
Royalty Series: The Lost Queen

happy with the result.

Ana_17_Sele · Masa Muda
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1 Chs


The thought of ordinary people there is only one nation, what they live and are led by president and government officials.

But there are three islands part of this nation that does not know the common people. In these three islands there are three kingdoms. The Kingdom of Etritopia, Kingdom of Storan, and the Kingdom of the Trisea.But it did not survive the conquest.

These kingdoms are sacred and its citizens are the only discharge. There is no ordinary person to come here even the talented travelers around the world. Although the President and Government officials know about the three kingdoms.

The kings and queen of the three kingdoms encouraged to secrete and framely disclose about the three kingdoms for the salvation of the kingdoms and the people in exchange for the help of three kingdoms in nations.

Due to the fact that it is forbidden to go here, myths and legends have been formed about these three islands.

But despite of this the three kingdoms were happy with the result.



At the same time, the soldiers left to look for Queen Selene and her daughter Chiara.

On the other hand, Queen Selene and King Humphrey are running together while Queen Selene is carrying Chiara.

Queen Selene stopped running which was also stopped by King Humphrey.

"Why Queen Selene? What's the matter?" The king asked thoughtfully.

The queen did not answer and simply handed the child to the king.

"What does this mean?" The king asked confused.

"I entrust my child to you. Protect my child" The queen cried pleadingly.

"What are you going to do? Where are you going?" He almost shouted the question out of sheer concern.

"I am the only one King Russell wants and this is the only way I can think of to save the kingdom and my daughter ." crying said the queen.

"But what about the seal?" The king asked thoughtfully.

"She has the seal of the kingdom on her clothes and on the necklace she wears the seal of the throne. So they can't take the seal from me." Explanation of the queen.

After a few more moments of thinking and talking they heard footsteps coming from the soldiers' clothes.

"Hurry up dear king you have to run now. Protect the queen of this kingdom" The queen cried pleadingly.