
RM's Shadowed Desire

Female readers x Kim Namjoon Namjoon rescues Y/N from kidnapping, but keeps her captive in his dark world of secrets. As Y/N navigates his treacherous landscape, she must decide: surrender to his all-consuming desires or risk everything to unravel his mysteries and change him forever. But when Namjoon's icy heart begins to thaw, and he starts to succumb to his own forbidden feelings, the lines between captor and captive blur. Will their twisted bond survive the secrets and lies that surround them, or will it become the very thing that destroys them both?

Leo_TheEmperor · Lainnya
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26 Chs

Chapter 9 : A Sinister Welcome

I didn't know how to respond to her greeting. Nam-ju was welcoming me with a smile, but it was a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"Welcome, dear," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness. "We've been waiting for you."

Namjoon chuckled, a low, menacing sound. "Yes, and you'll fit right in. You're so... innocent."

Nam-ju's expression turned slightly stern as she scolded her brother. "Namjoon, don't be rude. We're guests, after all."

I tried to speak, but my voice was barely a whisper. "W-what do you want from me?"

Nam-ju's smile returned, but it was laced with a hint of darkness. "We want you to feel at home, dear. You'll be staying with us for a while."

Namjoon snorted, but Nam-ju shot him a warning glance. "Don't mind him, dear. He's just a little... enthusiastic. But we promise you'll be safe here."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized the true horror of my situation. Nam-ju's gentle tone was unsettling, and her smile seemed to hide secrets.

Nam-ju gestured to the grand staircase. "Shall I take you to your room , dear? You must be tired from your journey."

I hesitated, unsure if I should trust them. But something about Nam-ju's demeanor drew me in, despite the sinister air that surrounded her.

I nodded, and Nam-ju led me up the stairs, Namjoon following closely behind. As we walked, I couldn't help but wonder what secrets this house held, and what lay in store for me.

Nam-ju led me down the familiar hallway, the shadows cast by the flickering candles dancing on the walls. We stopped in front of the door to my room, the same one I had slept in two nights ago.

"Time for a rest, dear," Nam-ju said, her voice low and soothing. "We'll have lunch soon."

She pushed the door open, and I hesitated, unsure if I should enter. But Nam-ju's grip on my arm was firm, and she guided me inside with a gentle but unyielding pressure.

As I looked around, I saw that the room was just as I had left it. The same bed, the same dresser, the same window with the same view of the dark forest outside.

But something felt off. The air seemed thicker, heavier, and the shadows seemed to move of their own accord.

"I'll come fetch you when lunch is ready," Nam-ju said, her voice whisper-soft. "Until then, try to... relax."

And with that, she closed the door behind me, leaving me alone in the eerie silence.