
Chapter 16

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

And here's the chapter!


Chapter 16

After walking down the long hallway for a while and passing a few doors, we came to a door that had a sign on top, and on that sign was written 'Meeting Room 37'.

Sharpfang opened the door to the room, and as soon as we all walked into the room and sat in the chairs that faced a desk where Sharpfang was sitting, we started negotiations.

"So young warrior, let's start with creating the contract," Sharpfang began by saying.

"I would like a high security safe. And also connecting my muggle account to this vault," I said, deciding to be direct and brief about what I wanted.

"Well, that's possible. But know that a high-security safe is expensive" Sharpfang warned me.

"Money won't be an issue" I continued confidently. I don't mean to sound snobby, but... I'm filthy rich.

"Well, all you've to do is sign this contract and give us a drop of your blood," Sharpfang said as he snapped his fingers, making a sheet of paper, a bowl, and a craft knife magically appear on the table.

"Okay" I said, signing the contract after reading it. But it didn't even have to, as I could feel Sharpfang didn't have any bad intentions for me.

After I finished signing the contract and filling in a few lines with my Muggle bank account information, I took the knife and cut my finger, where I let a drop of blood fall into the bowl. And I realized that I wouldn't even need to heal my finger with magic, as the cut has already closed on its own.

When my blood fell into the bowl, Sharpfang started singing in another language, which for some reason - possibly because of my Beasts Power - I could understand.

'It's probably the language of the goblins, Gobbledegook' I thought.

And as Sharpfang sang, the drop of blood in the bowl began to transform. And in the end of singing, it ended up taking the shape of a golden key.

"This one is the key to your newest vault, vault 574. Your vault can only be accessed by you together with your account manager, which is me, and your key only serves as a form of identification." Sharpfang began to explain, handing me the key to my new safe. I then put the key in my pocket, as I didn't have a better place to keep it yet. Maybe at some point, I will do something so that I always have the key with me.

"Since the vault subject is finished, it just remains to say how much money you would like to convert from your muggle bank to wizard money," Sharpfang told me.

"Hmm, I want to convert…10 million pounds" I said, giving what I thought was enough for me not to need the money for quite a while. And if at any point I need more, I can just come and convert more pounds.

"10 million!?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed in shock as my parents just looked at everything calmly. Professor McGonagall's reaction was something to be expected, as she didn't know we had so much money and we weren't wasting our wealth. "Are you sure you're going to convert all that money?" Professor McGonagall asked us uncertainly.

"Of course Mrs McGonagall. It may not seem like it, but we have a lot of money. Although almost everything was Ethan who won alone" My dad said.

"Ethan won alone!? How is this possible!?" Professor McGonagall asked in disbelief, and this time even Sharpfang began to pay attention to her answer.

"Yea! Ethan got this money pretty much on his own, and how did he get it... obviously because my son is an amazing one! Ethan wrote a few books and published them, and those books were very successful!" my mom responded with glee and pride as she ruffled my hair.

"Yes, teacher. And if you want I can give you a copy of the books as a gift!" I told her with a smile.

"I…this…this is amazing! And I would be very happy to receive these books, Ethan" Professor McGonagall said with a small smile after recovering from the shock, "But don't think that that's why I'll give you less works at school" she said, much to my disappointment .

'Damn it! Sigh, at least I tried...'

"Really impressive, a young mage your age already having such an achievement," Sharpfang said, joining the conversation and looking at me with awe and respect.

"Well, back to the subject of conversion. Your 10 million pounds will be converted into 2 million Galleons. And here's a bag connected to your safe, just put your hand inside and think about the amount you want to withdraw and it will show up. And don't worry, it can only be accessed by you." Sharpfang told me as he handed me a bag of leather with a string, "But remember that she can only take out coins, anything else you plan to take out of your safe will have to be taken out personally." He finished.

"Hmm, Thank you Sharpfang!" I thanked.

"This is my job, young warrior. Anything else you would like?" Sharpfang asked.

"Hmm, nah. I think for today that's it" I said after giving some thought.

"Well, anything is just looking for me, as manager of Night's accounts. And here is a list of all the things Gringotts has to offer you." Sharpfang said giving me a pamphlet. And the first thing that caught my attention in the pamphlet was the list of services, where there was a section talking about the options for wards and protections. This was perfect for my project to protect my family, but I'll leave that for another time.

"Thank you so much for your help Sharpfang" I said as I rose from my chair, with my parents and Professor McGonagall doing the same.

"You do not have to thank me. It was an honor to help a young warrior like you. May your enemies bleed to death and your vaults be filled with gold," Sharpfang said, finishing with the so famous and typical goblin salute.

"And may you get rich while all your enemies drown in acid" I greeted him back, ignoring the weird look I was getting from my parents and Professor McGonagall.

"Indeed," Sharpfang said in appreciation as he nodded to me.

As everything was taken care of, we thanked Sharpfang and quietly started to leave the bank.


"Well," Professor McGonagall started to say as soon as we were out of the bank, "I don't think I've ever seen an interaction between a wizard and a goblin like this..." she said, looking at me like I was some kind of rare specimen that should be studied.

"Sigh...I think that's going to be the norm whenever you're involved, right?" Professor McGonagall commented with a tired sigh, but the small smile on her face betrayed her true feelings.

"I know you're adoring me, teacher. And if everything were normal, where would the fun be!" I said, with a huge smile on my face.

"Yes Yes. But let's continue shopping. We still have a lot to do," Professor McGonagall said wearily.

"Of course!" I said happily as I started walking down the alley, with my parents following close behind and smiling at my antics.

'What will become of Hogwarts this year? Sigh' Professor McGonagall thought.



(End AN: Hi guys!

I would like to inform you that the normal programming of three chapters a week will begin. I will publish the chapters on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and if I have a special reason, I will publish a bonus chapter on Friday.

I would also like to apologize for not chatting or replying to your comments for the past two days, but it's just that I've been busy, and I had a lot of comments too, hehe.

I didn't expect so many people to like my story as it's the first one I've written and I know it's not perfect (especially the grammar). But I'm happy for all your support!

I'm going to try to catch a day when I have nothing to do to correct the mistakes you pointed out to me and to respond to your comments. Some comments I won't be able to answer, as they are questions about the story that if I answered it would be a spoiler, and I don't want to spoil it for you.

Leave your assessment in story. Say what you liked, what you didn't like, a reason for future readers to read or not read the story, or just say how amazing I am, Se7en. :)

And for those who are afraid I'm going to drop the story, don't worry, I have 100 chapters saved and every week I write more. If for some reason I stop posting, which I won't, it will be for a little while, and when I get back you can be sure that I will release a chapter combo for you!

So that's it, thanks for the support, leave a review, and I hope my story is fun for you!)