5 Escape

"Wait here" was what he told me. That was about an hour ago. I didnt entirely trust Jody, but I knew he would never put me in harms way.

And telling Jason what I planned on doing was putting me in harms way.

So I told him about my plan to go out through the gutters, although now that my back was bruised and bleeding I wasn't sure if I could squeeze my way through. I don't think Jody thought it was a great idea either, judging on the face he made when I told him.

After I had told him he watched me eat the soup he'd brought down for me. When I finished he had told me to wait for him to come back because he had an idea. Now I can only sit here and hope that idea wasn't ratting me out to Jason.

I sat on my clothes pile, cross legged not wanting to even lightly graze my back against the wall. I looked out the small gutter window closer to the right and noticed it was dark out, I didn't have a sense of time I could only count on Jody coming back to tell me I was in the clear.

'He ratted us out. I can feel it' my mind was nervous. Hell I was too, but I felt in my core it would be okay once I got to karma's farm.

Suddenly, I heard steps coming down the stairs and I eternally tensed not knowing who it could be. I un tensed when I realized it was Jody coming back down. He looked at me as he furrowed his brow in confusion.

I must have looked terrified. I relaxed my face and we both shook it off.

"Okay..so.." He began, "I have an idea.."

I nodded my head, "yes, you've said.. Can you let me in on what it is now?" Maybe I sounded cocky only I didn't care around Jody, he wasn't life threatening.

He scoffed sarcastically "yeah, so.." He sighed, "I can get you to the bus station. All you need to do is get outside, I can wait for you in the car."

"Right.." I covered my face with my hands and rubbed my eyes, clearly stressed. "I can do that, I only need to know when Jason's sleeping."

He nodded his head staring me in the eyes, "he's already asleep, I waited until he was out to come back down so he wouldn't sense anything was off."

I took a visible deep breath in. If Jason was asleep then that meant that this plan was going into play now. Everything had to go quickly and smoothly.

I wouldnt have a chance if he caught me now. I let my deep breath out, "okay, let's do this then"

"Once your out through that gutter" he pointed to the left window, "get to the car, fast." He then got up and quietly took the door. He'd be waiting for me in the car.

I took a breath, my nerves wrecked. I was on my own for now. Getting out was on me. I was so anxious I felt like I was choking.

'Here we go. Don't look back'

I swallowed my spit. I could do this. All I had left to do was go for it.

I stood up and began walking to the left side of the basement. Besides the boxes of holiday decor, there was a small couch just under the small window helping me reach it. I stood on the cushions and lifted my arms, grabbing onto the ledge. Once I was up I opened the little window and crawled through.

My hands touched the grass, I could feel dirt underneath my fingernails and my back slightly scraped against the edge. I paid no attention to it as my nerves were already threw the roof. I crawled out and stood up... I was out. Finally out.

I felt fresh air around me, I could see trees, I could breath in air that wasn't harming my lungs.

'Were free!' My mind jumped in disbelief. Before I came back to reality as the headlights of Jason's car hit me in the face and I saw Jody's panicked face threw the windshield.

'Well, almost free.'

I ran towards the car and jumped in, shutting the door. Jody immediately took off as quickly as he could. We speed away from my brothers home, heading towards the city. I couldn't take my eyes away from the window the entire ride to the bus station.

We had finally arrived after an hour or so of driving. We were parked right outside a ticket booth. Jody turned to me.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, I wasn't sure. Not sure about if I'd make it or change my mind halfway through and want to go sucking up back to Jason's door step. Hoping he'd go easy on me for running away.

I smiled the best I could, trying not to show how scared I was to be doing this on my own. "I'm sure Jody, I'm sure I'll be okay."

He nodded before reaching into the back. He pulled out one of his hoodies and handed it too me. I looked down at my shirt. Dirtied with dust and dried blood. Not a lot of it, but just enough to notice.

"Here, its cold. And you don't want anyone picking you out in a crowd."

I put it on pulling it over my head. When I looked back up, Jody was holding a wallet out to me. Jason's wallet. My brow furrowed into confusion.

"H-how did you get that?" I reluctantly asked him. Taking the wallet.

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. He owes it to you anyway, take it and buy a ticket."

I nodded. My heart was in my throat. I stared blankly at the ground thinking about nothing. Which only made me more anxious. I wanted to ask him to come with me, I wanted us to ditch the car and go together. But I knew he couldn't, he had to stay and go back. I had to go this alone and it scared the living shit out of me.

I put my hand on the handle, getting ready to step out. Jody grabbed my arm. He pulled me closer towards him and grabbed the sides of my face covering my ears with the palms of his hands. He leaned in and kissed my forehead, leaving my insides feeling tingly.

"Be fucking careful, Jade." He said as he pulled back and looked me in the face very seriously.

I blinked, "I will." I pushed the handle forward and stepped outside. Once again overwhelmed and consumed by the fresh air hitting my lungs. I watched as Jody drove away until I couldn't see him anymore. I took a breath in and turned towards the ticket booth.

"Hi.." I shakily said, "one ticket to Lattitude city, please."

'Here we go'

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