
Saving Uchiha, Starts by Flipping The Table

Synopsis: Yan, a laborer, transmigrates into the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. However, the timeline is set three years before the Uchiha massacre. Coincidentally, suspicion and distrust towards the Uchiha within the village reach their peak. Power struggles within the clan, surveillance from the higher-ups, and misunderstandings from the villagers—all unfolding as in the original. If Yan doesn't take action, the inevitable outcome will be the entire clan being sent to their graves by the so-called "the filial son" Itachi! Starting with a deathly opening move, it's better to rely on oneself than others! Yan can only begin to self-rescue! Factional conflicts? Cut off the factions! Higher-ups targeting the clan? Replace the higher-ups! You can't save it from inside? Then tear open a hole from the outside! The Uchiha Self-Rescue Guide begins! Rebuild the glory of the Uchiha clan! Remember, my name is Uchiha Yan! Author: Mengyin Qianqian This is a translation from Chinese fanfiction 拯救宇智波,从掀桌子开始 Read 15++ Chapters in advance patreon.com/JYouyi

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203 Chs

Chapter 45 Jiraiya wants to take Naruto away and is rejected!

"Save it! I'm not interested."

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya quickly showed a begging expression: You stop talking, I was wrong, I was cheap, I shouldn't provoke you.

And Naruto, who was eating noodles, felt strange.

After sweeping the two strange people around him, Naruto ate the ramen at the fastest speed, drank all the soup, and then patted his belly satisfactorily and left happily.

After Naruto left, Jiraiya, who was red-faced and drunk, collapsed.

All of them prove that his mood is very bad.

Although he was busy looking for fun, Jiraiya still cared about the only child of his disciple.

As a result, after some inquiries, the result disappointed him.

Naruto's life is not good.

The Third Hokage did not fulfill his promise to take good care of Naruto.

Compared to the Third Hokage's own children, Naruto is not much different from other orphans, and even more difficult.

Comparatively speaking, the only thing Naruto is stronger than other orphans is that he is protected and not so short of money.

Unfortunately, money is useless, because the people of Konohagakure are unwilling to sell things to Naruto.

Naruto's experience made Jiraiya, a lewd iron man, red eyes.

"Can we talk?"

Why Jiraiya's eyes were red, Yan guessed it had something to do with Naruto.

But these things are not what he should care about. Yan is ready to go home and rest. Unexpectedly, Jiraiya actually wants to chat with him.

Yan thought about it for a while, and still sat down, ready to be a melon eater.

"The noodles are ready."

Teuchi put the cooked noodles in front of Jiraiya, shook his head and sighed, closed the shop, and left, leaving the place to the two of them.

"I'm going to start."

With a smile that was uglier than crying, Jiraiya patted his hands, picked up his chopsticks and started eating. While eating, he said:

"I never thought that Naruto's life would be like this. Before Minato left, the old man promised him that he would take good care of Naruto."

"I'm not a good teacher. I left Konohagakure alone, but I never came back to visit Naruto."

Yan listened quietly.

"The old man always tells me that Naruto is safe, living a good life, and is very naughty...."

Hearing this, Yan sneered: What a poor fool who has been fooled by the Third Hokage.

Don't you know what kind of person your teacher is?

When you're out and about, do you think he might tell you the real situation?

If Jiraiya really knew how Naruto was living, he would probably rush back immediately.

As a result, the Third Hokage has been fooling him for several years.

This is quite impressive, Yan admires the Third Hokage's ability and means to deceive people.

Disciple? Deceive as usual.

"I'm wondering what I've been doing these years."

The mood to eat noodles was gone, Jiraiya put down his chopsticks, seemingly self-mocking, mocking his own ignorance and stupidity.

"Fortunately, Naruto is also growing up healthily, although a bit naughty...."

This is the only thing that Jiraiya is somewhat comforted by.

Yan twitched the corners of his mouth twice and couldn't help but say:

"If drinking expired milk, needing to rush into the store like a thief to steal things while leaving money, and being rejected everywhere is considered a good life, then it's indeed a good life."


Jiraiya's ugly smile froze directly.

He didn't have enough time to inquire about Naruto's news, and he hadn't inquired about the specifics yet.

He thought the result was pretty good, but after hearing what Yan said, he realized that growing up healthily was a joke!!!

"If he could eat a barbecue meal, he might swallow his tongue along with it."

"Lies and deception have always existed, it's just that you can't see them, don't pretend to be compassionate, it's disgusting."

"Sorry, I accidentally said a few words from my heart."

Waving his hand, Yan opened the door and left directly, leaving Jiraiya, who was as dumb as a chicken, nailed to the ramen shop like a wooden stake.

So to say: The Third Hokage is good, the Third Hokage is great, the Third Hokage's promises are never fulfilled.

Once a person lives with a face covered for a long time, he will find that he no longer has a face.


The window of Naruto's house was pushed open, Jiraiya turned around in the room, a room as messy as a garbage dump, which made him unable to recover for a long time.

Naruto, who had been crazy all day, was sleeping soundly, completely unaware that someone had run into his house and was standing quietly in front of his bed, falling into deep self-blame.

Jiraiya sat in front of Naruto's bed all night.

Early the next morning, Jiraiya, who had not slept all night and had bloodshot eyes, came to the Hokage's office and said straightforwardly:

"I can go find Tsunade and try my best to persuade her to come back, but I want to take Naruto away, from now on I will live with Naruto."


The Third Hokage refused very decisively.

The first half of Jiraiya's words made him very happy, but the second half was not good.

The village has had too many things happening recently, and the Third Hokage, who is already exhausted, doesn't want to worry about Naruto anymore.

But after refusing, the Third Hokage himself was stunned.

Because on this matter, he has formed a habit.

Looking at the teacher with disappointment, Jiraiya smiled bitterly:

"Teacher, I am very disappointed in you. Don't you really know what kind of life Naruto is living?"

"But, Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the village, he can't leave Konohagakure easily."

The Third Hokage knew that he had disappointed Jiraiya, he wanted to persuade Jiraiya to give up this idea as he used to.

It's best for Naruto to stay in the village, as that's the safest.

Shaking his head, Jiraiya, who had completely given up, sighed: "Alright, then I will also stay in the village, stay in the village to grow up with Naruto, but the task of finding Tsunade, you need to give it to someone else."

"Old man, for me, Naruto is more important than anything."

This time, if it can't be handled, I suggest sending Danzo to the Daimyo Mansion for disposal.

Jiraiya kept these words in his heart, if he really said it, the Third Hokage would definitely jump.

Since there is no way to negotiate, then I choose to give in.

It's just a task, I'm sorry I can't help.

This is the only choice Jiraiya can make, and the only way to confront the Third Hokage.

He doesn't want to tear his face, nor does he want to make a fuss. For Naruto, for the village, he can only choose to deter with a soft knife.

Facing Jiraiya's threat, the Third Hokage did not let go, just kept his face straight.

Jiraiya knew this was not easy.

He also didn't force the Third Hokage, decisively left the Hokage office building, went to the commercial street, bought a lot of furniture and clothes, and brand new household items.

He changed everything inside and outside Naruto's house.

Regardless of whether the Third Hokage agrees with him taking Naruto away, he needs to do something to make up for Naruto.

Compensate for the shortcomings of Naruto over the years.

What he owes, what the teacher owes, and even what the village owes, all make up for it.

"Captain, the perverted man from yesterday is looking for you."

Izumi pushed open the door of the office and shouted.

"Perverted man?"

Yan was inexplicable, what perverted man..... Could it be Jiraiya?

What is he looking for?


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