

Blaze only wanted to help his sister to see if the man arranged for her was harmless. Little did he know, that wasn't his last meeting with the man as they will always cross paths, especially whenever he was in danger. Problems will then arise once the man started to develop feelings for him as both of their families are against same sex relationship. Plus, his parents' secret about his birth will also play a big role as he will discover that everything he believed and grew up with are all lies.

BlueSapphire_dust · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
265 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven

Levi approached Kevin, who was busy with his canvas and oil paints. He just heard about what happened this morning, about Kevin's painting being damaged. These days, he is busy with their teacher regarding the exhibition issue that will be held in two months. He looked at Kevin, who didn't seem to care about his presence in the room. He sighed and took a chair.

"Are you all right, Kev?" Levi asked.

Kevin glanced at his best friend, who was sitting not far from him. Then he turned his attention back to the painting he was finishing. "It's okay, Lev. It's no big deal," he answered simply.

Well, Jacel said that's okay, right?

"But it is your painting, Kev. You worked hard to finish it faster than the teacher gave you. Besides, that painting should be on display in the main lobby, right?" said Levi.

Kevin sighed. He put away his brush and palette, then looked at Levi seriously. "It's just a painting, Lev. I can make it again. The painting meant nothing, even if it was to be displayed in the main lobby of the school. Other than that, I was dissatisfied with the result. Oh, congrats to you."

Levi snorted. "You said it didn't mean any of the paintings on display in the main lobby, but you congratulated me. That's an irony, Kevin."

Kevin smiled faintly. "That's life, isn't it? Full of irony. Like I liked Jacel, but ended up being her brother."


"Don't look at me like that, Lev. Please…"

Levi sighed. He was about to speak again when he heard the door open. They both turned towards the door and saw Jacel there with a slightly worried face.

"Woah, she dares to come to the arts class area?" Levi muttered softly.

He smiled and motioned for the girl to come over to them. With hesitant steps, Jacel entered the room and closed the door. Kevin sighed. It looks like the girl was forced to look for him. It's time to go home, and they can't go home alone if they don't want to be asked all kinds of things by Mom.

"Sorry, Jacel. I should have called you. Wait here, okay? I'll take my bag to class," Kevin said.

The girl shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I'm just a little worried. So, I was looking for you."

Kevin smiled faintly, then walked out of the room to get his bag. Now only Levi and Jacel are in the room. Levi smiled at Jacel, so the young Kim smiled back. Then she looked at the canvas.

"Kevin's painting?" She asked.

Levi nodded. "Well, it looks like he's still very upset about what happened this morning. This painting is so gloomy," he said.

Jacel just mumbled and looked at the half-finished painting. Well, it can be seen from the choice of dark colors that Kevin is really disappointed. She learned a little about how to read Kevin's emotional situation through the paintings he did.

Then she looked at Levi. "Congratulations to you. I'd really like to see your painting."

Levi smiled. "Well, my painting is not as good as Kevin's painting. But thank you."

It wasn't long before Kevin opened the door again. He was wearing his jacket and backpack. "Let's go home, Jacel. Lev, I'm going home first."

Jacel then bowed slightly to Levi and followed Kevin. Meanwhile, Levi stayed in the room. He looked back at Kevin's painting and took a deep breath.

"Life is full of ironies, Kevin. I agree with you."


Kevin glanced at Jacel, who was looking for warmth from the scarf that partially covered her face. He remembered again this morning when the girl hugged him on the school roof. Well, Kevin knew that she was just giving him moral support. But… Never mind, Kevin didn't want to expect more.

After walking for ten minutes from the bus stop, they finally arrived home. Kevin entered first and immediately rushed to his room, even though Sara had called him from the kitchen. Jacel sighed as he took off her red scarf. She walked over to Sara, who looked confused.

Sara looked at Jacel worriedly. "Something happened at school?"

"Kevin's painting was damaged. Even though the painting will be displayed in the main lobby of the school on Monday," Jacel answered, a little doubtfully. Even though she wasn't really sure whether she should tell Sara this matter or not.

Sara sighed as she looked towards the second floor. "No wonder. Kevin is very sensitive when it comes to his paintings. Quick change your clothes, okay. Mom will prepare hot chocolate. And if you can, bring Kevin too."

Jacel nodded, then walked towards the stairs. She walked slowly towards her room, and when she was about to open the door, she stopped for a moment. She looked at Kevin's door.

She sighed and opened the door. She let go of her backpack and put her scarf on the table, then left the room. Jacel then stood in front of Kevin's door and knocked softly.


She heard Kevin's answer, telling her to come in. She opened the door and saw Kevin lying on the bed. Kevin hadn't even taken off his coat yet. She walked in and closed the door again.

"Kevin, are you okay?" asked Jacel as she approached her stepbrother.

Kevin suddenly woke up and looked at her. He smiled faintly. "You said it was okay, didn't you? Then I'm fine."

Jacel nodded slightly. She took a deep breath. "Quickly change clothes. Mom has made hot chocolate. You have to come down."

Kevin didn't say anything. He just watched the girl closely. Kevin needs to admit that Jacel is getting more and more…attractive. He doesn't know, Kevin doesn't know the right compliment for the girl.

"Kev, are you sure you're okay?" asked Jacel, who seemed worried because Kevin didn't say anything.

Kevin sighed and patted the bed – right beside where he was currently sitting. "Come here for a second, Jacel."

Jacel bit the inside of her cheek. With a little hesitation, she approached Kevin, but she didn't sit next to Kevin. She is now standing in front of Kevin. "What is it?"

Kevin smiled. It seems that the girl is still keeping her distance from him. Maybe because Kevin's feelings for her made the young Kim always awkward when she was around Kevin. Moreover, Kevin has kissed her twice—without her permission.

Kevin took a breath. He grabbed Jacel's hand and pulled the young woman's body closer. Then Kevin hugged her tightly. He buried his face in her stomach.

"Hug me for five minutes, okay. Just five minutes," he muttered under his breath.

Jacel, who looks surprised by Kevin's sudden action, can't refuse. Kevin hugged her tightly. That awkward feeling came back, but was then followed by a sense of comfort and warmth that slowly spread throughout her body. She took a deep breath before gently touching Kevin's hair.

Kevin smiled in Jacel's arms. He might have fallen asleep in her arms. But five minutes went by so fast. Kevin had lost that warm feeling when she started to pull away. Kevin looked down at the floor and laughed at himself. How much he feels for her, can't erase a sibling bond between them.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Jacel.

Kevin raised his head and looked at the girl. He then shook his head. "I'm so stupid. Is it not so? We are siblings, but I never considered that bond. Everything I did was just a form of denial—fooling myself that we weren't stepsiblings."

Jacel was silent. She didn't dare say anything. She didn't know what to say. Kevin then stood up and took off his coat and uniform coat. Then, followed by his tie. She is still in the room, watching Kevin start to change his uniform. And when Kevin was about to unbutton his uniform, her hand touched Kevin's hand.

Kevin suddenly looked at Jacel.

"You're not stupid… Kevin."

Kevin looked at her closely.

Jacel took a breath and told Kevin to sit back down on the bed. She looked back at Kevin.

Kevin still didn't take his focus off of Jacel. He wanted to know exactly what the girl would say—or maybe she would do. Kevin was probably just hopeful.

"And you're not stupid. Because we are not siblings. I think just because of a marriage bond, does not make strangers become siblings," said the girl again.

Kevin took a breath. "What do you really want to say, Jacel?"

Jacel then touched Kevin's face slowly. This made Kevin hold his breath for a moment. Her fingertips on his skin created a strange sensation in Kevin's stomach.

"On the contrary, what exactly do you want to do, Kevin? What do you want to do if our parents don't get married?"
