

I was waiting for someone, I didn't know if it was a boy or girl, they never mentioned it.

I had posted about a week ago looking for a roommate; I've lived alone for a few months now and it was boring. I always thought living alone was fun, but no.

Some people have came over already, but I haven't found any I like. All sorts of people had passed by: drug addicts, some hippies, people that were in a band, you name it.

I came back to reality when I heard knocking on the door. I got up from the couch and went to the door, opening it and finding a boy on the other side.

"Hi, I'm here to see the house" he smiled, I smiled back and nodded. "Sure, my name's Danielle, but everyone calls me Danny. I'll show you around" he nodded as he walked inside, already looking around.

As I showed him around the house, I decided to ask some questions. "So, what's your name?" I ask as I showed him the kitchen, "Caleb" he just smiled.

We walked out and I started showing him every possible room in the house. "Are you in a band, Caleb?" I stopped to look at him. He looked at me back and frowned, then shook his head.

I smiled showing him the bathroom, then next which was my room. "Do you do drugs?" He turned to see me then let out a small laugh. "If you consider tiktok a drug, then yes" he smiled. "You do tiktoks?" I opened my eyes big.

Tiktok was getting popular, but I didn't really use it. I would consider it being cringey. "Yeah" he sounded proud. "Do you have any problem with that?" Now he sounded sad, I shook my head rapidly. "Oh, no, I don't mind" I gave him a warm smile.

We ended the tour with me showing him which would be his room. I liked Caleb, he was the best one to come over. I hoped he liked the house.

"So, what do you think?" I asked turning to him when we were in the living-room. "It's okay" he let out a small laugh. "I like it." I smiled. "Well, I hope you do, but now it depends on you if you want to stay here or not"

He noded. "I'll text you" he said, then left.

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