
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasi
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34 Chs

Two in One

There was not a lot of information about the Berserk Zombie that the team had. Just from what they knew and observed, the Berserk Zombie has a shout that could turn normal zombies into enraged zombies that increases their overall strength and the Berserk Zombie could control them. There was also the high overall strength of the Berserk Zombie that the current player levels could not reach.

At first, William and his team felt that there was a slight chance of them winning because albeit small, they could inflict damage on the Berserk Zombie.

They attacked it as a team and it seemed to be effective against the Berserk Zombie.

However, the single moment that they let it take offense, they immediately knew how the gap between their strengths really were.

And a question comes to William at that second.

'What in the world is this powerful zombie doing here?'

As the days passed by in the apocalypse, he realized how the reality and game merged in their current life.

And if he was looking at the game-like side, it was an unbelievable sight that an opponent this powerful was emerging this early.

In his perspective, if they were still beginners in the game that were still in the beginner village, the Berserk Zombie was like at a mini boss level.

Now, he realized how strong Miles was to be able to confront the Berserk Zombie directly for a few minutes without dying.

Sensing the coming Berserk Zombie, Julia felt fear.

However, as he remembered the people he needed to protect and were waiting for him, he knew that he should face the enemy in front of him and kill it.

He bit his lip tightly till it bled and lifted his head to get himself ready for what was coming next.

Only to be ignored by the Berserk Zombie who passed by them. Its attention was still on Michelle's direction.

"Damn, it's going to Michelle.." William informed the team, who were still trying to get themselves together.

Julia heard him clearly and stood up slowly with her body trembling a little.

She turned to the leaving Berserk Zombie and entered Stealth.

After she disappeared for a few seconds, Julia appeared behind the Berserk Zombie for the second time.

She attacked the part behind its knees, hoping to slow down its movements or better, to immobilize it completely.

Her blade penetrated the flesh but just like their first attacks, it was not deep enough to deal significant damage to the Berserk Zombie because it still continued to move towards Michelle.

"Damn it." she cursed.

Not giving up, Julia continued to attack the knee of the Berserk Zombie.

She was still out of breath and weak from the sudden shout attack of the zombie. But for the sake of her friend who was already risking her life more than her, and the promise she gave to Michelle, Julia kept on swinging and thrusting her blade.

Little by little, the cut deepened.

"I need help here!" she shouted to her team.

William responded first and stood up. His body recovered quickly and rushed towards the Berserk Zombie.

One by one, the team regained control of their bodies and followed the two.

Except for Dante, who was still using his axe as a cane to try not to collapse onto the cold ground.

"You good?" Paul asked him.

He nodded and told them, "Just go, I'll follow you as soon as I recover."

Paul turned to Lilia. "Let's use that."

He pointed at a concrete plant box that Miles used a while ago as a projectile to destroy a good number of zombies from afar.

Lilia immediately thought the same idea as Paul and they both rushed to one of the concrete plant boxes.

The others already engaged the Berserk Zombie to try to defeat it or even slow it down.

"This damn thing is heavy!" Paul complained as he tried to lift the concrete plant box.

Lilia pushed one concrete plant box to its side and turned it upside down, taking out the soil and the plants inside it and only leaving the concrete plant box itself.

"Here, this should be lighter." she told Paul.

He immediately held the plant box and lifted it successfully with his full strength.

"This can work." he muttered and began to rush towards the Berserk Zombie, who his team was still trying to fight.

"Get away!" Paul shouted to his team when he was about fifteen meters away from them.

They looked at him and when they saw what he was carrying, they retreated away from the zombie.

Paul swung the concrete plant box and threw it onto the Berserk Zombie.




Its body was hit directly and the concrete plant box was destroyed in the process. It suffered scratches and cuts all over its body.

This time, the Berserk Zombie halted its steps and finally returned its attention towards the team, especially Paul, who just smacked him with a concrete plant box.

Paul shivered at the glare of the red eyed zombie.




Without giving it any time to rest, Lilia immediately sent the second projectile away.

"Good!" William shouted.

The team finally saw another glimpse of hope to defeat the enemy in front of them.

The third projectile was thrown by Paul.

But this time, the Berserk Zombie defended by putting its arms together.

"Attack it now!" William shouted.

The debris was still launching away from its body but the team already engaged the Berserk Zombie again.


Suddenly, William was thrown away by the punch of the zombie.

A good chunk of his health was cut from a single attack.

Helen quickly casted a heal on him and he went back to the fight.


This time, Julia received the blow and she flew a few meters away from the Berserk Zombie. She held her broken arm and chugged in a few health and mana potions.

"Get back!" Paul shouted as he rushed with another concrete plant box and decided to move closer this time.


He swung it but the Berserk Zombie stepped back and evaded the attack.





However, Lilia successfully hit it with the box he threw from the distance in midair.

The Berserk Zombie fell to the ground and the team rushed to attack it once again.

They use the huge and hard concrete plant boxes to disorient the Berserk Zombie for a second and immediately attack it without giving it any time to react.

There were times that a few punches and hits were thrown by the zombie but the team fortunately have Helen that provides them healing.

Despite that, the Berserk Zombie still stood firmly and defended most of the attacks thrown by the team.

On the other hand, they successfully stopped it from approaching Michelle.

Now, each one of them were trying their best to kill.

At the three minute mark from when the fight began, Dante shouted, "William! It's knees!"

William turned and looked at the running Dante, with his axe ready to be swung.

"At the same time!" Dante shouted when he was just a few steps away from the Berserk Zombie. William nodded and grabbed his axe tightly.



Two blades were swung at the same time and reached the back of the knee of the Berserk Zombie.



They successfully put the Berserk Zombie on its knees.

The cuts that Julia already dealt to the flesh was a huge help for the two when they gave a powerful blow.

"Good!" William felt really good seeing the Berserk Zombie was finally on its knees.

The team didn't waste any second and resumed their attacks on the Berserk Zombie.

It opened its mouth and was ready for another roar.

"Not on my watch!" Dante shouted and thrusted the end of the handle of the axe straight to the mouth of the zombie, canceling what it wanted to do.

"Come on! We can do this!" William said with confidence.

The team ganged on the Berserk Zombie without any mercy.

On the other side, Miles was still trying to find a way to immobilize Jason.

After fighting Jason for more than five minutes, Miles fully adapted to his attacks and strength.

He heard a loud shout from William's direction a few minutes ago but he learned that nothing happened to him or to the zombies so he just put it behind his mind and focused solely on Jason.


Jason's claws passed by Miles' head by a small length.


Miles threw a punch and Jason successfully defended against it.

'Man, what a tough defense.'

They exchanged a few more blows and Miles felt the fatigue that was accumulating in his body.

Right now, he was thinking of Michelle who was attracting the attention of the enraged zombies and William and the others who were fighting the other Berserk Zombie. If he was to help them, he should finish his business with Jason as quickly as possible before it was too late.

All this time, he was trying to find a way to stop Jason's movement for sometime.

'Is there any other way?' he thought.

Right then, he thought of the skill that he currently has.

[ Skill List ]

[ Learned: Heavy Strike(Normal), Flame Bullet(Normal), Fist Canon(Normal), Serene River Meditation(Rare) ]

Three of which were active offense skills that he could use while the other one could only be used out of combat.

[ Heavy Strike(Normal) - Your next strike will deal ten percent more damage. ]

[ Flame Bullet(Normal) - Condense and shoot a small but fast flame from the tip of your finger that could penetrate walls and normal materials. ]

[ Fist Canon(Normal) - Your punch will pack twenty percent more power and will shot twice as fast than normal. ]

[ Serene River Meditation(Rare) - A meditation skill to calm the mind and enter a tranquil state. Performing the skill slowly recovers stamina and restore focus. ]

As he shook his brain for ideas, Miles finally thought of something.

'Heavy Strike and Fist Canon could both be activated using my fists and also both consume my stamina. Fist Canon is an active skill while Heavy Strike empowers the next attack.'

'In that case, I should be able to combine them in one attack.'


Miles evaded an attack from Jason.

'Fist Canon!'

He activated the Fist Canon skill with his right hand and while it was on its way out, he activated the Heavy Strike skill on top of it.

'Heavy Strike!'

Miles felt a significant amount of stamina consumption on his body that was larger than what the two skills consumed individually.

He immediately felt the power gathering in his right fist. It was more powerful than the original Fist Canon skill and for a short amount of time, there was a little smoke coming out from his fist.



Jason was directly hit by his attack.



His body flew into a couple of trees, destroying them in the process, before he finally crashed onto the ground.

Miles was stunned by what just happened.

'Did it work?'