
Rock Bottom 18+

andreiamunchkin33 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs



I gently set my drink down, eyes cast over at the second-hottest man in this bar, who apparently, is his little brother.

"So, are you going to give me your name?" The HOTTEST man in this bar - and I think in a 100mile radius - asks me with a playboy grin plastered to his face. I contemplate for a few seconds since this question - when someone asks me for my name - has always triggered me. Shall I give them my real name? Or my new name... You never know when you first meet someone, and they turn out to be there for you, for the rest of your life. Giving a false name can be upsetting and considered a lie, but what do I care... I am already living the rest of my life and I have and will have nobody next to me.

"Emily" I reply and turn my head to look at him.

"Emily..." He repeats, in a deep husky, voice and I know this sounds cliché, but I have never heard this name sound so good coming out from anyone else. Trying to smother my newborn butterflies in my stomach, and ignore the heat that just took over my body, I reply.

"Yeah! That's me!" I stupidly thought, that the guy at the bar looked good, but he is nothing compared to his older brother. He towers over me, with gorgeous dark blue eyes, that look like they could melt you in seconds. Thick eyebrows, square jaw, with a day's, maybe two, worth of stubble, a set of very kissable lips, the finest worked out body, and rough strong arms. Imagine being held by those arms, I think I could die and be reborn again. He's wearing a black leather jacket, with a navy button down shirt and dark jeans. How has this man been allowed to look this way and walk freely without a beauty or two clinging to his legs. Looking around I see that It's not only me who thinks this way and if I look more attentively, I think I should pay extra attention when going back to my hotel this evening. Some women are eyeing me in a dangerous way, like I am hogging their national husband all to myself.

"I am Dean by the way, it's a pleasure meeting you" He says while slowly leaning forward. I curve my lips into a seductive smile, thinking if he is coming any closer he will definitely be able to see through my act. "Likewise!" I reply and turn around facing the bar again. I need to cool down.

"I am very happy to hear that Emily! For how long you're in town?" He says while taking a sip of his drink and runs his gorgeous eyes all over me again, but not in a creepy way, just in an appreciative way, or in a 'I'll take another look at you, so I can remember every detail of how we first met, for the rest of my life'. It's not working, he's not helping, I need to stop this train of thoughts. I don't know what he's actually thinking, so lets not too wayward.

"Only until tomorrow evening!" I reply to his question, while a red flag, suddenly started violently waving in my head. The contractor I am meeting tomorrow is a young man called Dean Dawson and then I think, what are the odds for this man to be one and the same person. Obviously I know that there are lots of 'Deans' in this world and maybe this very town, but my luck has always been like this.

I clear my throat and mentally decide not to go over the line, with my 'seductive and mysterious, new girl in town', persona.

"What about you? Have you always lived here?"

"Yes! Born and raised!" He proudly says. "All my brothers and baby sister live here too, it's a nice town and safe to grow children!"

"Do you have any?" I ask on instinct, because this is what you ask when you hold a conversation with a prospective date when your over 30s. Not that Dean is my date, or he would ever be. He chuckles lightly and damn his genuine smile is way sexier than his playboy trademark grin. "Not yet, but I do have a lot of nieces and nephews!"

"That's nice!" I reply thinking he must really love his family, I feel like I already know all of them.

"Yeah! I am the 'cool uncle Dean' I get to play with them and do all sorts of stuffs together, but the best part is, when I hand them over to their parents at the end of the day!"

"Hahaha... I agree that must be the best part!" I say.

"What about you, do you have any children?"

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...



My mind went completely blank. What should I answer to this stranger, that he might be or not, the contractor I am supposed to be meeting tomorrow. My eyes started loosing focus and the background noise started fading, step by step, my memories were forcefully pulling me back in time. Four years ago, to be more precise, the time when I though my life was good and going on a steady track. His image flashed before my eyes involuntarily and at this moment I knew, that I was a goner.

A quick mild pain in my back is followed by an ice cold liquid flowing down into my dress. A not so pleasent male voice, resounds behind me.