
Chapter 2

I slowly awoke. The dream I just had passed through my mind like quicksand. I got right out of bed and strode into the bathroom despite the desire I had to lay there some more. If I had I would have never gotten up.

It had been notoriously difficult to get up in my old life. I didn't want a return of bad habits. Washing my face and brushing my teeth, I strode into the shower for a quick wash. 5 minutes later I strode out and dried myself with the towel that had been hanging on the banister.

Clothing was some underwear and socks along with a pair of black shorts I slipped on before tugging on a white t-shirt that had the red swirls on the arm with the Senju marking on the back. I was heading for my shoes when I heard a knock at the door.

My mother spoke through the door. "Tsunade breakfast is on the table, get ready. We're leaving in 30 minutes." I had decent hearing but I hadn't even heard her walking across the hallway. Damn ninja were truly silent when they wanted to be weren't they.

"Sure." I would have to exercise when I got back. I was still a long way off from levelling up. I had only 1000 of the 25,000 exp I would need to do so. If it continued like this it would take 25 days for me to level up even once.

It would be helpful If I had something that bothered to explain what I could and couldn't do with this system. So far I had learned I didn't get stat points for thinking up plans and exercising. What else was there I was missing that the person who sent me here obviously wanted me to figure out myself.

I thought about it and if it was truly like a game, I would be able to gain exp by fighting people. And I was going to a school where we were training to be ninja, I'm sure I could goad someone into having a fight with me. Get that sweet juicy exp.

I'd start with those at level 1 and work my way up.

(Sometime later.)

My mother had decided she would walk me to school. The voices of excited kids filled the road. The academy rose up quite high and was made entirely out of wood. Observe had told me that most civilians hung between level 1 to level 5. The ninja walking their children to school all had question marks next to their levels and so it was hard for me to know what benchmark to shoot for by the time I finished the academy.

Stalls with food were set up near the academy. The smell of fried fruit caught my eye and I paused for a moment. Watching as the green eyed pale skinned woman deep fried some bananas in a caramel sauce. There was an open container that people could drop their money into. The fried bananas were skewered and placed on a massive grey tray that was open to the elements and could fit more than 10 fried bananas on it.

It wasn't so much the woman and her wares that caught my attention, no it was the pink haired man, that had appeared in front of the stall. I had heard the thump of his feet as he hit the ground. He'd been too fast for me to see otherwise. As I got closer and hit him with Observe, I heard the tail end of a conversation.

Level 70

Keichi Haruno

Title: Chunin of Konoha

Power Level: 141



STR –1470(1837)

END –1480(1850)

DEX –1475(1843)

INT – 770(962)

WIS –780(975)

CHA –792(990)

Bio: Is looking for a decent woman so he can have a child to pass on his skills too. Is currently interested in Amara Kohana.

"Pick me up at 8'oclock."

The pink haired man nodded. Putting the fried banana in his mouth and dropping his money in the container he jumped up onto a building and disappeared from sight.

So that was a chunin. In the Naruto series they had been mostly fodder. And right now, I would currently get my ass kicked by what had been considered fodder. But this was my life now. At least I had a benchmark I intended to surpass by the time I graduated.

I felt the hand of my mother on my shoulder. "Are you still hungry? Should I have made you more breakfast? "Uzaki whispered.

"I'm just kind of curious what they taste like, you know." I said back.

"Alright." Uzaki's face was set and she walked forward there was quite a line that had grown as they talked. The woman was quick at serving people. Sometimes money would just drop into the container and food would just vanish.

"Rude." A woman with brown hair said as she waited to be served. Her friend nodded beside her. "Why can't they just wait in line like normal folk." The woman holding the cart didn't seem to care, just carried on like it was a normal thing.

Uzaki seemed to hop in place from one foot to the other as she waited with a bright grin on her face. She was glancing at the other things on display. There were also breakfast burritos in an open container. From the smell they were filled with egg and potatoes. They seemed to vanish the most.

Eventually they were at the front of the line. I hit the woman with an Observe and she seemed like a standard civilian. A part of me was a little annoyed that some civilians were currently stronger than me but my pride was soothed by the fact I would be much stronger once I levelled up some.

Level 5

Amara Kohana

Title: Civilian of Konoha


Power Level: 3.91








Bio: Her passion is cooking. Has recently been crushing on Keichi Haruno. Didn't expect the man to reciprocate her desires.

The only stat above the norm seemed to be her charisma. Most civilians had a max of 50 in charisma that I had seen at least. The woman was fairly attractive, I guess. Maybe that had something to do with it.

"Hello, what can I get you?" I stepped forward not tall enough to even see above the cart now that I was closer. She peered down at me. I flipped a coin. Heads and I would get the fried banana tails and I would get the burrito. I caught it on my hand. Looked. Heads. I nodded. "1 fried banana." My mother who was beside me nodded and pointed to one of the breakfast burritos. "Add a breakfast burrito to the order."

She was quick with her hands easily handling the food. She slid it over on a small paper tray. "That will be 500 yen." My mother nodded, handing her a 500 yen note. "Please come again and have a great day."

I nodded as I bit into the fried banana. Flavour exploded in my mouth and a part of me regretted that I couldn't have been dropped into the food wars universe. Sure, I had the chance to become really strong, but food that seemed to make you orgasm from the flavour? Sign me the fuck up.

A part of me hoped that could be my second world. But I also knew that it probably wouldn't be. Still one day I would go there and try that food. Definitely. I swallowed the banana in 4 bites. Making a mental note to truly pursue all of the food vendors. Who knows what things they would have for sale.

Uzaki paused at the gate placing a hand on my shoulder. "Alright. This is it. Your path as a ninja starts here."

"I know mom, don't worry I got this." I could feel the moment I was lifted by my exuberant mother as she hugged me so hard my back felt like it had cracked.

"Aww my little girl is growing up. You're going to be great, you know." I could practically feel the stares of the civilians and other families. I was so embarrassed. I took a breath to tamp down the anger my childish body produced as my mother babbled on.

"Put me down mom."

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, you just looked so cute. "She pinched my cheek before giving me a push towards the academy door. "Go on, you got this Tsunade-chan. Remember you'll be in room 9."

I shook my head before strolling into the academy. Going up a flight of stairs until I reached the door with a carved number 9 on the top of the wooden door.

Walking in I glanced around the room. The teacher wasn't here yet but it was set up like a typical classroom would have been. Wooden chairs. Wooden desks. Hell, there was even a piece of chalk and a blackboard.

A glance over in the corner introduced me to the current strongest person in the room who was not the teacher. The rest were level 1 or level 2.

Orochimaru Kihebi

Level 3

Title: Last of the Kihebi Clan.


Power Level: 3.85








Bio: Dreams of learning every jutsu in the world.

I had never heard of a kihebi clan. But it made sense I mean Konoha was massive there couldn't have just been 8 total clans in Konoha it was too big for that. Still, I slid into the seat beside him. He looked up at me. Even now he still had a slight serpentine look. Pale skin. Golden eyes with a slit pupil. The fangs on his eyes were not yet there. This guy was supposed to be a once in a million genius.

I gave him my cockiest grin. "You're my rival now."


The way she stated it seemed as simple and easy as breathing. There was no fear from his appearance that had often scared the others. He put her in the acquaintance category; he wouldn't take the risk of trusting her as a friend quite yet.

He could sense her chakra and compared to his own and it seemed like it was about even. It was her name that clinched it for him. The teacher had done a roll call and he had been surprised at first but also pleased. Tsunade Senju. Granddaughter of Hashirama Senju. The first Hokage. God of Shinobi.

If she had even half that man's potential perhaps, she could push him. There was also the jutsu she would have access to as the heir of the Senju. She might not allow him to look at the scrolls himself but there was also the chance she would.

To learn all the jutsu in the world he would do a lot. It was his dream after all. Something to keep his mind off. He…

He pinched himself automatically redirecting his thoughts to the stinging sensation. Better than thinking about that.

"So what made you seek me out as a rival."

"You feel the strongest. Why would I not make you my rival." Tsunade leaned her head on the desk as she spoke to him. He raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

"Call it a gut instinct. Plus you're one of the only ones with comparable chakra to me."

"You're a sensor."

"In a manner of speaking. It's rather bad though I can only judge their chakra if they're really close to me. Like you are right now."

A piece of chalk smashed into Tsunade Senju's face. Sending her toppling off her chair and onto the ground.

"You will be silent as I am speaking. If you want to chat, do it on your own time. You're here to learn how to be a ninja."

Tsunade got up, rubbing her face. She sat down but there was a glimmer of something in her eyes as she stared at Mr. Ohari.

(Tsunade Senju)

I was definitely going to get revenge on that teacher. Hit me with a piece of chalk. I'll slip a whoopie cushion under your chair. How about that?

Lying to Orochimaru about being a shitty sensor was ok. I wasn't about to tell anybody about the Gamer ability if I could help it. They might figure out I was reading something in the air if I wasn't careful but eh I could come up with a reason. I was telling nobody until I was the most dominant force in the world. Or I unlocked the next world whichever came first.

The first lesson was basic math. Which in a way I could understand the use for a ninja. But only in a generic way you know who used math in their daily life unless they were paying for shit or doing taxes.

Now we were taken to a field outside and split off into pairs. A white-haired individual was paired up with me.

"You were next to that freaky kid. Were his eyes really like a snake's." I turned to look at what could only be a 4-year-old Jiraiya. A quick Observe told me he was level 2 stronger than me, probably the strongest level 2 in the class at the moment.

Level 2


Title: Orphan of Konoha

Power Level: 2.5



STR –28(30.8)

END –30(33)

DEX –28(30.8)

INT – 20(22)

WIS –25(27.5)

CHA –34(37.4)

Bio: Wants to become a ninja to escape the orphanage and travel the world.

I pondered how to respond. "Talking about others behind their back is what weak people do. Are you weak Jiraiya?"

"Of course not. I was just stating what he looked like. He looks kinda freaky looking." He nodded to himself before grinning at me. "So do you have the famed wood style of the First?"

I shrugged. While there was an opportunity that I could get it somehow using the Gamer I didn't really know, plus I was sure If I became good enough at healing, I could just graft samples of my grandfather onto me to get some form of mokuton if I wanted too.

Still doing such a thing rubbed me the wrong way especially if you consider that they are family. I may not know them yet but taking advantage of family has always rubbed me the wrong way. That was unlikely to change.

"No, I don't think so. What do you think they're going to have us do?"

Jiraiya slammed his fist into his other one as he hopped about. "Probably going to take us through the academy style of taijutsu, get us settled into it then have us spar in a few weeks. At least that's what I heard from others at the orphanage. The ones who are in a higher class than us."

That made sense in a way. As a person who had trained at a boxing gym the noobs were not often thrown into sparring first thing. At least not at the gym I went to; there weren't any gyms out there where the hard knock lifestyle was a thing. Sink or swim as it was aptly put.

Still throwing noobs against each other without the basics drilled into them was stupid. They would learn nothing like that.

An hour of going through the motions of different stances. Different punches and blocks. I checked the clock as soon as we walked back in. Then we were taken back inside and I sat next to Orochimaru again.

Hand seals were next. Constantly repeating the same motions. It was mind numbingly boring in a way I hadn't expected it to be.

I gained skills in both taijutsu and ninjutsu. Just a level but it had been more than I had a while ago. I did feel a little better about the lessons now.

It was best to be prepared.

(Sometime Later)

The academy was over for the day around 3:00, going based on the clock. The curriculum had a few civilian topics. The standard maths and science were there as well as Japanese and history. But the rest of the lessons were about how to be a ninja.

Still, everybody seemed happy to be leaving. Waiting at the gate for me was my mother Uzaki Uzumaki.

"Did you have a good day, Squirt?" She was grinning widely as she spoke. Her red hair flapped in the wind.

"I'm not a squirt." I could feel my face shifting into a pout.

"Sure, look at how short you are." She was still grinning as she ruffled my hair.

"I'm only 4. What did you expect?" I smacked her hand away and she had the gall to look wounded holding a hand to her heart.

"Are you back talking to your mother? Oh, Amaterasu, where did my well behaved child go?" I raised an eyebrow as she seemed to slump onto the ground doodling in the road. Her finger carved through the cement like a hot knife through butter.

"Oh, the pain, where did she go?" I walked up to her and bonked her on the head as hard as I could. She fell onto the floor and began sniffling.

"You're not getting any pity from me." I shook my fist at her.

"You little shit." She jumped up and lunged for me. I barely got out of the way. She chased after me, arms outstretched as we ran through the streets. It was fun. She chased me all the way home and shook her fist at me promising revenge before strolling into the kitchen to make dinner.

I went to my room. Thinking of the things that I knew canon Tsunade had been good at. Her medical knowledge was the greatest in the series from being able to replace people's limbs to healing the entire village after it had been attacked by pain.

The only problem I had with that was her healing skill. It shortened her lifespan and that wasn't something I wished to do to myself. I would have to eventually figure out a new way to heal people like that.

For that I would need chakra control. A notification popped up in my field of vision.

(Daily Quest. Meditation.)

To become a medic, you need to work on your control of your chakra. Meditation will grant you more self-awareness and with that increased self-awareness your spiritual body will become stronger and your chakra will flow easier.

Objectives: Meditate 1 hour a day.

Rewards: +1 stat points. 500 exp.+1 in chakra control skill till you get to Expert chakra control.

Mystical Palm Technique. C-Rank Technique. Costs 15,000 cp to activate. Costs 10 cp per second after. The user applies their hand to the afflicted or wounded part of the body and sends chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities. Heals 10,000 hp per minute.

I stared. That was a lot of chakra but it was an B-Rank jutsu. I was probably way off from being able to use such a thing but having it in my back pocket would be helpful. I sat down and focused upon the candle and tried my best to sit still.

This was my life and to fight in the wars that could occur while I was here, I would need to be strong.

AN. I decided to call it there. There will be a couple more chapters on her adventures at the academy and what she gets up to there.

The stats in brackets denote what their passive chakra enhancement brings them too. At the end of the series it wouldn't have been surprising that they all could have been using chakra to enhance their strikes. There are levels to this enhancement just like most things.

Most chunin have adept chakra control.

Most jounin have expert chakra control.

All medical nin have expert chakra control.

Cost of jutsu.

E-Rank jutsu takes 2500 cp (Eg.Academy three. Henge. Clone. Body Replacement Jutsu.)

D-Rank jutsu takes 5000 cp. (Eg. Four legs technique. Hiding in the mist technique.)

C-Rank Jutsu takes 15,000 cp. (eg. Fire release: Flame bullet. )

B-Rank jutsu takes 50,000 cp.(Lightning Release: Chakra mode.)

A-Rank jutsu takes 150,000 cp.(Eg. Rasengan. Chidori. Summoning Boss Animal Summon.)

S-Rank Jutsu takes 450,000 cp. (Wind Release: Rasenshuriken.)

Now what type of C-Rank do you wish to see first. A mystery that could affect the upcoming first shinobi world war. A normal bandit mission. Or perhaps something that shows that not all the missions the ninja does end well for all involved.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RagingCloud405creators' thoughts
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