

All was not lost, this human could survive and turn into one of my kind. A Werewolf was neither good nor was it bad. It had many good qualities as well as some bad ones. Werewolves could heal fifty times faster than the normal human, they are also very strong, we could probably lift a car, although I've never tried. Unlike vampires we don't need blood to survive. Instead we eat normal food and we can blend in with humans easier. The downfall is, well the turn… It doesn't always take. Sometimes when a werewolf gets turned, they can just as easily die instead of changing. I watched carefully as the white haired human slowly passed out, his turn taking place now. He slowly grew fur and shifted into a white haired wolf, successfully completing the turn. His fur looked like clouds in the sky when it was very windy out. Thinking that I figured he would be knocked out for quite some time still so I decided to go for a hunt. I can't let him starve now can I?

I left the clearing, slowly padding around, attempting to catch something. I heard a bush shake off to my left and so I immediately crouched down and stalked towards it. Listening, I heard whatever it was moving again, so I pounced into the bush. Pulling my way out of the bush, I was carrying a dead shrew. Digging a hole close by I bury the shrew until I could find more to bring to the newly turned. Padding around softly I heard another noise, this time from in a tree. Looking up I saw a squirrel climbing along the tree branches, watching me warily. I knew I could jump up there and kill it instantly but I held back, smiling a toothy grin. I looked down and acted like I was walking away, when I sensed its guard down I spun back and jumped up to the lower branches that were six feet off the ground. I watched as the squirrel squeaked in alarm and started scurrying around to try and escape me. I was playing with it, I think we both knew that, suddenly it just stopped, starting up at me. I think it knew it was hopeless to continue this game of tag. I killed it swiftly and jumped down from the tree, the squirrel hanging lifelessly from my jaws. Taking it back to the place I had buried the shrew I uncovered it and took them both to the newly turned. He was snoring softly, his chest going up and down between each breath. Setting down the fresh kill I padded over to the side of the newly turned, watching him. Werewolves hearing is the best out of all the supernatural creatures so I could easily tell that his heart was beating at just the right timing for a werewolf. Our heartbeat is supposed to be ten times faster than the average human. The newly turned was just below that, which is to be expected since he was just turned and his body was getting used to his new form. I stopped, thinking. How do I know all this? Thinking about this my head started hurting so I decided to ignore it. I don't know how I know all this but I am happy I do, or I would have just made a mistake when I turned this new werewolf. I was still lost in thought when I heard a groan. Turning around I watch as the newly turned wolf rolled over and onto his feet.

"What the hell happened?" He woofed, looking groggy. I padded over and sat down besides him, letting him lean against me. I could tell he was slightly surprised. I couldn't tell how I did this but I read his mind for a split second. Why the hell is there a wolf letting me lean against them? I heard him think. Chuckling I moved in front of him and looked him in the eyes.

"My name is Ryan… I am the first Werewolf and I have turned you. I now name you Wind Claw, after your fur and your sharp claws." I said, smiling before continuing, "I'm sorry I turned you without your permission…" I trailed off at the end because I didn't know if he would be mad at me. He looked down at his paws and lifted them up one at a time, inspecting them before looking back at me and inspecting me.

"You seem sincere, I guess it's okay... but how the hell did I get this form?" Wind asked, lifting up his right paw, his tail was wagging like he was excited. While looking at him I chuckled. It seemed I had worried for nothing, he seemed perfectly fine. Padding around him, I looked at his form, smiling before sitting down again.

"I told you, I turned you… Eat before you get too hungry that you can't stop yourself." I said, pushing both the squirrel and the shrew towards him. He looked down and stared at the fresh kill. For a split second I could hear his thoughts again. He expects me to eat these raw? I need to cook them first… Startled, I fell backwards, surprised. He still retains his human memories! If he still had his memoires… why don't I? Thinking that, my head felt fuzzy and I could see that Wind was talking, I just couldn't hear him.

"If..if you must.. You can build a fire and cook them." I said, trying not to pass out. I couldn't tell what I did to make me want to pass out. All I knew was that I was seeing spots. Is it because I was thinking about my past? How do I not know my past? I feel like I'm missing something important. Thinking that my vision started to go black. Why the hell is thinking about what my past was like making me pass out? I thought, growling slightly. Wind looked at me with concern, standing up, almost tripping over his paws before he came and sat by me.

"What's wrong? Something is clearly wrong Ryan." He said, nuzzling my head. I shook my head, groaning. I tried standing up but found that my legs would not support my weight.

"I'm probably going to pass out… eat the fresh kill and then get some rest…" I said, before all I could see was black.

Tell me what you think in the comments below! Next Chapter is a flash back to when his memories got sealed. Yes...Ryan is a lot older than he knew. I wish I could tell you more but then I would be spoiling it...XD any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!

IceValkyriecreators' thoughts
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