
RWBY: A Different Soul (System)

After the devastating fall of Beacon, Ozpin's soul was scattered into oblivion, leaving behind a void of leadership and a plethora of unanswered questions. Yet, within Oscar's consciousness, a perplexing presence stirred—a shard of power that lingers in the depths of the mind. As a symbiotic relationship emerges, Oscar finds himself burdened with a duty he never sought, thrust into a role that intertwines his destiny with the fate of Remnant itself. With darkness looming, the truth behind this presence begins to unfurl, revealing a mind with great power. Guided by the voice within, Oscar navigates a treacherous path, embracing his newfound role as a hidden savior in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.

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11 Chs

New Wardrobe And Ice Cream

Oscar, still groggy from sleep, rubbed his eyes as the morning sun filtered into his room, struggling to remember the events of the previous night.

"What happened?" he asked, still trying to piece together the events.

"You got knocked out, I took control and punched Nora across the field," I explained.

Oscar's expression turned to one of concern. "You can do that?" he asked, a hint of unease in his voice.

"Yup, but don't worry, I'll only do it when absolutely necessary or if you allow it. Plus, when I do, I get the hormones of a 14-year-old. I went through puberty once, never again," I assured him, trying to lighten the mood. Oscar seemed to accept this explanation reluctantly.

After gathering his clothes and getting ready for the day, Oscar left his room to join the others in the living room. However, upon entering, he noticed that everyone appeared concerned, particularly Qrow, who was pacing back and forth.

"What's wrong with him?" Oscar asked Ruby, who was watching Qrow with worry.

"Not sure. He got a letter from our old headmaster, and it set him off. He won't tell us why," Ruby explained, her concern evident in her voice.

Qrow paused, his expression grave as he turned to address us. "I was hoping for Oz to explain this, but I guess I have to," he sighed heavily.

Seating us all down, Qrow proceeded to fill Oscar in on the concept of the maiden and related matters, although Oscar was already familiar with the information. Then, he delved into the contents of the letter he had received.

"So, Ozpin is alive," Qrow revealed, prompting a cheer from RNJR at the news that their headmaster was still among the living. However, Oscar remained silent, his expression unreadable.

Qrow continued, "But Ozpin is not alive alive," he clarified.

Ren spoke up, voicing the confusion shared by many of us. "What do you mean exactly?" he asked, seeking clarification.

"What I'm saying is going to sound crazy… Ozpin has this ability to reincarnate into other people's bodies, and now he sent me a letter, a very important one," Qrow explained, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. Ruby, clearly bewildered, asked, "That's… How?"

"I'm not sure how, but he does reincarnate, and I've seen it before. But the important thing is the letter. He told me that Lionheart is not to be trusted and instructed us to gather our forces and protect the relic," Qrow finished, his tone serious.

"This is crazy," Jaune exclaimed, echoing the disbelief felt by many of us.

"I know, kid, I think the same," Qrow assures Jaune, nodding in understanding.

"So, the maidens, the relic, and now this," Jaune says, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What else is there?" he asks, seeking answers. Qrow pauses for a moment, contemplating his response. "Not sure, kid. But that's all I know. It leaves me uneasy," he finally admits.

"Well, if it is true that Professor Ozpin can do that, can't he be here and lead us and be our headmaster again?" Ruby asks optimistically, her eyes shining with hope.

Qrow smiles at Ruby's optimism. "Yeah, but the thing is, short stack," he begins, using his playful nickname for her. "In the letter, Ozpin wants to stay away, and he never gives a reason why. That's the thing that bugs me. Why is he staying away? I'm not sure. But something set Ozpin off, and I think Oz is on edge, so we should be too."

"From now on, be on your guard. We'll wait until Oz, gives us more letters," Qrow instructs, his tone serious as he addresses the group.

Oscar was taken aback by the revelation that Ozpin was alive. As he grappled with this new information, a familiar voice called out to him. "Oscar, I need to tell you something," Orion's voice echoed in his mind.

"Orion, did you hear Qr-" Oscar began, but Orion interrupted him. "Yes, I heard him. But that's the thing I wanted to talk to you about. While I was in control, I may have impersonated Oz and written that letter," Orion confessed. Oscar's eyes widened in disbelief. "Why?" he asked, bewildered.

"We need someone to lead them and guide them through the dangers ahead. So, I'm taking on the role of Ozpin," Orion explained confidently. Oscar felt uneasy about the idea. "Are you sure this could work?" he questioned.

"I'm positive," Orion replied firmly.

Suddenly, someone tapped Oscar on the shoulder. He turned around to find Ruby standing right in front of him, close enough to make him blush and stumble backward.

As Oscar hit the ground, Ruby quickly rushed to help him up. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," she apologized, checking him for any injuries. "It's alright, I'm fine," Oscar reassured her.

"Okay, so me and the rest of the team were wondering if you wanted to come train with us? It's to get away from all the serious stuff," Ruby asked, rocking back and forth on her heels with her hands behind her back.

"Uh, sure, I'd love to," Oscar answered. "Great!" Ruby exclaimed with a smile. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" With that, she dashed off, leaving Oscar stumbling to catch up. "Hey, wait for me!" he called out as he hurried after her.

Later, outside in the training yard next to the house, Nora, Ruby, and Jaune finished their sparring. Oscar and Ren were watching from the sidelines, cheering them on while Ren provided critiques to help them improve.

As the three of them finished sparring, it was now Ren and Oscar's turn to take the stage. Oscar made his way to the area, passing by Ruby, who wished him luck. The two of them took their positions, ready for their match as Nora, Ruby, and Jaune settled in to watch.

"Okay, Oscar, here's the rundown," I whispered to him, briefing him on Ren's abilities. "Ren's semblance allows him to control his emotions, he's incredibly agile, and he wields twin pistols with daggers at the ends, which also function as grappling hooks." Oscar nodded, taking in the information.

Facing Ren, Oscar assumed a ready stance and extended his arm. Flames erupted from his hand, summoning his bo-staff. Oscar was momentarily taken aback by this display, wondering how his weapon had appeared in his hand.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention—the system has an inventory feature, so you can store and summon items. And I added a cool effect when you summon your weapon. Pretty cool, right?" I explained to him. Oscar was mesmerized by the flaming bo-staff. "Yeah..." he replied, his gaze fixed on the weapon.

The others watched in awe as Oscar displayed his unique semblance.

Then, a quest lit up on my screen:

[Defeat Lie Ren: (0/1)]

[Rewards: {+25 stat points}{+5 levels}{Weapon Crafting Kit}]

I glanced over the rewards, finding them satisfactory.

Back in the real world, Oscar and Ren assumed stances, weapons at the ready, preparing to strike.

Oscar and Ren's spar began, the clashing of their weapons echoing through the training yard. Ren moved with grace and precision, his pistols flashing as he lunged forward. Oscar, still adjusting to his new abilities, focused on defending himself, blocking Ren's attacks with his flaming bo-staff.

Ren's speed was impressive, his agility unmatched as he dodged and weaved around Oscar's strikes. Despite Oscar's determination, Ren seemed to have the upper hand in the match. However, Orion's guidance whispered in Oscar's mind, offering strategies and pointing out openings for him to exploit.

As the spar continued, Oscar started to incorporate Orion's advice into his movements. He anticipated Ren's next move and countered with a swift strike that caught Ren off guard. Oscar's bo-staff intensified as he channeled his energy into the attack, forcing Ren to retreat momentarily.

The spectators watched in awe as Oscar held his ground against Ren's assault, his movements becoming more fluid and precise with each passing moment.

Ren, impressed by Oscar's improvement, adjusted his tactics, moving with focus and intensity. The two fighters clashed their weapons meeting in a symphony of metal against wood.

Ren launched himself forward, aiming a series of rapid strikes at Oscar. With Orion's guidance, Oscar anticipated each move, parrying and countering with a speed that surprised even himself. His confidence grew with every successful block and strike, fueled by the new fighting styles, his muscle memory gained. The training yard was filled with the sounds of their battle, the onlookers watching in suspense as the two fighters matched each other blow for blow. Ruby's silver eyes sparkled with excitement, Jaune cheered enthusiastically, and Nora let out a boisterous laugh.

As the spar reached its climax, Ren launched a powerful attack, aiming to disarm Oscar and claim victory. But Oscar was ready. With a swift twist of his body and a surge of energy from Orion, Oscar executed a move he never thought possible. In a blur of motion, he sidestepped Ren's strike, spinning on his heel and delivering a precise blow to Ren's side. The impact sent Ren staggering back, his pistols clattering to the ground as he struggled to regain his balance.

The training yard fell silent, the only sound echoing the heavy breaths of the fighters. Oscar stood there, panting but elated at his unexpected success. He looked over at Ren, who had a stunned expression before breaking into a small grin.

"Oscar, That was... Amazing" Ren praised him, extending a hand to help him up. Oscar accepted the gesture, still trying to process the incredible feat he had just achieved.

Ruby rushed forward, her eyes shining with pride. "That was incredible, Oscar! Where did you learn to do that!" she exclaimed, beaming at him.

Nora whooped loudly, clapping her hands together. "That was awesome, Sorry Ren you got your butt handed to you HAHA!" Nora then keeps laughing until she is rolling onto the floor.

[Defeat Lie Ren: (1/1)]

[Rewards: {+25 stat points}{+5 levels}{Weapon Crafting Kit}]

I looked over the blue screen and accepted the rewards. Deciding to allocate the points later, I focused on checking out the Weapon Crafting Kit. Its design suggested it could forge new weapons, upgrade existing ones, and add various aspects, complete with a mod system. This would allow for learning new crafting techniques and incorporating items and magic to expand its options for weapon creation.

However, my current inventory was sparse, lacking the materials needed to make a new weapon or upgrade one. The only item of note was the veiled item.

[Veiled Item]

[When the time is right, it will be revealed]

The description offered no immediate insight, so I set it aside for now. Feeling a bit bored, I opened the store menu and saw we had accrued 5,000 gold. A bit of spending should lift my spirits.

After hours of scrolling and shopping, I spent all the gold on a variety of useful items.

[{Sixth Sense}{Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat Tome}{Nature Magic: Plant Influence}{ColorS Magic}{New Clothes}]

The advanced hand-to-hand combat tome would further enhance Oscar's fighting skills. Plant Influence, on clearance, offered intriguing possibilities for nature-based magic. Sixth Sense was the most expensive but promised significant advantages.

I also bought Oscar new clothes, reminiscent of the outfit he wore in Volume 6 but with improvements. I reserved some money for high-quality materials, enhancing the durability and protection of the clothes. Using {ColorS Magic} from Fairy Tail, I altered the coat to a deep maroon. On the back, I initially intended to create a unique symbol but opted for the simple yet meaningful Aspects of The Crucible symbol, given my lack of artistic skill.

With Oscar continuing to spar with Team RNJR, I felt confident he could handle himself. I turned my attention back to the items and skills we had acquired, planning how best to integrate them into our journey. 

I realized I had spent quite some time in the System and decided to check on Oscar. Through his eyes, I saw him walking with Team RNJR through the bustling streets of Mistral, enjoying the city's vibrant nightlife. A festival was in full swing, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. The group settled at a restaurant with an open patio, watching the festival-goers in their colorful outfits.

As they waited for their food, Nora regaled Oscar with amusing stories from their time at Beacon. "So back at Beacon, Jaune slept in his bunny pajamas, with a stuffed animal, and every time he walked in them they would make a squeaky noise," she laughed, causing Oscar to chuckle at the image.

"Hey, at least I slept comfy, alright," Jaune retorted, but his comeback was weak. Nora remained unfazed and continued to tease him, turning their banter into playful bickering until Ren had to step in to calm them down.

Ruby, taking advantage of the lull in the conversation, turned to Oscar. "So, Oscar, how are you enjoying everything?" she asked. He was caught off guard, having been focused on Nora and Jaune's antics. "It's great, definitely better than working the farm 24/7," he replied with a smile.

Ruby then looked down, a bit shy, and began to fidget with her fingers. Oscar noticed and asked gently, "Ruby, is everything alright?"

Taking a deep breath, Ruby looked up at Oscar. "I think you're an amazing fighter, and could you please teach me how to fight like you? I suck at hand-to-hand combat, and if I lose Crescent Rose in a fight, I can barely fight back," she explained, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Oscar caught off guard once again, felt his cheeks flush as Ruby's request sunk in. The idea of teaching Ruby, someone he admired, made him blush.

I chuckled at the situation, planning to tease Oscar about it later. But then, out of the corner of his eye, I noticed someone familiar in the crowd. Realizing the potential importance of this sighting, I took control of Oscar's body.

Oscar's posture straightened, and his focus sharpened as I guided him through the crowd. "What's going on?" Ruby asked, sensing the sudden change.

"I forgot I had to do something important, and yes I'll teach you," I said through Oscar's voice, weaving through the throng of people, my eyes locked on the familiar figure. The festive atmosphere continued around us.

Oscar protested, yelling at me for taking control without warning. "Sorry, Oscar, but this is very important right now," I replied, my voice firm with urgency.

We dashed through the crowded streets, my eyes locked onto the figure with ice cream-colored hair and a bowler hat. After some time, I finally caught up with them and watched as they entered an alley. I followed closely, slipping through the door they entered.

Inside, I saw Neo walking towards a group of people dressed in green gang attire, who were standing around a figure in purple. Quickly, I hid behind a stack of crates, peering over to keep an eye on the scene. Neo had disappeared from sight, leaving me to focus on the guards.

The guards, oblivious to my presence, engaged in mundane conversation, complaining about their boring tasks. As they continued their idle chatter, another guard approached them, and they greeted him with casual nods. I knew I had to be careful and wait for the right moment to gather more information or make a move. For now, patience was key as I tried to piece together what was happening.

Suddenly, the newcomer started a fight with the guards, swiftly dispatching them with impressive skill. Once finished, the newcomer transformed into a Neopolitan-themed girl. It was Neo. She moved towards the captive, but bullets fired at her, causing her to shatter into glass. More gang members appeared, surrounding her.

Neo fought them off with grace and precision, but the sheer number of adversaries was overwhelming. As the warehouse filled with more gang members, it became clear that Neo needed help. Although revealing my identity to a Mistralian gang was risky, I knew I couldn't stand by and do nothing.

Quickly, I donned the new attire I had bought for Oscar, then used the effect from the Bo-staff to set my head and body ablaze, transforming it into a head of fire. The fiery display was both intimidating and a perfect disguise.

Leaping into the fray, I joined Neo in fighting off the gang members. My sudden appearance and the flames swirling around me startled the gang members, giving us a brief advantage. I swung my bo-staff with precision, knocking back enemies while keeping the flames under control.

Neo glanced at me, her eyes widening slightly in surprise before she continued her assault on the gang members. We fought side by side, our combined efforts gradually turning the tide of the battle. As we moved in sync, I could see the determination in Neo's eyes, and I knew we had to hold our ground until we could find a way to escape or defeat the overwhelming number of foes.

With each swing of the bo-staff and each calculated strike from Neo, the gang members began to falter. The warehouse echoed with the sounds of battle, the flames illuminating the chaos as we fought to overcome the odds together.

Neo and I fought valiantly, taking down a significant number of gang members, but their sheer numbers were overwhelming. Realizing we needed a more drastic approach, I stowed my staff and took a deep breath, feeling the fire roaring in my stomach. I unleashed [Fire Spewer] on the gang members, burning their auras to a crisp. Taking an even deeper breath, I spewed more fire, making a 360-degree turn to engulf every single one of them in flames.

With all the gang members down and their auras shattered, I turned to look for Neo. Instead, I felt the cold press of metal against my chest. Neo stood there, her blade aimed at my heart, her eyes cold and calculating. She held up a sign that read, "Who are you?"

"Someone," I replied, trying to keep my cool. The blade pressed closer, and the sign changed to, "Don't be a smart ass," Neo threatened.

Deciding to take a different approach, I said, "No, but I did save your ass and purple over there from getting killed, so you owe me." Neo pulled out another sign, "Why should I?"

"Because if you don't, I'll send my location to the Mistral police," I threatened, holding my scroll ready to dial. Neo glared at me angrily, then reluctantly pulled the blade away, crossing her arms and pouting. Despite the tension, I couldn't help but find her anger somewhat cute.

I chuckled, but my lapse in focus caused my fire mask to fail. Neo saw my face and quickly held up a sign, "Now I know what you look like~ And can kill ya~" She blew a raspberry at me, clearly enjoying my slip-up.

Cursing my carelessness, I watched as Neo continued to taunt me. Just as I was about to say something, I felt her lips press against my cheek. Stunned, I saw her give me a quick kiss before skipping away to grab the purple-clad person. They both disappeared, shattering into glass.

I took a step forward and felt something beneath my boot. It was one of Neo's signs. Picking it up, It read, "Thanks for saving me, but no favors, dummy."

Feeling a mix of relief and frustration, I made my way out of the warehouse, determined to figure out my next steps.

Neo's presence in Mistral presented a potential opportunity. If I could sway her to our side instead of Cinder's, it could be a significant advantage. However, keeping her away from Ruby was crucial, as I wasn't sure I could protect Ruby from Neo.

As I walked down the lively streets of Mistral, filled with festival-goers and illuminated by fireworks lighting up the night sky, I was suddenly tackled to the ground by a red blur.

"Oscar, I was so worried! You left so suddenly and had such a serious look on your face... Nice clothes, I like the color," Ruby blurted out, still on top of me. Realizing our position, she blushed and quickly apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Ruby. I'm alright," I reassured her, though my back ached from the fall. "Sorry, I was busy because I ordered new clothes, and the store had a strict policy about being late," I explained.

"Oh, sorry for jumping to conclusions. I was just worried," Ruby admitted, feeling embarrassed by her actions. Then, she looked me over and asked, "Hey, did you get taller?"

I realized that I was now taller than Ruby. "I guess I had a growth spurt," I said, measuring myself against her. Ruby, however, wallowed in defeat. "Noooooo, I'm the short one again," she lamented, feeling the sting of her short stature.

I chuckled at her antics but decided it was the right time to give Oscar control again. "Sorry, Oscar," I said to him in my mind, and he accepted, though he added, "Just please, not so suddenly next time. It felt weird not being in control."

With Oscar back in control, I decided to explore the system and see what else it could offer. Oscar and Ruby resumed their chit-chat as they walked through Mistral, heading back home.

Unbeknownst to them, an ice cream-themed girl watched closely from the rooftops of Mistral, taking in everything about little Oscar. Neo's watchful eyes followed their every move, her intentions veiled in mystery.

[System Stats]

[Name: Oscar Pine, Orion]

[Titles: {Farm Boy: 60% proficiency in farming.}{Little Hero: 5% increased in rewards.}]

[Level: 28]

[Stats Points: 27]

[Vitality: 16]

[Endurance: 16]

[Perception: 10]

[Intelligence: (7) x 2 = 14]

(Two souls, one body.)

[Strength: 62]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Luck: 2]

[Magic: 10]

[Aura: (10) x 2 = 20]

(Two souls, one body.)

[Semblance: {Locked}]

[Magic: {Fire Burst} {Flaming Fist}{Fire Spewer Spell}{Plant influence}{ColorS Magic}]

[Skills: {Farming} {Basic Taijutsu}{Pickpocket}{Advanced hand-to-hand combat]

[Passives: {Two Souls, One Body}{Allies United Passive: 50% increase in damage, near allies}{Six-Sense]

[Weapons: {Combat Gloves} {Bo Staff}]

[Allies: {Team RNJR}{Qrow}]

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