
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

First Item and Skill

The humans awakened systems. This was one of the news Miles received last time.

However, he was confused as to how he, a living healthy human could not have one. He asked himself if he was a bug or if he was not a human anymore.

And now, in front of him was a panel.

"Is..this the system?"

He looked at it with wide eyes.

"I should hide first."

Miles was excited but he didn't forget about his safety. He found an empty room and locked the door.

"I knew it. It's impossible that I won't have a system…"

"Status open."

Nothing happened.

"Open Profile." he tried words to get to his profile and stats.

Still, nothing happened.

Then, doubt hit him.

"Is this really the system?"

He read the notification and was puzzled.

[ You have earned 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ]

"Heaven's Dice? What is that?"

Miles then found a number at the lower left side of the screen.

[ Current Points: 1,000 ]

He clicked on it and it opened another panel.

[ Item ] [ Skill ]

Miles then chose the skill and clicked on it.

[ 100 ] [ 1,000 ]

"Well, this should be the price…and the cost is…these points…I assume."

He clicked on the 1,000 and the next second, a cube dice appeared in front of him.

Miles held the 8 mm dice in his palm.

"Heaven's Dice…" he muttered.

This dice has one difference from normal dice. It didn't have any dots on it but rather the sides only had plain colors. And there were only three colors in this dice. Three white, two green and one blue.

"...can now roll the Heaven's Dice."

Miles has many questions but first, he wanted to try it. He rolled the dice onto the floor.

It bounced and rolled a few times before it stopped, the green color facing up.

[ Congratulations! You have received the skill, 'Heavy Strike (Normal)'. ]

[ Would you like to learn the skill, 'Heavy Strike(Normal)'? ]


The dice disappeared and information about the skill flowed through Miles' mind.

[ Heavy Strike(Normal) - Your next strike will deal ten percent more damage. ]

Miles was surprised to suddenly know about the skill like he was using it for a very long time.

"Is this real?" His smile was bright.

"I will try it outside." He was prepared to move out when notifications came again.

[ You have rolled at 1,000 points for the first time. You can roll the Heaven's Dice once as a bonus. ]

"Oh!! Another chance!" Miles was so excited he jumped.

[ First 1,000 Roll Bonus ]

Miles clicked on it.

[ Item ] [ Skill ]

This time, he went for Item.

The Heaven's Dice appeared once again. However, it was a bit different from the first one.

This one had three green sides, two blue and one red side.

"White, green, blue and red. I know that green means Normal. Now I just have to learn what the other means."

He rolled the dice and held his breath as it did. The red side faced up.

[ Congratulations! You have received the item, 'Body Strengthening Pill(Extraordinary)'. ]

[ Body Strengthening Pill(Extraordinary) - A pill that could strengthen one's body and enhance body control. Increases senses and reflexes. Provides a healthy body that does not catch illness quickly. Could only be taken three times. ]

"Woah! This is what I need! So…where is it?"

Nothing happened but Miles saw that there was an additional option on his panel.

[ Storage Space ]

[ Body Strengthening Pill x1 ]

He clicked it and a small box appeared in front of him. Inside was a little red pill.

"Hahaha…If this is true, my survival would increase."

Without hesitation, he swallowed the pill.

A pain enveloped his whole body. He felt like there were little worms crawling inside his veins and thousand needles pricking his muscles.

The torturous pain subsided an hour later.

Miles laid on the floor panting and when he sat down, he vomited.

It's when all the pain finally vanished that he felt the difference of his body from before.

"This pill is amazing. My body is brimming with power…Well, I feel so good and all my body aches are gone."

He stood up and threw some punches. It felt awkward at first because he never did any boxing or martial arts before but he got some hang of it and made a little progress.

"This feels great!"

Miles was truly elated.

"Heaven's Dice…what a great thing."

He didn't receive what he expected but he was not disappointed in the very least. Just getting the Body Strengthening Pill was a great benefit for him.

[ Current Points: 0 ]

"Hmm…I want to roll that dice again but I don't have any points now. The question is where and how can I get these points?"

"Well, I have been only killing zombies all these times so that must be it."

From the short transaction he experienced, he had a brief conclusion of the Heaven's Dice.

Miles could use points to use the Heaven's Dice to receive an Item or Skill. The quality of the dice depends on how many points were used while the colors represent the quality of the item of skill. He had seen white, green, blue and red. Green represents a Normal quality and red represents Extraordinary quality.

"I guess I just need to kill those bastards again. I'll see what I can get and test my powers at the same time."

"But before that, I need to eat. I'm so hungry."

He had his fill and went out.

There he saw that the zombies began to gather outside the dormitory.

He looked at them and saw that these zombies had numbers above their heads.

[ 1 ]

[ 1 ]

[ 1 ]

'Hmm…their level? Or the points that I could get from them?'

'Let's see what it is.'

Miles tapped the railings near the entrance of the building.


The sound attracted the zombies and they began to approach Miles as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, Miles readied his ax and when the first wave of the zombies closed in, he swung it horizontally.

'Heavy Strike!'

He activated the skill, aiming at the heads of the zombies.


The ax moved swiftly. Wind blew and with it, the brains of seven zombies which were cut cleanly by a single strike.

'Woah! So strong!'

Miles exclaimed. He knew he could not do that before but now, he sliced multiple targets like butter.

"This is amazing."

He stared at his current points and saw that it changed from 0 to 7.

'So the number above the heads of zombies is the points I could get from killing them.'

'So low!' he shouted inside.

'I needed to kill at least a hundred before I could roll the dice again.'

He complained but still moved forward and killed the zombies.

Miles activated the Heavy Strike for eleven more times before he felt the slight pain in his body and his stamina decreasing quickly.

'So I can't use this skill that often. From what I can feel, it consumes my energy and my stamina. Using it many times could hurt or injure me. I need to be careful and I need my body to be stronger so that I can use it continuously. Hah… I hope that I can get another Body Strengthening Pill.'

Heavy Strike was a simple skill yet it's very effective and as a starting skill, Miles liked it. Spamming it continuously could increase his killing rate and shorten the amount of time he spends on eliminating zombies making his life easier.

Miles walked as zombies approached him from all directions. His points continued to rise.

[ Current Points: 154 ]

"Should I roll now?"

"No, no. I'll wait until I reach 1,000 points."

He did want to roll the dice, however, he also wanted to roll the one with a better chance to get higher quality of item or skill.

"But honestly, am I the only one alive in the university? That shouldn't be it. I guess I just have to search for them. Sammy, David and Jason too. I need to find them."

He began by checking the place beside their building, the dormitory building 2. Just like the dormitory building 1, it has five floors.

Miles made his way into the building and did his routine.

Clear the zombies, check the rooms and take what he needs.

The first three floors were cleared smoothly although he didn't find anything good, Miles was still satisfied with getting 140 more points.

[ Current Points: 294 ]

"But man, this system is really a silent one."

Except for the few notifications that he received, the system didn't interact with him and didn't even answer his questions.

He could only summon his panel by saying 'current points'.

He moved to the fourth floor and easily cleaned it up. He didn't even have to use his Heavy Strike skill because his physical strength was enough to deal with these few zombies.

Miles opened each room and checked them. When he got on the last one, it was locked.

"Hmm? Maybe… "

With much expectation, he knocked on the door and spoke gently.

"Is there someone inside?"

A few moments later, the door slowly opened and a short-haired woman stared at him cautiously. She didn't even fully open the door and the chain lock was still connected.

With a glare, she asked coldly.

"Who are you?"