
Rise of the Wolf

Scott Mccall is a 16-year-old boy living in a society that views werewolves as nothing more than myths and folklore. However, Scott's life takes an unexpected turn when he is granted a werewolf system, which transforms him into a powerful werewolf. The system has granted him immense physical strength, heightened senses, and the ability to shift between his human and werewolf forms at will. As he struggles to understand and control his newfound powers, Scott must keep them a secret from his family and friends, knowing that their fear and prejudice against werewolves could put him in danger. He quickly realizes that he is not the only one with werewolf powers, and there are others like him out there, who are being hunted and persecuted by those who fear them. Scott must navigate a world where werewolves are both feared and revered, and where he must decide whether to use his powers for good or for personal gain. He is forced to confront the consequences of his actions, as he struggles with the moral implications of his new identity. As his powers grow stronger, Scott discovers that there are those who would use his abilities for their own purposes. He must decide where his loyalties lie and whether he is willing to risk everything to protect his loved ones. Scott's journey is one of self-discovery, as he learns to embrace his inner werewolf while navigating a world that may never accept him for who he truly is. He must find the courage to be true to himself, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

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32 Chs

Imposed Bond

Scott's breakfast had made a disgusting reappearance as a mess in the hallway. This attracted attention, one Stiles didn't want him or his friend to receive. Alisson was also there, but instead of being there for poke-nosing or making fun like the others, she was more concerned about the boy. He had caught her attention on her first day here in class. She was attracted to him but didn't know why, making her shrug it off as a distraction. She didn't even know his name so what was going on?

During the football matches, she had been to so far, she could tell he was skilled. This also inspired her to take up female football.

Not liking how the situation was looking, she decided to clear things up and give room for Scott.

"Haven't you ever seen a sick student? Make room for him and don't suffocate him."

The students left holding their noses to 'avoid inhaling the nauseous smell', an act that seemed to annoy Coco because the mess didn't seem to give off any smell.

"Are you ok?" she asked Scott and bent to his level making Stiles who was still rooted to where he was the past few minutes snap out of his daze and he responded.

"I am his best friend, I'll take him to the infirmary for a check-up."

Supporting Scott by the sides, she managed to help him up and lean onto Stiles.

"Ok." She responded.

Staring back at the mess, she noticed a chocolate bar with its wrapper open, a bite mark, and a missing part.

"Did he react to this, if so shouldn't his 'Best friend' be aware of his allergies?"

"Man you've gained weight"

Stiles joked trying to lighten his mood for the damage he had caused his friend.

Getting to the infirmary, Stiles explained all that happened to the nurse present. She told him she couldn't do anything because the chocolate had been ingested and that he should be fine since he puked and released the chocolate from his system.

"I am sorry man, didn't know you were allergic to chocolate."

"No problem, let's get to class on time. I don't want detention and miss today's match."

The nurse released them soon after a few checkups and gave them the green light to attend classes as usual. Classes went as usual with no interesting events except the news of Scott's puking. Alisson glanced at him from time to time to see if he was well, because, for her, he shouldn't be attending classes but rather call in sick or something.

Classes were over and students were given breaks. Some went towards the cafeteria, some wanted to chit-chat with their friends and for some, the library was their preferred place to be. Scott and Stiles were in the first batch, heading for lunch the moment the bell rang. Scott had released his breakfast making him hungry, besides that, he found out that no matter how much meat he ate, he didn't get full, almost like his stomach was a bottomless pit.

Getting to the cafeteria, their paths were blocked by the famous football captain; Jackson with the assistant captain Brian by his side. Scott getting tired of Jackson's baby-like behaviour and wanting to taunt him,

"Hey Jackson, tell me, do you find any of us attractive, cuz the last time I checked, you don't hang out with 'lowlys' like us. So what's special about us? "

Not wanting to waste time, Jackson got to the point,

"Stay away from her."


Scott looked lost, not understanding what was going on. The news of Scott messing the hallway had reached all students' ears along with the fact that Alisson had supported him. Jackson was furious with that as he had claimed her as his in front of everyone. He had even asked her out, but she outright refused him, and now she was with another boy? Jackson wasn't having it. Scott wasn't aware of all this and was even trying to avoid any confrontation with her due to the first reaction his body made towards her.

"I said stay away from Alisson Argent. She's mine"

"I am not interested in her." Scott quickly tried to clear things out.

"That better be the case." Jackson turned to leave, but his friend Brian wasn't leaving just yet. Grabbing Stiles' arm forcefully, he applied pressure on it making Stiles flinch.

"You seem to be practising these days eeh. Do you think you gonna remain on the first team for long? We'll see about that."

Scott noticing that his friend was in pain intervened and grabbed Brian's arm.

"Let go of my friend." He commanded.

Seeing as Brian hadn't let go of his friend's hand, Scott applied more pressure on it. Brian noticing the strength behind the grip increasing flinched but still didn't let go.

This infuriated Scott. he was angry, mad even. He didn't realise it, but the pressure he was applying on Brian's arm was reaching bone-breaking force.

"I SAID LET GO OF HIS HANDS !!!" He shouted, gaining the whole cafeteria's attention. The next system notification didn't even gain his attention.

<Blood lust detected.>

< Bond imposed.>

Brian looked at Scott for a brief 2 seconds, and in those seconds he had seen the craziness in his eyes. He had seen no such eyes in his entire 16 years of existence. He didn't even feel pain in the arm Scott was gripping due to the pressure emanating from Scott. It was Jackson's words that made him release Stiles' arm, making Scott release his. Looking at it, he could see Scott's fingers deeply imprinted on his arm, proof of the power behind the grip.

Before leaving, Jackson repeated the reason why they had met with them in the first place. Walking away,

"Again McCall, stay away from Alisson Argent, she's mine."

"As I said, I ain't interested." Came Scott's dry reply.

"That better be the case, except you don't mind your sister being my girl."

"Cuz I heard she's a ... "

Jackson was turning around to face Scott in his last sentence but couldn't complete the turn, nor his sentence as a punch kissed his jaws, sending him flying a few feets into the cafeteria.

"Don't ever talk about my sister that way"


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Thought to make things easier. So returned back to the original names. U guys fine with that?

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