen. "Huh?"

"I also want to confirm in person that you are healed. Well, you are my responsibility. Okay, I'll follow your car from behind. Shall we?"

Then Siegfried walked to his car while Blaze was still silent.

Am I his responsibility? Hell, what does that mean?


Blaze walked to the ER, where Hans was waiting for him. He felt a little uncomfortable with the man following him, but he also couldn't push him away. The accident at the factory may have been Lowells Group's responsibility, but he was not at all comfortable with this kind of treatment. That's why he chose to treat his own wounds without having to send his medical expenses to Lowells Group.

Blaze entered the ER room and saw Hans busy with piles of documents regarding the patient's condition—maybe. Actually, the ER is not the right place to see his wound healing progress, but since Hans is mostly in the ER, there is no other way.

"Doctor Reyes..."

Hans raised his head when he heard Blaze's voice. He smiled faintly but then frowned when he saw another man behind him. Well, maybe because of that man too, Blaze calls him Doctor Reyes—Hell, every time he comes, he is always called Doctor Reyes.

"Ah, Mr. Schift, I thought you wouldn't come," said Hans pleasantly.

Blaze rolled his eyes—luckily Siegfried was behind him, so the man couldn't see his expression at Hans now. "Well, we made a promise to do this, didn't we?" He raised his left hand.

Hans nodded and smiled. "Okay. Ah, earlier, it seems you brought a friend?" said Hans while looking at Siegfried.

Siegfried suddenly bowed to Hans. "Sorry, I am the client. Lawyer Schift was injured during a visit to my factory to renegotiate with the parties to the dispute with my company. So, I am accompanying you today as a form of one of our responsibilities."

Hans glanced at Blaze briefly and then back at the man. "Ah, that's how it is. I'm Hans Reyes. Doctor and Lawyer Schift's old friend."

Hans stretched out his hand. Siegfried frowned and took the outstretched hand. "Siegfried Lowells. Well, Lawyer Schift's client."

The doctor smiled and directed Blaze to go to one of the beds for an examination. Siegfried followed the two of them with a few swirling questions.

Hell, I think I've seen it before. I do not know where. And if they are friends, why is Blaze's attitude towards him like that...? Cold. Ah, Siegfried, stop that!!

During the examination, he just watched seriously. Well, the wound has healed, but seems to have left a scar. There was a line with a faded reddish color, a stark contrast to the lawyer's pale white skin.

Hans sighed. "Well, as I thought. It's up to you, Blaze. Do you want to leave the scars or do you want to remove them?" He asked for the umpteenth time.

Blaze was bored with that question every time he came to the hospital. He took a breath. "My answer remains the same. Just leave the scar. I don't really care."

Hans was silent for a moment. He still noticed the scar on Blaze's left hand. "But I care," he said quietly.

His voice may sound like a whisper, and the ER is quite loud, but Siegfried can still hear it very clearly. He frowned again at their attitude. Well, it's pretty obvious that they've known each other for a long time, but Sieg feels something is going on between them. Heck, besides that, he is still very curious about Doctor Reyes.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated. He stepped away a bit to receive the phone call. He sighed when he saw Cameron's name on his cellphone screen. "Yes, Carter?"

"How was today's trial??"

He muttered with occasional attention to Blaze and Doctor Reyes. "The decision is next week, and I hope you can come, Carter."

"I know. Sorry for today, but Haesun's problem really frustrates me. Are you on your way back to work now?"

"No. I was at the hospital, taking Blaze to remove the bandage on his hand. Well, Lowells Group still has responsibilities towards Lawyer Schift, right?"

"Oh, that is good. It turns out that the wound took a very long time to heal. All right, I'm on my way home to rest. Let's talk about Haesun tomorrow, okay?"

Siegfried mumbled again. "Alright, drive carefully. And I owe you an apology for this morning."

"Tch, never mind. It's like you're talking to a complete stranger, Lowells. I'm your cousin."

Siegfried smiled and saw that Blaze seemed to have finished. "Okay, I'll close first. Lawyer Schift seemed to be done with doctor Hans Reyes. I will-"

"Wait? What did you say? Hans Reyes?"

"Yes, doctor Hans Reyes. The doctor who treated Lawyer Schift's wounds. Why?" He asked curiously.

"Ah… I just remembered his name yesterday. Hailey Reyes's twin's name. Well, I know you're not interested, but I'll tell you anyway. Jordan Kim's son's name is Hans Reyes. You seem very lucky to have dealt with the Reyes twin."

Siegfried's eyes widen. He was still paying attention to the doctor, who was talking to Blaze. Hell, it was as if he had seen that man before. And he didn't feel lucky at all to be dealing with the Reyes twin. His sister had made him suffer enough – because somehow, Hailey might be the reason he always met Blaze, apart from the matchmaking reason with Benice Schift and work problems. Now he just hopes that he doesn't have anything to do with Hans Reyes either.

He took a deep breath. "I hung up, Carter."

"W-wait… Lowells…"

Siegfried immediately hung up the phone and approached Blaze and the doctor. He watched the two closely – especially Hans Reyes. Well, he probably agreed with Cameron. Hans is quite similar to Hailey. Of course, it was because they were twins.

"Are you done? I will pay for today's examination, if you don't mind," He said to Blaze.

Blaze was about to open his mouth to refuse, but Hans spoke first. "That's not necessary, Mr. Lowells. This is just a final check. After all, just open the bandage and see the condition of the wound. Well, Blaze doesn't have to pay anything."

Blaze and Siegfried looked at Hans with a frown.

"No need to pay?" said Siegfried.

Hans smiled and nodded. "Okay, I have to get back to work. Blaze, try not to get hurt again. Excuse me." Then the doctor left them.

Blaze snorted softly. "Not hurt anymore? What's wrong with him?" he mumbled softly.

Siegfried then looked at Blaze seriously. He was very sure something had happened between Blaze and the Reyes Twins. Even though Blaze and Hailey's relationship has ended, somehow, he is still involved with Hans. "He's Hailey Reyes's brother?" he asked.

Blaze suddenly looked at Siegfried, surprised. "How did you know that?"

"Just a guess. As expected, because their faces are similar," Siegfried lied. Hah, you're so smart, Siegfried Lowells. Previously, you even doubted Cameron.

"Well, a lot of people say they don't look alike – myself included. If you see the resemblance between them, maybe… you have good eyes," Blaze said as he walked out of the ER.

Siegfried followed him.

"So, you're still in touch with her? Hailey, I mean. Because you seem to be – even though you look quite familiar with doctor Hans, but at least you can still contact each other," said Siegfried.

Blaze glanced at Siegfried. From his expression, he knew that Blaze felt uncomfortable because he called Hailey again.

"I haven't had any contact with Hailey since the incident on Siargao Island, Mr. Lowells. Even being able to meet Hans, that's a coincidence," said Blaze. Well, to be more precise, he happened to be looking for me.

Siegfried took a breath. "Oh, I thought you guys were still, well friends? I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. And it seems, your relationship with Doctor Reyes is not good enough. You are being formal even though he says you are old friends."

Blaze sighed and turned to look at Siegfried. "Mr. Lowells, I don't think you need to know anything about my personal life. Well, our relationship is only limited to work. And how I behave with Doctor Reyes is my choice. Shouldn't you be going back to the office now? Thank you for accompanying me to the hospital, even though it wasn't necessary. We'll meet again next week at the trial."

Then, without hearing Siegfried's response or even seeing how he reacted, Blaze just walked away. He looks very surprised by Blaze's defensive attitude when he asks about his relationship with the Reyes twins. Well, that shows something, and of course… Hell, what was that attitude?

Then he chased Blaze.
