
The Mark 1 Rune Armor

As I slowly looked at the measurements that I had created for the rune armor that I was planning to make, I nodded my head. I stood up and packed my plans into a tube. I slowly made my way downstairs and was surprised to see Pinkie in an outfit that could be described as scandalous. Tiny hot pants that were pretty much panties and a tube top that barely hid her breast. I slowly watched her wiggle her hips as she cooked in my kitchen.

I slowly wiped the drool from my chin. "Hey Pinkie, I will be back in a few hours. I need to run over to Rarity's so she can make three of the five parts for my Rune armor."

She looked over her shoulder at me, and for a split second, her eyes could be described as smoldering. "Hurry back, I am making lunch."

I nodded my head before opening the front door and walking outside. As I closed the door, I could not help but mumble, "Is it just me, or has Pinkie been seducing me."

"This is Rarity's fault somehow," I sighed because, as far as I can tell, those designs were Rarity's work. "I will ask her when I get back if she would like to go on a date."

---Pinkie Pie POV---

I pumped my fist and looked at myself in the mirror 'he could not take his eyes off me.'

She looked at her butt in the mirror and was surprised at how big it looked in these pants' damn, I am thick in the butt department.'

---Onyx POV---

As I was walking through town in thought, I spotted Silver Arrow walking around, I greeted him, "Hey, Silver."

He turned and smiled at me, and I was surprised that he was looking significantly healthier than he was before. "Hey, Onyx."

"You are looking magnificent, Silver; how are you already in such good shape," I asked in genuine confusion. 'I predicted that you would get in shape, but you went from a healthy-like body to jacked as hell in as little as 2 weeks'

"Oh yeah, I called an old army buddy over… hey Bronze Sword, this is the guy I was telling you about" he called over a pony that was not a surprise he was bronzed color to Silver's silver.

"Nice to meet you, Onyx… Silver has told me much about you" Bronze held out his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you as well, mister Bronze" I shook his hand and was surprised at how strong he was… before I had a thought and looked at both of them, "How would you two like to earn some money?"

They looked at me in curiosity before I motioned to a bench and sat down waiting for them. When they joined me by sitting across from me, I pulled out my rune armor project blueprint, "I need a couple of soldiers to test my armor for me."

As they looked over what the pieces would look like, they were surprised at how lightweight looking it was and how cheap it was looking to be. A single armor set was looking to be about 75 bits, "This is cheap Onyx. How are you getting it that cheap?"

"The only two metal parts are the arm guards and leg guards. The pants and shirts and sleeves are being made from a magical cloth." I explained quickly, "With the rune combination that I am planning, the cloth will be able to turn away most attacks, and the ones that can not be turned away can be dodged because the armor will up your agility."

"So, what do you need us for," Sliver asked in genuine curiosity.

"I need a couple of soldiers to put it through its paces," I explained before admitting, "I can make the best armor in the world, but if I do not make it comfortable, then it will be turned away by the soldier's themselves."

They nod in thought before looking at each other "what do you think, Bronze?"

"It looks good, and I know his runes work and that they are powerful" Bronze turned his head to the leg itself. "I will do it if you make me an arm."

I nod my head before asking a question, "why do you need an arm made?"

"My son got caught in an attack by diamond dogs," he sighed as he explained, "His arm is gone."

I looked at him in curiosity before nodding my head. "I can do that, but I need to ask a question, is he fully grown."

"Yes, he is," Bronze confirmed for me "why does that matter?"

"The cap that we connect to the arm requires surgery," I explained the process. "Children grow. I mean, that is obvious, but the cap has the potential to stunt their growth."

Silver was shocked before he thought about it "you are worried that your limb replacements are not good for kids."

"Yeah, not good for kids" I nodded my head.

Bronze smiled at me. "You are a good person Onyx."

I could not help but smile before informing him, "Alright, I need to talk to Rarity about the cloth I was going to use."

"Later Silver, later Bronze" I waved goodbye before moving on my way after packing up.

"Later, Onyx," I heard them say before they leaned their heads together to talk.

---POV Silver Arrow---

"So, what do you think about him," I asked Bronze what he was thinking

"Good kid… way over his head," Bronzed answered before turning his head to look at the shadow following Onyx "who is that?"

"Someone with Royal Equestria Intelligence," I answered while I watched the shadow as well, "here to protect the Rune Lord Onyx Cobalt."

"You mean the kid we just met is a Rune Lord," Bronze said in surprise.

"Yeah, the runes on my limb are his own making. I made sure he was not using someone else's runes, but he showed me his notes and everything" Bronze let a low whistle at that, looking impressed, which surprised me "is it that impressive."

"You know I married a rune mistress?" Bronzed asked me.

"Yeah?" I asked, motioning for him to continue.

"Runemasters raise a rune language a level, but Rune lord's give birth to a language Silver," Bronzed explained slowly "it is tough."

I nodded my head at his explanation. If what he was saying was right, that means Onyx is probably a prodigy. "Any problems with that."

"Not really as long as the runes work like he says they do," Bronzed informed me before admitting, "I am most likely going to have the wife look at the runes on the limb before anything else."

"That is probably fine," Silver said nervously. "I mean, I do not know how Runemasters work."

Bronze looked trouble by that as well.

---POV Onyx---

As I gently pulled open the door into Rarity's boutique, I was surprised to see Rarity bent over a table with tight pants on. She spoke to me, "I will be right with you."

"Got it, Rarity. I just need a little help with a project" I realized that I am, for some reason getting horny way easier. I watch as she wiggles her ass side to side while humming, "So what are you working on, Rarity."

"I just got done with a commission, darling, and I was in the process of cleaning up," she informed me before asking me a question, "what do you need help with, darling."

"I need your beautiful mind to come up with a cheap magical cloth for pants, sleeveless shirt, and arm sleeves," I informed her what I needed quickly.

"It sounds like you need weaved cloth, darling" Rarity looked at me in curiosity "what do you need Weaved cloth for, darling?"

I see a free spot and start laying down the magical armor blueprint. "I need your opinion on how much it would cost to make these clothes."

She moved over and looked at the blueprint in surprise. "You want to add tailoring to your armor, darling."

"Yeah, cloth armor will allow for me to enchant them even higher," I answered her before I sighed. "I will need to stitch the runes into the cloth."

She slowly studies the design. "Are you sure this is a good idea? it looks almost flimsy."

"This rune will make the pony wearing this faster, and these runes will protect them from the over 70 percent of attacks," I informed her, pointing at each rune and what it will do. "I mean, I can not use the best cloth because I need to be cheap and strong."

She nodded before looking at me in thought, "How much are you going to pay me to make this?"

"500 bits," I answered immediately, "and I need two sets I will send the test Users that will test it for me."

She hummed slowly before upping the price. "For two sets, it will cost 600 bits."

I looked at her and smiled at her "Deal, thanks, Rarity."

She nodded and walked off and got her book of names "who all is getting these Onyx."

"Bronze Sword and Silver Arrow," I answered her, and I watched as she writes the names down. "I need the clothes before you give them to them."

"Obviously," she snorted before moving off to do other things.

"Later, Rarity," I said goodbye to her before moving out of the building.

---time skip 25 minutes---

As I stood in front of my door, I sighed, 'Well, here we go.'

"Pinkie, I am back," I called out to her.

"In the kitchen," I heard her reply to my calling out.

As I slowly entered the kitchen, I was surprised to see her having just finished up the food. I saw those hot pants had wedged themselves up her crack making it look like she was wearing a thong, 'I nearly choked on my drool there for a second.'

"So, Pinkie, would you like to go out in a few days for lunch?" I asked her slowly.

I listened to her stop cooking and watch her turn towards me with a huge smile. "I would like that very much."

"Where are we going Onyx," she asked me quickly.

"I do not know yet because I have no idea what there is to do," I answered her, "I mean, I know the theater and whatnot. I just do not have anything planned yet."

---time skip a few days---

I slowly unwrapped the 3 pieces and laid down the 2-metal pieces right next to each other before nodding my head 'let us get Rune crafting.'

---POV Pinkie Pie---

"It was so romantic Rarity he took me to see a movie and then out to a lunch at one of the good cafés" I slowly described my date with Onyx to Rarity.

"I told you it would work," Rarity said happily.

"I almost thought they would not work, you know," I said in a nervous tone of voice. "I am worried Rare, this is going a little fast; I mean, this was our first real date, and I am already living with Onyx."

"Pinkie, you two are roommates that decided to try dating, not the first or the last to do this," Rarity comforted me.

Before I took a slow sip of tea as Rarity asked me a question, "what is the next step, darling?"

"I guess a few more dates and if I enjoy them as much as I have been," I spoke softly, "a relationship."

She nodded her head "you do not have to do it all at once"

"I am just worried about if my relationship with him will cause problems for him," I sighed before looking at her "he is brilliant Rarity, and I am kind of scatterbrained."

She burst into laughter. "Pinkie… darling… that man will most likely never leave you and will not allow you to leave"

---POV Onyx---

I looked at the two finished rune armors before using a paper and sending it toward Silver Arrows signature. It had a note on it that I was ready for them to come to test the armor itself. 'this thing is Beautiful… it turned out exactly as I wanted it.'

As I waited for them to arrive at the house, I slowly prepared the armor on a couple of stands. I heard a know at the front door and smiled before I went toward the door and opened it. I greeted with a smile when I saw it was who I thought it was "Hello Bronze and Silver."

"Hey Onyx, you told us to come over saying that the armor was ready for testing," he said, surprised I would be as well. The limbs' piece went extremely fast, and Rarity got the weaved cloth to me in less than a few days.

I nodded and led them to the back room where I had set up the 2 sets of armor, one for Bronze and Silver. "Here they are. I do not have a good name for the set."

"I will let you two get changed, then I will meet you two outback," I informed them before walking into the backyard.

Within a few minutes, I heard them open the back door and walk out in the armor set. I was genuinely surprised that they got everything on that quick before I inspected them. I spoke to them quickly, "They should be active the moment the complete set is on your body."

"Yup, I can already feel I whole host of difference compared to the armor we wore in the army. Yours makes it, so our hands and body are not obstructed and that we can move even faster" I listen as Silver described the armor, and I move over to the side so I can watch them do everything they have to do.

"Have either of you ever tested armor?" I asked in curiosity.

"I have," Bronze informed me.

I sat down and watched them quickly put the armor through its paces. If I did not know any better, I would think they were trying to kill each other, 'I can already see places I can improve the armor well I guess this will be Mk1'

---POV Solar dusk---

'Those armors are extremely good for a first version, not a top contender but easily top 10' I slowly inspect the armor before going over the amount of money he spent on this version '900 bits for a single version. Still, the material cost is 90 bits. Even if he makes ten versions, he will be able to make money on the 'you tried grant.'

I nodded and nibble at the jerky before I saw Onyx's nose twitch and turn quickly towards my hiding spot. I promptly hid the jerky and moved before I heard them ask Onyx a question "You alright, Onyx?"

"Yeah, I just smelled something I have not been able to taste since I moved to Ponyville," he answered.

'He likes meat?' I think in surprise, 'he must have eaten a lot to be able to smell it.'

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