
Chapter 5. The World and Star Platinum

Chat GPT did an update and I didn't notice. The changes were making it wonky and starting over from the beginning instead of translating the text as requested. I'll have to redo these chapters again from scratch. Now that I know what is going on I know which protocol I need to use moving forward to make sure there are no more repeats. Apologies.


"Hey, you! What's with the attitude toward the Captain?" a member of the law enforcement team admonished, pointing at Uchiha Dan, clearly upset by his brazen behavior.

Dan merely cast a dispassionate glance in the man's direction.

In a flash, the man's face turned ashen, a strong sensation of suffocation overwhelming him. It was as if Dan's gaze had transformed into a blade, ready to sever his throat.

"Agh!" He screamed, clutching his throat and retreating, drenched in cold sweat.

Was it genjutsu?

Uchiha Inohi, witnessing this scene, was taken aback. No, not genjutsu, but... an aura. Dan hadn't revealed his Sharingan, nor had he initiated any genjutsu. He had merely leveraged his own intimidating presence, stealing souls with a mere glance, enough to terrify the bravest of souls.

"Let's go!" Inohi grunted, shooting Dan a piercing look, then ordered his team to collect the bodies of the spies and their intel, turning to leave hastily.

"Let's head home," Dan said to Samui, who quickly picked up her bag and scurried after him.

In the distance, on a building rooftop, two ANBU agents, wearing animal masks, observed the entire scene. They arrived almost simultaneously with the police, and had been ready to intervene, but to their surprise, Dan had swiftly taken care of all the spies before they could act.

"Who was that guy?"

"He seems to be from the Uchiha clan as well. We should investigate this and report to the Hokage." They briefly conferred before stealthily following Dan and Samui.

Ten minutes later, Dan and Samui reached their gym, the Physical Transformation Department, and disappeared inside. The ANBU agents marked the name of the gym, one remaining to monitor the location while the other vanished, heading in the direction of the Hokage's office.

Once inside the gym, Samui thanked Dan. "Thank you, Coach, for saving my life today," she said, bowing deeply, inadvertently revealing the depths of her cleavage.

Ignoring her thanks, Dan said, "You're covered in blood. Go take a shower." He then carried several bags of groceries into the kitchen.

Samui watched his retreating figure, biting her lip subconsciously before heading to the shower. The sound of running water soon filled the room.

Dan put away the groceries in the refrigerator and headed to the meditation room. Training, after all, requires both action and tranquility.

The gym that Dan had personally built included a strength training area, a cardio area, and a beautifully decorated meditation room.

Upon entering, one could immediately see a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi pattern on the floor. Lighting a sandalwood incense, the rising smoke filled the room, creating a serene and refreshing atmosphere. Dan moved to the center of the room, sat down cross-legged on a cushion, and quickly fell into a state of deep meditation. His Stand, "The World," materialized quietly behind him, its towering figure seated on the floor, entering a similar state of concentration alongside Dan.

Lately, Dan had been pondering a question: Why had his awakened Stand been "The World," and not something like Star Platinum, which was of the same type, but boasted stronger stats?

After all, Star Platinum was reputed as the strongest, invincible Stand, and the biggest nemesis of The World.

Could it be... because he lacked the qualities of a protagonist, and was more like Dio, naturally cut out to be a villain? But he was also grateful. At least his Stand was not Purple Haze - after all, that old geezer's Stand was the most useless one.

In fact, over the half month since awakening his Stand, Dan had become familiar with how to use "The World," and had begun to grasp its time-stopping ability. He gradually realized that The World might be more suitable for him than Star Platinum. Although a Stand is a manifestation of one's spiritual power, a powerful physical form could positively enhance a Stand's capabilities.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dio, reduced to just a head, had taken over Jonathan Joestar's body, and the fusion of the two resulted in the birth of the Stand "The World."

Later, during Dio's final showdown with Jotaro Kujo, Dio absorbed Joseph Joestar's blood, making his body stronger and extending The World's time-stopping ability to nine seconds.

Dan believed that this was another revelation from the god of muscles: the stronger the body, the stronger the Stand.

This theory had precedent. Jotaro Kujo, with his Stand Star Platinum, stood at 195cm, weighed only 82kg, and was a "skinny dog" with his physique upheld solely by his expensive school uniform.

Dio, with his Stand The World, was 195cm tall, weighed 97kg, and was the physically strongest in the Joestar family history.

And then there was Uchiha Dan, who also bore the star birthmark. He stood at the hereditary 195cm of the Joestar family. But thanks to the 130 trillion human cells from the Naruto world, coupled with twenty years of relentless training...

Dan weighed an astonishing 150 kg.

Because of this, Dan's Stand "The World" was larger than Dio's World, towering at over three meters.

In reality, the stats of his Stand meant little to Dan. Because neither The World nor Star Platinum could match his own strength.

What truly mattered to him were the abilities of these two Stands: both could stop time. The difference was that Star Platinum could only stop time for a maximum of five seconds, while The World could do so for nine seconds.

That was almost double. Just based on this one point, The World was enough to surpass Star Platinum and could be deemed as the truly strongest Stand.

Speaking of which, after awakening his Stand, Dan's mentality had unconsciously undergone some changes compared to before.

Many who find themselves in this world, believe they're destined to be saviors.

At 6, they aim to be Hokage. By 8, they aspire to unite the Shinobi world. At 10, they dream of defeating the Ōtsutsuki Clan and even offer Kaguya Ōtsutsuki maternity leave.

But he's different. He never envisioned himself as a savior. Saving the world? That's a job for someone like Naruto Uzumaki. As an outsider not belonging to this world of Hokage, why should he worry? His greatest pleasure in life is physical training, pushing the limits of the human body time and again, and relishing the thrill.

That's why he's been peacefully training for 24 years, unconcerned with the world outside. If there's someone he cares for in this world, it's only his sister who grew up with him - Uchiha Mikoto. He's also aware that two years after Itachi joins the Anbu, the Uchiha Clan will face their demise.

Itachi and Madara, these two lunatics, exterminate the entire Uchiha Clan with the help of Konoha's higher-ups. But before this. He has no intention of stepping into this mess. Though he has a formidable physique and combat techniques, it's still too much to face Madara and Itachi, not to mention the lurking higher-ups of Konoha.

His body hasn't been trained to perfection yet, it can't be damaged. So. His original plan was to find an opportunity to take his sister Mikoto, and leave Konoha far behind.

But just then, his Stand "The World" awakened. This new power added wings to a tiger, meaning he could live more comfortably in this world full of crises. Even when faced with Madara's nearly invincible "Kamui", "The World!" surely has the power to fight.

This time. By revealing a portion of his power, he's bound to attract some attention. So be it. It's about time he stretched his muscles. After all, he's realized: his progress from his solitary training over recent years has slowed down, becoming more and more difficult, he's reached a bottleneck.

Maybe at this time, engaging in some intense battles would stimulate his body further.

People say, the more you use a tool, the more alive it becomes. If unused, it rusts. The human body is the same. After sorting out his thoughts. He ends his meditation, stands up, and walks out of the training room. It's twilight. The sun is about to set, the evening sun shines through the gym's large windows, casting a golden layer on the floor. Squeak. The bathroom door opens from inside, and Samui walks out after her bath. She's wearing a tight white tank top and blue shorts. Her wet blonde hair casually draped over her shoulders, a few drops of water still clinging to her collarbone.

"Are you alright? If you were scared, I can give you a few days off," he said, considerate of his staff.

Upon hearing this, Samui quickly replied, "No need, sir. I'm fine now." "That's good." He nods, glances at the color of the sky outside, and instructs, "It's getting late. Let's close up early and rest today." "Sir, what would you like for dinner? I'll start cooking right away," Samui said, not even waiting to dry her hair before heading to the kitchen. He stops her: "No need. Let's go out for dinner tonight. We'll go to that barbecue place we went to last time, my treat."

"Really? Thank you, sir." Samui couldn't help but brighten up, a smile spreading across her face.

Samui, who was usually icy and seldom smiled in front of others, grinned genuinely at this moment. Because the barbecue was expensive, but it was also delicious.

As Samui dried her hair, Dan also took a bath and changed his clothes. Then the two of them left again. As expected, Dan's actions today attracted many people's attention.

At the Hokage Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, now 62, was sitting at his desk. He was puffing away at his pipe with one hand while looking at the documents that had just been brought in with the other. The documents were about Uchiha Dan. As he looked through them, his eyebrows furrowed, and his pipe smoking slowed.

"That kid who beat up his teacher has grown up so much," he sighed, looking at the photo of Dan's strong figure.

Hiruzen remembered Dan. After all, a six-year-old child who could pin a Chunin teacher to the ground with brute force was enough to alarm the headmaster of the Ninja Academy. It was Hiruzen who had personally expelled Uchiha Dan from the academy. Since then, he hadn't heard anything about Dan. He thought the kid had faded into obscurity, but now, Dan had reemerged, causing a stir after living a low-profile life for nearly twenty years.

"Such a pity," Hiruzen sighed, putting down Dan's file. If only he hadn't been so hasty to expel Dan, but instead guided him with the Will of Fire to reform him.

If that had been the case, Dan could have become a ninja much earlier and contributed more to the village. He might even have shone on the battlefield of the Third Great Ninja War like Uchiha Shisui.

But now, the Uchiha Clan had another troublesome member. In Hiruzen's view, Dan was likely to harbor resentment against him, the headmaster who had expelled him from the academy. Moreover, as an Uchiha, this resentment would not fade with time but would only grow. This was the nature of the Uchiha Clan.

Thinking of this, Hiruzen looked up at the young man standing on the other side of his desk and asked, "Shisui, what do you know about Uchiha Dan?"

The young man, Uchiha Shisui, had a baby face and a distinctive button nose. Although it affected his looks, it also gave him a gentle, honest, and trustworthy appearance. Shisui was a descendant of Uchiha Kagami, known as "Shisui of the body flicker", the strongest of the current Uchiha and a rare believer in the Will of Fire among the Uchiha Clan.

Facing Hiruzen's question, Shisui shook his head, trying to remember. "I don't know much about Dan. I only saw him a few times from a distance when I was young. Then I heard he moved out of the Uchiha district and lived alone, very reclusively..."

Hiruzen nodded in understanding, trusting that Shisui would not hide anything from him. "Just an hour ago, Uchiha Dan single-handedly killed five spies from Amegakure. His attack was swift, capable of repelling multiple enemies in an instant. His mastery of teleportation jutsu may not be inferior to yours."

As he said this, Hiruzen handed Dan's file to Shisui. "There are always people better than us. My teleportation jutsu has always been overrated."

Shisui was very modest, not showing any competitiveness despite Hiruzen's words. After a moment of silence, Hiruzen waved his hand, dismissing Shisui.

"Alright, you can go now," Hiruzen instructed.

After Shisui left, Hiruzen gave an order, "Include Uchiha Dan's gym in the key surveillance areas."

"Yes," a member of the Anbu Black Ops quietly appeared, acknowledged, and then left.

Meanwhile, at the Police Force Headquarters, in the captain's office, Uchiha Tomitake expressed surprise after hearing Inoha's report.

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