
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasi
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34 Chs


Miles' body glowed green and it was brighter than before.

He felt a soothing sensation all over his body and immediately felt that the wounds that could not be healed were slowly starting to disappear.

When the skill was over, he looked at Helen and thanked her sincerely.

"I levelled up my Light Heal skill to the max so it's more effective now." Helen briefly explained after seeing a hint of surprise on Miles' face.

{ Light Heal (D-Lvl.max) - Heal a single target by 100 HP.

Cost: 50 MP Cooldown: Five Minutes

Requirements: Healer Class Lvl 15}

"Oh, thank you." Miles smiled at her. He only had a little idea about what Helen was saying and he immediately threw it into the back of his head because of the matter in front of him.

He needed to deal with the enraged zombies that were trying to destroy the wall that was separating them.

"Here." Helen grabbed Miles' hand and the latter felt that there was a sudden increase in his strength and stamina.

Although he didn't have any system panel that should tell him what he just received, Miles knew that it was a buff type skill just like the Priest's Prayer that Helen usually uses before they fight.

{ Rejuvenation Touch (D-Lvl.2) - Increase the HP and MP regeneration of a single target by 15% for five minutes.

Cost: 60 MP Cooldown: Fifteen Minutes

Requirements: Healer Class Lvl 15}

If Miles would see the effect that he just received, he would be surprised and be more grateful to Helen than he already was. After all, this type of buff was the one he was wanting for all these times.

He also knew that this was a new skill because he had not seen Helen use it before.

"It's a new skill I got on the way here." Helen said. "My other skills are still on cooldown so these two are the only ones I can cast on you."

"It's fine. These two are very helpful to me already." Miles said with sincerity.

With Helen's healing, he finally reached his peak condition and could fight better than before, giving him a better chance of holding off the zombies.

"Go now." He told Helen and she nodded before leaving with the others.

However, Michelle stayed in her place and said, "I will stay here with Miles! You guys go!"

Julia and William wanted to stop her but held themselves back. It was a good thing that Miles would have another one that could assist him.

But Miles shouted at her. "You go too!"

He wanted to send the others away because first, he knew that they were stronger as a team and secondly, he wanted to fight alone because in that case, he would not worry about the others and only himself.

"No! I'll stay here with you!" Michelle stubbornly replied.

The banging of the zombies continued from the other side.

"Shit! Close the gates quickly William!" Miles turned to William.

"I know!" William responded and ran to the opposite side of the area where another wall was erected.

That side didn't have many enraged zombies on it. They didn't have any idea why but that works for them because they could clear them faster.

"Let's get this over with!" William announced as he jumped onto the wall and down to the crowd of zombies.

The team began slaughtering their way into the broadcasting building that was about fifty meters away from where they were.

On the other hand, Miles stared at Michelle and lightly shook his head.

"We'll just hold them here while they do their work. As much as possible, we want them to stay here so that William can reach the control room faster." Miles said.

Michelle nodded and held her spiked bat tightly.

"But we don't have to engage them directly." Miles leaped onto the top of the wall and immediately fired Flame Bullets to the ones slamming their bodies onto the wall.

They died quickly and Miles' points rose by a few hundred instantly.

Since the zombies were strong, the points he could earn from killing them were higher too. The enraged zombies in front of him have the number 20 on top of their heads.

Although Miles was happy and wanted the zombies to stay enraged so he could harvest some points, what he really hoped was that the enraged state of these zombies would end as soon as possible. He could have more chances to earn points later but if he dies now, that would be it.

After firing more than twenty Flame Bullets, he felt that his mana was still sufficient. It's true that it decreased but what he had was still enough to shoot more and there was also the sensation that his mana was regenerating slowly.

'So that's one of the effects of that skill. Great!' He was elated to learn about the mana regeneration buff that he received from Helen. With this, he could hold the zombies for possibly a bit longer time.

"We can just attack them from a distance. In this case, we can concentrate their attention on us while also slowly reducing their number." Miles told Michelle.

She nodded and jumped off from the wall and took a bunch of stones scattered on the ground.

She returned to Miles' side and began throwing stones on the zombies.

Each of her throws were strong but only a few killed zombies. Still she injured many of them and slowed down their movements.

As the ones in the front died, they were quickly replaced by the enraged zombies coming from the back. Despite the continuous attacks of the two, the number of the zombies didn't decline.

And in two minutes or so, it would further increase because of the ones coming from the outside.

As the zombies poured in like ants, the two continued their assault on them.

In the first minute mark, Miles finally felt that his mana was depleted and immediately took a few mana potions. After that, he continued firing Flame Bullets on the zombies, making sure that he aimed at their head so that each of his shots wouldn't be wasted.

A minute passed and the zombies' bodies began to pile up under Miles and Michelle. This pile of corpses was used by the enraged zombies to reach the two. There were a few that successfully climbed onto the wall and rushed towards them.

"Fight them in close combat!" Miles told Michelle while he still continued to shoot the ones trying to climb onto the wall.

Michelle threw away the rocks and began smashing the zombies with her bat.

Their goal was to hold the enraged zombies while the others evacuate and also concentrate their number in front of them so that William's team could finish their task quicker.

However, the enraged zombies were proving to be more difficult to deal with because of their number and persistence.

When Miles' mana was depleted, he changed to close quarters like Michelle. Although he still has mana potions and the mana regeneration was still in effect, killing the zombies using melee would be more effective in that time.

Gripping his axe very tightly, he swung it around.


With a single attack, all the heads of the zombies that surrounded him were sliced and they instantly died.

'This is it!' Mile shouted inside with much excitement.

After a few days of fighting with injuries, he could finally use all his strength.

He swung his axe again and again to kill all those that were around him.

The enraged zombies kept coming at them and the two never stopped swinging their weapons. Without any second of rest, they killed all the zombies that came to them.

Piles of corpses filled the other side of the wall.

As the two were seeing the diminishing number of zombies, a rumbling sound of footsteps came from a distance.

Another wave was coming and it was the one coming from the north gate.

"They're coming Michelle!" Miles shouted.

She took a glance of the incoming wave and was shocked to see how many zombies were approaching their direction.

"That's so many Miles! We won't be able to defend against them!"

Seeing the probably more than a thousand zombies sprinting towards them, she felt fear.

And Miles knew that she was right. He realized how reckless and foolish of him to assume that he could hold the zombies with Michelle.

They were finishing the zombies in front of them when a figure jumped onto the wall and slashed nearby enraged zombies.

Another shadow appeared beside Miles and killed the zombies.

"Paul, Lilia." Miles muttered.

"Brian and Sheila evacuated the others. Where are the others?" Lilia asked.

"They went into the Broadcasting Building to close the gates. We just need to hold these ones while they do that." Miles explained.

"What the hell?! Those guys are like ants!" Paul shouted suddenly as he stared at the incoming wave with shock.

"Yeah. I know." Miles said.

"Can we hold them off?" Michelle asked worriedly while still killing zombies.

Miles smashed the head of a zombie and replied, "Just use your AOE skills. If we can hold them for a minute or two, I'm sure that William will return and assist us."


On the other side, William and the others just entered the Broadcasting Building.

"Where to?!" William asked Dante.

"Just straight this hallway then right. The door at the end leads to the basement. That's where the control room is."

"Okay! Let's go!" William shouted as he advanced to the incoming zombies.

Because of the narrow hallway, the zombies were concentrated in front of them and that gave them a little advantage because the number of zombies they needed to face at a time was lower.

"We need to get there quickly! Let's go!" William exclaimed.

They slaughtered their way in as fast as they could.

The group turned right but now, the narrow hallway became a challenge for them.

Since the zombie couldn't go anywhere, they were grouped in the small area and were blocking the door to the basement.

"Here William! Let's use this!" Brent said as he pulled a steel drawer cabinet from one of the rooms.

William also pulled the desk into the hallway and they began to push it forward, shoving the zombies onto the side or staying stuck at the front of the desk.

While the two were pushing the desk, the others were killing the zombies that were pressed onto the walls.

After a final push, they eventually reached the door into the control room.

The steel door creaked a little as the group rushed inside and into the stairs leading downwards.

They ultimately found the room and there, the seven zombies wearing security uniforms were waiting at them.

"Let's go!" William said.

Without any rest, they rushed to the zombies while Dante began finding his way into the computer and immediately searched for how to close the gates.

"Where, where…Here! Found it!" After a single click, a notification popped out on the screen.

-Please scan your fingerprint for confirmation.-

"Shit! I need the fingerprint of a security personnel to close the damn gates!" Dante shouted to the team.

"On it!" William responded and turned to Helen. "You drag the bodies to Dante."

"Okay!" Helen nodded and began dragging two dead bodies of the zombies that were wearing security uniforms.

After scanning their fingerprints on the scanner on the table, it was declined by the system.

-You have one chance left.-

"Damn it!" Dane cursed.

Helen dragged another zombie to him.

He immediately scanned the zombie and learned of its rank.

"It's not him!"

The others finished the other zombies and dragged their bodies near him. Dante did a quick check of the bodies and lifted the hand of the one with the highest rank of the group, and cleaned off the blood on it.

He exhaled before scanning the fingerprint of the zombie. The others swallowed their saliva all at the same time.


-Gates closing…-

The notification came and Dante yelled, "Yes!" with the others.

Dante scanned through the cameras and found the ones that were in the gates and at the north gate, he saw the zombies rushing and the gate slowly closing.

"Good! It's closing!" he announced to his team.

He then returned to the cameras and searched for the ones that were outside the Administrative building.

From one of the cameras, he saw Miles, Michelle, Lilia and Paul, fighting the zombies and another camera displaying the wave of enraged zombies closing to the four.

"Miles and the others need help!" Dante shouted and ran into a corner of the room where a steel cabinet stood.

"I know!" William replied.

Dante opened the cabinet and there, a set of guns were arranged neatly. There were some empty spaces but there were still many guns in there.

Dante put his axe down and grabbed a shotgun.

"William!" He threw the shotgun to the approaching William and also passed the shells onto him.

"You fired a gun before?" Dante asked.

"Yeah." William nodded and began loading the gun.

Dante also passed rifles to Brent and Helen. He immediately found that the two had not handled a gun before so he gave the brief lesson.

"Just aim at the zombies and squeeze the trigger. Your strength could surely handle that small recoil." Dante said and passed the loaded magazines to the two.

Meanwhile, Julia took a sub machine gun for herself and loaded it easily. She also took two handguns and extra magazines.

Dante got himself a sub machine gun too.

"Let's hurry up!" William said as they all rushed outside.