
RUDRAANSH- Love which has no desire since birth

A love story of supernatural beings. Ansh- a vishaq (a half-fox half-human) falls in love with Rudraa (a half angel half demon). the story is about how they find out about their true self and their self saving the world from a disastrous catastrophe

Diya_Vekaria · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Rudraa goes to the window, and sees the moon changing its colour. As soon as the moon had fully changed its colour, Rudraa felt a slight prick on her back, for the first time she ignored it. Then her eyes started changing colour, her eyeballs black, iris neon green and pupil midnight blue, immediately after that she got a strong pain on her back as she looks behind and she saw the mirror. Grey feather were are growing out of her back and her eyes had changed colour.

This was already destined. The red moon night will be the night of Rudraa being in her original form. She has demonic powers from her father and angelic ones from her mother.

As soon as the moon started to return to normal, she came back to her consciousness and started shivering as she was scared of what was going on. She started questioning herself about what just happened and what is her identity because of that she couldn't sleep all night.

The next morning, she went to her dad because he always helped her out in her times of trouble. She told him everything about last night. it was hard for him to believe but looking at pale face and body that was shaking he thought that she had a nightmare so he quickly hugged Rudraa who had teary eyes and calmed her down. After sometime she calmed down. she took a deep breath and asked her dad, "Please tell me everything that happened to me since i was born". He told her everything except about her adoption. He did not tell her about them not being her real family but he definitely consulted her.

When she stopped shaking and was calm she decided to go to her room. While she was leaving a feather fell of her clothes which she had no idea about. Vikram noticed the feather and started thinking, "we do not have any kind of poultry in the house then why is there a feather in the house, that too this huge." He suddenly remembered what Rudraa told him that she was growing wings last night. Sweat started to form on his forehead. He immediately called Fred(his manager) to make arrangements to meet the family priest-Abraham Bachelot.

Abraham Bachelot is a priest of the Patel family. He is a psychologist and an anthropologist. He has the unique strength of connecting with someone's conscience. He can find out a particular person's past, present and future with the help of their birth details. He is known to be blind but has the vision of the third eye. He speaks what the Almighty tells him to speak. The omnipotent being residing in heaven is believed to having a part of him in Bachelot. The supreme being has rewarded him the power to have a part of him. In other words, he is the human form of the Almighty. He is the privilege, he is the blessing, he is a benison of the one residing in Zion(the next world, the paradise, the nirvana).