

Hi my name is Catherine and I am a half blood witch. Today was my first day at my new school after we moved, will why did we move it's a long story so let me go directly to what I want to say. So today at school something weird happened, I was talking to this guy at school about the direction to class and I touched his hands by mistake, I felt something weird, I actually don't know exactly what I felt but, but I think it was like, like a warning about this guy. In the end of the day I went home and of course I didn't stop thinking about that feeling, so I looked at the books that I had from my grandma. While I was searching and reading in that book I found that the original witch put a curse in all the vampires generation so when we witches touch a vampire we woul have a feeling in our body that warm as from them, so when I read this I got really scared I never seen a really vampire in my life before I hear about them here and there, but to see one in real life that's a bit scary, but let me tell you something that this wasn't the scariest part, because he asked me to be his friend and I said YES so I can't go on and say no now out of nowhere for no reasons....Soo I think I would stay his friend, will he seems like a nice guy, so I will wait till the and of the week to see what's going to happen. OH, right and the guys name is Jacob.