
Episode 1....(Edited)

Far away land on the continent of zueen there were five countries, The kingdom of kaikoi with the land of 2/5, The kingdom of Yue with 3/5 of the land and the other three are the kingdom of wai, yo and su, the two most powerful kingdoms are kaikoi and Yue. Kaikoi is knowns for its scholars and healers. Yue is known for its military powers and amazing god wielders, it is said that if those kingdoms were to be united they could conquer the whole world but they have been fighting for many generations for now. But it is soon coming to an end both kingdoms have decided to end this useless fighting and to join hands to defeat the zeen continent's enemy, the empire of woh. Empire of the Woh is known to be a merciless kingdom with evil as its source, their king su woh is known as the evilest king in the history and it seems that the king has eyed the continent of zueen and he already has conquered one of the countries of the zueen continents, the country of wai. So, both kingdoms of kaikoi and Yue has decided to join their powers together to stop this unwanted guest. With these new laws were established that both kingdoms were open up for the other, for example, the kingdom of kaikoi will supply with medical assistance and strategic planning while the kingdom of Yue will train soldiers to fight against su woh. And for many years it has been like that but no one knows what exactly happened to king SU.."And the END" said Madam KU." But madam, what happened to that evil king su woh " said jade suo the youngest and the only princess of the kingdom of kaikoi. "Madam Ku I know my father has banned the other part of the story but you are one of the elders and I am sure you know the full history so..please can you tell me the whole story," said the Princess with high expectations." Princess...I am sure that when the right time comes the King himself will tell you the other part so have patience" BUT I am very curious" one of the maids interrupted and said that the 2nd Prince was to arrive shortly...."The 2nd prince has arrived." " beben is here yayyyyyy...I told him to get me a gift form the kingdom of Yue if he forgets to get me a gift Am beat his ass." The 2nd prince ben suo, is one of the gods wielders in our kingdom and he is an awesome general of the kingdoms military and he has been traveling here to there for training so he rarely comes home and he loves me his sister more than anything in the world. "My princess what have you been up to?." beben where is my gift I asked with as soon as I saw him because I was so ready to beat him if he forgets my gift. "Your gift, of course, I haven't forgotten" <clap clap> lots of big huge boxes were bought in by the servants, I was very surprised by it and Of course I was happy. ahem ahem " So, Did my princess like the gift I got for you". Of course I would like anything the beben has given me he is one of the most amazing gift pickers in the world and I am sure that I will like whatever is inside the box but of course, I am gonna tease him a little. "I haven't seen what's inside after I look at it and then I will decide and if I don't like it you know what will happened" open the boxes ordered the princess and it was filled with clothing of Yue and there were strange hair accessories inside the box and it looked so different and it had magic in it, For the first time, I was very shocked by my brother's gift...I mean come one clothes and of another kingdom. the whole room was very quiet and I noticed that My brother was disappointed with my reaction and I felt bad so I tried my best to lighten up the mood. "WOW..beben like always you have an amazing eye for things these... umm.. clothes are umm...um..stran...I mean amazing I like it very much especially these hair accessories it even has magic energy into I wonder why well who cares.I didn't want to beat him up because I did liked the hairpin..."brother how do I look with these new hairpins" Of course I look nice after all I am the kingdoms number 1 beauty but I like it when others compliment me, but there was a wired expression on my brothers face as I was about to ask him I was interrupted. <knock, knock>. "Princess Jade, his majesty the king has summoned you to the throne room and you as well 2nd Prince."said the messenger as one of my maids gets me prepared my brother hurries to the throne room, It was wired that father wanted to summon me to the throne room he never summons me like that .....Oh, wait did I cause another trouble again, but father and I, we have good relationships, He loves me and he lets me do whatever I want but sometimes it makes me kind of mad that he just lets me do Anything. "min do you know why I am being summoned by father". Min is one of my nanny who looks after me after my mother passed away. "I don't know princess, forgive me".But min is always formal to me like she doesn't like me or something but I will always respect her I mean she is like most royal to me....oh well just go with the flow. "Princess jade suo has arrived" I just don't understand these eunches they are like doorbell always announce someone's arrival it kind of annoying. " Long live the king, You majesty I was summoned here may I ask why". Why do I have to be so formal to my father ahhhh..jeez I hate these ministers so much just look at em fat piggies hum. But something is off everyone looks so serious and all the four guardians of the kingdom of koikai seem to be here. Our kingdom is very big but not as big as the kingdom of Yue but it is big so to make it easier to rule our kingdom has been divided into four parts and these parts are ruled by the four guardians the black turtle who rules the east, the blue dragon who rules the west, the white tiger who rules the south and the red phonic who rules the north they are like generals who help the king they are very royal to father and I heard that all the families have found their successors....but wait who is that brat standing next to my big sen, oh haven't introduced my 1st brother his name is sen suo he is training to be the next king after my father he is a very kind and a beloved prince by everyone but sadly he is very VERY BAD with swords and fighting in other words he got brain but no strength but surprisingly he also wilds the power of the god he has the power of Apollo well apparently Apollo is god of messenger but he is also the god of wisdom anyway back to me just like my beben he loves me more than anything. Well back to the brat when I Look at him closely he looks quite good looking, WOW but what's with that arrogant face <when she thought it inside her head> "Are you done staring at me princess" said the brat <embarrassed> "Ahem... I wasn't staring I was just observing". I said it with my head high.Damm that brat because of you, I will take care of you later." Father emperor why have you summoned me here". "Today we have the 1st prince of the kingdom of Yue here with us today he is here because our kingdom and Yue kingdom have decided to have another peace treaty and for it to be passed first we need to have some sort of connections...we decided to sent our princess Jade to marry the 1st prince Edgar Igor as his wife and to be the future empress of Yue kingdom." Wait...Wait...I think I heard it wrong <turn to brother sen>." You didn't hear it wrong JADE". WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!!!! I am to marry that brat..." Sorry to say FATHER BUT I DECLINE, You just called me here so that you could do some matchmaking me to that brat no way" everyone looked shocked on the way on how I reacted after all I was the pretty amazing, graceful princess. "Jade I know it a lot to take in but please consider this it is crucial for our kingdom and our people"." Please excuse me ".I hurried to get out of there as Min and my 2nd brother follow me. WHAT THE HECK, This was not in my agenda I wanted to have a lazy life full of luxuries but whyyyyyy...whaaaaawhaaa."Jade, jade, I knew it you always come here to cool down whenever you are about to explode don't you." My brother who knows me the best has come to check on me I feel so blessed to have such a brother."WEll actually Jade About this marriage I already kind of knew about it I wanted to talk to you about it I mean Prince Edgar isn't that bad at all and the thing is....ummm..ummm beben just spit it out so..the thing is that jade you already have accepted the marriage." "beben I am not in the mood for a talk about a joke, okay and here I thought I was blessed with smarts brothers...wait..if you value your life I hope you get straight to the point".I had never expected that my flesh and blood would do these to me, I mean I know that Prince Edgar isn't that bad of a choice but they should have at least asked my permission. "By the way brother, I won't kill you if you tell me whats with me accepting the marriage". "WEll the hairpin you are wearing is the proof that you accepted the marriage, and by the way Farewell"..........<lightining shock>........I.....WILL KILL YOU BEBEN... CALM DOWN, CLAM DOWN, I will just return the hairpin so the marriage will be canceled ya. I am very wise if he wasn't my brother I swear I would have destroyed his life. I know you guys are probably curious about what powers I hold, Well I am quite powerful, I wiled the power of ARES the god of war, even if I have the power of the god of war I have never been on an actual battlefield. And as for my brother, he holds the power of Hermes, he is the god of metabolisms.

It's my first time writing a novel and I am very excited...I am very sorry if you don't like it. I just want to create what I imagine in my mind into a novel....Please give it a chance....Thank you

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