
CH - 04 Are you serious?

Inside the solemn Uzumaki meeting hall, a heavy atmosphere hung in the air as Kazuki, seated on the patriarch's throne, carefully read the letter from Konoha. With each passing moment, his expression grew grimmer, reflecting the weight of the news he held in his hands.

Raising the letter, Kazuki addressed the Third Elder with a mix of hope and skepticism. "Are we certain that this letter accurately represents Konoha's true intentions?"

The Third Elder, her demeanor somber, nodded with a tinge of sadness. "Yes, I can assure you that the message conveyed aligns with the contents of this letter. Despite my personal appeals to the Third Hokage, Konoha has expressed their inability to provide assistance to us, citing their primary focus on the impending war."

Kazuki let out a sigh, his voice heavy with disappointment. "They claim they are unable to spare the necessary manpower to aid us in our time of need. Furthermore, they suggest that, in the unfortunate event of an attack leading to our annihilation, it would be in the best interest of preserving our bloodline to send someone capable of becoming the next Jinchuriki and entrust them with our fuinjutsu scrolls, safeguarding our legacy for future generations." The bitterness in his words was palpable as he emphasized the word 'unfortunate'.

The frustration within the Sixth Elder reached its peak, causing him to slam his hand on the table. "Absolutely not! Our legacy should not be offered as a sacrificial lamb to ensure our survival. If we send someone bearing our Jinchuriki secrets and fuinjutsu knowledge, it would signify that our existence is expendable in Konoha's eyes. They may even be the first to strike against us!" His lack of trust in Konoha was evident.

With a tinge of sarcasm, the Fourth Elder chimed in, having read the contents of the letter. "Apparently, according to their reasoning, this course of action aligns with the tradition of our clan, as the first Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails hailed from the Uzumaki Clan."

The Second Elder, his voice filled with a glimmer of hope, interjected. "What about the Senju Clan? Surely they would stand by us as our allies. What did they say? And what about Mito?"

But before he could finish his sentence, the Third Elder's deflated response reverberated through the room. "Mito has stated that, as the current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, she is bound to remain within the village. Furthermore, the majority of Senju members have been deployed to the frontlines under the command of the Hokage."

Enraged by the situation, the Fifth Elder slammed his armrest on his chair. "Damn it! Has she forgotten that she is an Uzumaki? Does she not wish to save her own clan?"

The First Elder interjected, his voice laced with a mix of emotions. "No, she has not forgotten. We are the ones who have forgotten that she now carries the name Mito Senju, as the wife of the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, rather than Uzumaki. It appears that for her, safeguarding the hard-earned peace established by her husband holds greater significance than solely focusing on the survival of our clan."

As the silence settled in the hall, the weight of their dire situation became palpable. The absence of support from Mito and the Senju Clan served as a harsh reminder of the grave circumstances they faced. The elders reluctantly accepted the reality before them, acknowledging that they were on the brink of imminent danger.

Kazuki, his voice tinged with resignation, admitted, "Although we foresaw this outcome, the true gravity of our situation has now become apparent. With no assistance forthcoming, we must confront the harsh reality we face."

Filled with despair, one elder raised the question of considering Konoha's advice and selecting a successor for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. The burden of their legacy and survival hung heavily in the air.

However, another elder voiced a resolute stance, refusing to accept such a fate. "No, we cannot simply resign ourselves to that fate. We must exhaust every possibility to ensure the survival of our clan, even if it means orchestrating the escape of some members," he declared, his tone reflecting the weight of their circumstances.

An elder closed their eyes, overcome with the weight of their predicament. With a voice heavy with despair, they whispered, "Is there truly no way to save our clan now?"

Desperation and panic began to grip the elders, and they murmured among themselves, suggesting various courses of action. Some spoke of fighting until the bitter end, while others vented their frustration and anger towards Konoha and the Senju Clan for their perceived betrayal. The meeting hall grew increasingly somber with each passing moment.

Observing the turmoil among the elders, Kazuki forcefully slammed his hand on the table, demanding their attention. His voice resonated with authority and determination. "Enough of these fruitless discussions! Is there anyone among us who possesses a viable solution to rescue us from this dire situation?"

A hush fell over the room as the elders realized the weight of Kazuki's question. They searched within themselves but found no answers. Kazuki, after a moment of contemplative silence, sighed inwardly. He had anticipated this outcome.

Drawing strength from his recent conversation with his son, Kazuki regained his composure and stood up. His gaze swept across the room, his voice firm and resolute. "We stand on the precipice of destruction. To save our clan, we may have to resort to extreme measures, even if it means, hypothetically speaking, betraying our allies. Do you all understand?"

One elder raised a hesitant hand, questioning Kazuki's mention of betrayal. Before he could complete his question, another elder spoke up loudly, cutting him off. "That is beside the point. The question remains, do you have a solution?"

The other elders nodded in agreement, acknowledging that their longtime allies had already abandoned them. In their desperate circumstances, even the prospect of betrayal seemed like a lesser evil if it meant securing the survival of Uzushiogakure.

Kazuki met their gaze with a knowing smile, exuding confidence in his revelation. "No, not me. But I am acquainted with someone who possesses the capability to assist us in this dire situation. He approached me discreetly during the previous meeting, expressing doubts about Konoha's aid and proposing a solution to save our clan from impending peril."

The elders arched their eyebrows in surprise, their curiosity piqued. "Why has this advisor remained unknown to us until now? Can we truly place our trust in him? Pray, reveal his identity," they inquired eagerly, their questions flowing in quick succession.

Kazuki nodded thoughtfully, comprehending their skepticism. "In fact, you are all familiar with him," he replied, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He turned his gaze towards the closed door, his voice projecting with a hint of authority. "Enter."

"Prepare yourselves," Kazuki cautioned the bewildered elders, his tone infused with a mix of warning and anticipation. As their attention shifted towards the door, confusion turned to profound shock. Their bewildered gazes darted back and forth between the approaching figure and Kazuki, disbelief etched upon their faces. In a voice tinged with disbelief, one of them uttered, "Are you serious?"

With an air of self-assurance, an eight-year-old child strode into the room, his countenance still retaining traces of youthful innocence. It was Akira, the patriarch's own son—a prodigious individual whose presence alone evoked astonishment among the elders.

Kazuki affirmed their doubt, his expression resolute. Recalling the conversation they had shared just three days ago, he couldn't help but acknowledge his initial skepticism.

*flashback no jutsu*

Akira locked eyes with his father, his expression filled with dramatic intensity. "Father, I possess knowledge of the future!"

Kazuki maintained a composed silence for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment. "Very well, please continue."

Momentarily taken aback by his father's lack of surprise, Akira gathered himself. "Aren't you curious about how I obtained this knowledge?"

Kazuki's calm demeanor remained unchanged as he responded, "While curiosity is natural, the means of predicting the future to some extent are not unheard of in the ninja world. What truly matters is the message you wish to convey by sharing this information."

Covering his face with both hands, Akira released a relieved sigh. "I had prepared numerous explanations to convince you, but I never expected it to be this straightforward."

"Let me be clear, if it were anyone else, I would dismiss them as a foolish deceiver. However, I trust that you would never deceive me, for you are my son," Kazuki's voice carried a deep emotional resonance. He then posed a question, "Moreover, I believe you will share the truth with me willingly, won't you?"

Akira paused for a moment, feeling his father's unwavering trust. With a sense of certainty, he decided to disclose a partial truth about his ability, knowing that explaining his true nature as a reincarnation would be unnecessarily complex. "Well, I have awakened a unique ability which I refer to as 'pro intuition'."

This was a cover story created by him, a convenient explanation that would help him navigate questions regarding his unusual decisions in the future. While he did not intend to reveal his true ability to everyone, certain individuals like his father warranted a partial disclosure, allowing them to glimpse a portion of his extraordinary capabilities.

"This ability enables me to predict the future to some extent, guiding my actions by providing a sense of 'rightness' or 'wrongness'," Akira hastily explained, noticing Kazuki's confusion. "Think of it as me asking questions and instantly knowing if they are true or false."

Kazuki began to express his skepticism, but before he could finish his sentence, Akira interrupted abruptly.

"What if I can prove the validity of my 'pro intuition'?" Akira decided to take a gamble, confident that his ability would not let him down. "Three days from now, the delegations will return with a letter from Konoha, stating their inability to assist us due to a lack of manpower."

Kazuki wanted to argue that it might be mere coincidence, but Akira pressed on, "Furthermore, they will request someone suitable to become the next Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki."

Silenced by Akira's words, Kazuki asked with seriousness, "What is it that you want?" He understood that Akira was making a proposition, seeking his assistance in a matter of great importance.

"I want you to help me address the council because, if my ability proves true, I am the only one who can save us from this impending disaster," Akira spoke slowly yet firmly, his expression serious and his eyes filled with unwavering determination.

It was unusual to witness such conviction from a child, but Kazuki found it neither strange nor unsettling. He could sense the future patriarch within his son, filling him with a surge of pride. However, he maintained his serious demeanor. "I can facilitate your introduction to the council, but convincing the elders will be your responsibility."

"I understand," Akira replied, fully aware that he would need to rely on his own abilities to garner the support of the elders. He knew he had to prove himself and earn their trust.

Recalling an important matter, he added, "I also wish to learn the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu'," addressing Kazuki, who seemed lost in thought.

Kazuki snapped out of his contemplation and pondered for a moment before responding, "The 'Shadow Clone Jutsu'? I believe there's a scroll of that technique somewhere in our vaults. It's not an especially rare jutsu." Perplexed, he questioned, "But isn't it primarily used for reconnaissance? Why do you specifically want to learn it?"

Akira smiled at his father's confusion. "Rest assured, you will be in for a remarkable surprise in the future."

*Flashback-no-jutsu finished*

As the elders fixed their gaze on the young Akira standing before them, their initial shock gradually transformed into curiosity. Their questioning gazes turned back to Kazuki, seeking reassurance and clarification.

With a resolute nod, Kazuki confirmed their doubts and affirmed his faith in Akira. "Yes, I am entirely serious. Akira possesses unique perspectives and abilities that can be instrumental in saving our clan. We must place our trust in him."

The elders exchanged glances, still harboring a hint of uncertainty but also recognizing the urgency of their situation. They were running out of options, and if Akira held even the slightest chance of leading them to salvation, they were willing to give him an opportunity.

The atmosphere within the meeting hall shifted, and the elders mentally prepared themselves for what Akira was about to reveal. Placing their trust in an eight-year-old boy seemed unconventional, yet they had reached a point where they had to embrace any glimmer of hope that presented itself. With trepidation and a sliver of optimism, they awaited the words that would determine their future.





You can read +5 chapters ahead of everyone on my patreon


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Well, I want to make it clear i am not gonna drop this, it's just I am not feeling like writing this novel daily may start another one but not going to drop this one just going to write some chapters whenever I feel like it. So, No stable updates

SPOILERS: It's an HP SI fanfic.... maybe? I haven't completely decided at this moment

Kaiszercreators' thoughts
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