13 Ch 12: Long road talk

Currently going southeast to the reptilian town, the group was bored, Khaski and Gen were playing with a deck of cards, well, playing would be an overstatement, instead, Khaski was explaining how to play the game.

´´I'm telling you, I'm a master at this game´´ said Khaski beating Gen for the eleventh time this night ´´Look it's not that difficult once you've played enough times. Oh, maybe if w get more members we can play another game´´

´´No thanks, I can already tell you're experienced in card games, and it'll take me years to even be a challenge to you´´ leaving the four cards left on his hand on the kart's floor Gen just went to a corner of the cart to sleep.

´´For a twenty-three-year-old, you sure do sleep a lot´´ said Lyubo who was sitting at the front of the cart guiding Equine to the next town ´´Anyways, where did you learn to play cards that good?´´

´´Every weekend my mother played with her friends, those games could last hours and when I wasn't training I joined them for some time. Nice way of earning money through gambles´´ explained the beast while sitting next to Lyubo ´´It's already midnight, I think´´ looking at the sky receiving a ´´It indeed is´´ as a response from Lyubo ´´And there's a lot of people resting along the road´´

´´Well it is spring, and the reptilian town is well known for being the most beautiful town in the country in spring, so tourists from both of our hometowns are really frequent these days´´ explained the young man while moving aside of the road and leashing Equine to a nearby tree ´´It's a good time to rest and sleep for the night. Seeing how you're still full of energy I guess you can take the first turn to do as the watchdog... not in a pun kind of way you know... I'll just go to sleep, wake me up in an hour or two and we'll swap roles´´ finally laying down and sleeping Khaski just stood up and walked to a place where she could both train and watch over the cart.



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