

Blaze only wanted to help his sister to see if the man arranged for her was harmless. Little did he know, that wasn't his last meeting with the man as they will always cross paths, especially whenever he was in danger. Problems will then arise once the man started to develop feelings for him as both of their families are against same sex relationship. Plus, his parents' secret about his birth will also play a big role as he will discover that everything he believed and grew up with are all lies.

BlueSapphire_dust · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
265 Chs

Chapter Four

The next day, Siegfried woke up with a sore back. How could he not? With his height, the sofa in the hospital is not comfortable enough for him to sleep. But he had no other choice.

However, he found a strange woman in the room and looked at Blaze.

He frowned and approached the woman. "Are you his girlfriend?" Oh, hell! What did you say, Sieg?

The woman looked at him. "His ex-girlfriend."

"Oh." So, last night, this guy got dumped? Great.

"I've contacted his family. Thank you for taking him to the hospital," said the woman again.

He sighed and still looked at the woman in front of him. Siegfried felt that the woman did not feel sorry for the man's current condition, especially since Blaze was admitted to the hospital because of her. Women with big egos are, of course, the worst.

"Does not matter. I think he'll thank me later, too. You don't have any interest in him anymore, do you? Go, I'm sure you don't want to linger here either. You came because the resort told you, didn't you?"

The woman did not show an annoyed reaction to his words. He smiled sadly before he glanced at Blaze. Really, with a big ego like that, you should be happy to break up with her.

"I had planned to return to Manila. But looking at his current state…"

"You can't feel guilty, can you? Oh, come on, don't act as if you care about him," said Siegfried, cutting the woman off.

The woman frowned. "What do you mean?"

"If you cared about him, you should have found him first in the seashore last night and not a stranger like myself. You may be his ex-girlfriend, but you have absolutely no compassion as a human. I hate women like you who have big egos and think the whole world will submit to you. Trust me, your ex-lover will thank you one day because his life doesn't suffer anymore,"

Siegfried said before he can even control his mouth.

Well, he himself doesn't know why he can talk like that. Especially to a stranger. Shit, I stand up for strangers. You are really great, Sieg!

"Woah, this is the first time I've heard you talk like that, Sieg!" exclaimed Cameron, who had just arrived with a large bag that most likely contained clothes for him and the man, maybe.

He rolled his eyes. His cousin came at the wrong time. Cameron would continue to talk about this for months to come, even worse for the whole family.

"Go, Miss. We will take care of your ex-lover. After all, his family will be here soon, right? So your presence is no longer needed," said Siegfried in a cold tone.

The woman, without protest, immediately left the infirmary. And Cameron smirked at him. He put the big bag on the sofa. "You're really mean to women, aren't you? How do you get married then, eh?"

Siegfried returned to the sofa. "Who cares about women?"

Cameron frowned. "Hey, did you just covertly admit that you're actually gay?"

"So what if I'm gay, eh? It doesn't mean the world will be destroyed right now," said the man casually.

Cameron snorted and threw clothes for his cousin. "You really don't want to live, do you? You're a Lowells. But I wouldn't mind if you were really gay."


"That means I will be the man women dream of having. Many women were heartbroken after hearing about Yvan's past marriage, and now you're gay. Their only hope is in me. After all, Tyler is still too young. Hehehe…"

Siegfried laughed. "Tch, you are too confident, Cameron Carter."

"Oh, the resort has contacted his family. Maybe they will come this afternoon,"

He just mumbled. "Oh, one more thing. This afternoon, we need a meeting. Regarding the special event you wanted to miss yesterday. Well, we've got one victim, so it looks like we need to reconsider."

Siegfried watched Blaze closely. The special event service was a good idea, but if the situation turned out to be like the man's, then it would be a disaster for the resort. Looks like it should be removed.

Cameron noticed his cousin's expression, who kept looking at Blaze closely. "Why? Why are you looking at him so seriously? Are you interested in him?!"

Siegfried hissed, annoyed at Cameron. "Hey, no kidding. Postpone the meeting until tonight."

"Eh? Why? Do you still want to keep an eye on him? Siegfried Lowells, are you really interested in men?!"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Carter!"


Siegfried flipped through the document he was reading when the man lying on the bed started to regain consciousness. He took a deep breath and put the document on the table, and walked over to the bed. He watched Blaze trying to open his eyes.

"Are you okay, Blaze?"

The man looked at him closely. "Y-you…"

"Don't talk just yet. I'll call the doctor first, okay."

Blaze shook his head, making Siegfried frowns. "I-I… just want to go back to sleep," he said quietly.

Siegfried sighed. Then he touched the man's forehead, and it was still cold. It seems like his body temperature has not yet returned to normal. Blaze slowly closed his eyes again. He felt comfortable with Siegfried's warm touch. Well, even though they are strangers, he likes his presence.

Siegfried pulled his hand after Blaze fell asleep again. He took a deep breath. "Blaze Schift, you seem like an interesting man. But also idiotic."
