
Chapter 4

We're on our way to our classroom with Sapphire leading the way when I was forced to stop in the middle of the quadrangle.

And when I say middle I mean literally in the middle of the quadrangle.

Someone suddenly planted an ice in my right foot and I almost tripped if not because of my reflexes.

"This is what I'm talking about earlier!" I heard Sapphire exclaim. I looked around and saw students staring at us. The others who's near us even backed away.

Did I say I hate attention? No? Well I do…

"Sapphire calm down I'm not dying" I said and kneeled to reach my iced foot.

I held it and seconds later it melted already. I heard Sapphire gasp as well as the other students that's staring at us. Particularly me.

"See? Let's go now, you're overreacting" we heard the bell ring and students immediately made their way to their classrooms leaving the both of us here outside.

"Hey let's go, the bell rang already" I called Sapphire who's clearly still shocked.

Is there something shocking in what I did? I just melted those ice, there's nothing special in that.


I wonder what their reaction would be if they found out who I really am.I smirked imagining the faces of all the students here. Shocked at what and who I really am.

I shaked my head, forgetting those thoughts. I still have a class to attend. Better hurry up.


Me and my friends are all here in my office waiting for the new girl to show up. From here, we can see the main hallway where the new student will most likely walk into, going to her class. All of the students do. There's a glass wall behind my desk making me able to see them.

Not long after I can see the new student with Sapphire, Reven's sister walking in the quadrangle.

"There's the new student!" we heard Wade exclaim pointing at the quadrangle.

All of my friends went to us and looked at the glass wall.

"Oh why is she with Sapphire??" Hade the twin brother of Wade asked.

I then looked at Reven. I could also hurt sapphire if she's with that new girl.

"Go ahead, continue with your plan. I know you won't hurt her. And I trust Sapphire, she can protect herself." Reven said when he noticed my gaze at him.

Okay then I can execute my little plan now.

I looked at the new girl and suddenly an ice was planted in her right foot.

My ice is not that easy to melt or whatever, your strength will be distinguished here by your rank. And I am the rank 1 student here in the school.

In short I am the strongest student here.

She'll have a maximum of 30 minutes and a minimum of 15 to remove that ice; It depends on how strong her powers are.

My friends can do it within 5 minutes.

We saw the girl look around her seeing almost all of the students staring at them. The other students near her also walked away in the middle of the quadrangle where the new girl is.

Sapphire as I can see is freaking out beside her.

The new girl then kneeled down to do something with the ice.

I smirked as she'll be there within 30 minutes trying to melt my ice.However what happened was the complete opposite.

"What the-"


The new girl melted the ice within seconds!

Tha- that's…

All of the students were shocked even I am.

"How did that happen?!" Justin shouted at all of us

"I don't know" Lucas, the always calm boy answered.

The bell rang and in a matter of minutes no students could be seen in the outside already. Except the two in the middle of the quadrangle.

The new student then called Sapphire and they made their way to their classroom.

Is it possible that I met my opposite? M-my match?

We're almost the same in terms of strength and maybe, just maybe, it's not just that.

Let's see…

They're near their classroom and I noticed that we have the same room.

We can still see them from here.

And so I raised my hand and followed their way. Ice balls suddenly follows and attacked them from behind.

The new girl then went near Sapphire and put her right arm around Sapphire's shoulder. Then she placed her left arm behind her own back.

And suddenly almost all of my ice balls evaporated. EVAPORATED and not MELTED.


"She's not even looking at her back!!" I heard the others exclaim.

"She sensed it even if it's behind her."

"I guess you found your match Zach" I looked at Lucas and Reven at what they said.

Hmmm… maybe they're right. I found my match.

And it makes me so damn excited…

I grinned at them.

"Uh-oh that grin is not good" the twins commented.

"I want to know everything about this girl Justin"

"Copy" he said and went to his own computers here in the office.

"Hmm.. how about we go and attend the class now? We have the same class as her. Let's make a little bit of introduction shall we?" and they all agreed to what I said.

"Come on Justin. You can give me the infos later" I said as we make our way outside.

"Wait for me!"

And we left the office...