
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

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64 Chs


The Runewalkers had settled into the family home in the inner city over the past few days. Kye largely kept himself sequestered in his room at Layla's behest. She knew that they would receive many noble guests that would be trying to get a peek at Kye before the party and gossip. Layla almost had him on house arrest with the levels she was going through to make sure Kye wasn't seen before the evening of the party.

The family tailor had come today to measure Kye for a formal suit that he would use for formal occasions such as the upcoming party. The tailor was a tall, lanky man who had a completely shaved head and dark beady eyes that seemed to always follow Kye around the room. He was dressed immaculately in a pinstriped suit and pants combo that matched well with his tall figure.

"Greetings Young Master Kye, I am Antonio, I have been the tailor of Miss Layla for many years. I hear you are in need of a suit for the coming ball for the first princess, yes?"

He spoke in a west Aliothian accent, sounding very much like someone from the Mediterranean for an earth equivalent. The western region was very tropical and exposed to the vast ocean but was also comprised of many scattered islands that were connected through a regular ferry service. Pinning someone who didn't specify which region of the western kingdom they came from was impossible.

"Yes Mister Antonio, that is correct."

"Do you have any ideas on what you would like for your suit?"

Kye thought for a moment.

"For events like this, the gaudier the better, right?"

"We prefer the term, lavishly decorated but yes, for the most part, you are correct. However, Young Master Runewalker, your house is distinguished through its proud military tradition. Perhaps a subtler tone would be more appropriate."

"Yes, quite right. Do you do black dyes well?"

"Our black fabrics are the most expansive of any tailor I've seen. We will surely have one that suits your tastes."

"May I see your samples?"


Antonio clicked his fingers and two workers brought out a briefcase and opened it. They draped several fabrics over their arms and presented them to Kye. He looked over them before picking a midnight black coloured fabric.

"This one, for the jacket at least. A three-piece is considered common courtesy at events like these, no?"

"Correct Young Master Kye. If you are going to do the jacket in this colour, might I also suggest the pants in the same colour?"

"Yes, please, mismatched colours are dreadful. As for the suit and vest, I have some ideas, may I see your reds?"

The two servants replaced the black fabrics in the briefcase and pulled out red samples. Kye looked over them and settled on a deep scarlet red that reminded Kye of blood that was drying out.

"This for the vest while pared with a black undershirt should make for quite the unique appearance. Say we do the buttons all in gold and make some of the stitching gold as well."

Antonio was scribbling down design notes on his pad as Kye described his wants.

"If I may interject, The black undershirt might be a little much with the dark red as well. It might suit you more to go with a grey or even white shirt, depending on which you prefer."

"Hmm... The white undershirt then. Pair that with a red tie and make the vest rather low as to expose the undershirt and break up the red pairing with the tie. Would that seem suitable to you Mister Antonio?"

Antonio finished scribbling on his pad and looked up to meet Kye's eyes. He gave a thin smile.

"Yes Young Master Kye, I believe that that will certainly leave a lasting impression. Shall I have my tailors here take your measurements while I consult with the rest of the family, so we can have some colour coordination within the family unit?"

"Sounds wonderful Mister Antonio. Thank you for your input."

"My pleasure."

He bowed and left the room silently as the tailors he left behind grabbed their measuring tapes and began to instruct Kye how to stand so they could take his measurements. Kye stood with his arms outstretched and legs slightly splayed apart as their tapes covered his body and they jotted down numbers. After thirty minutes they were done and packed up their equipment, bowed and left the room. Kye heaved a sigh and sat down on his bed, falling backwards and splaying his limbs out. Kye didn't know that simply being measured would be so exhausting. Vanessa entered the room without knocking and giggled slightly at the sight of Kye's exhausted frame, limply hanging off the bed.

"So my master can fight several grown men but can't stand to have his measurements taken? Truly, you are most peculiar."

Kye didn't lift his head as he responded.

"And I don't remember having an angel friend who was so sassy, so I guess we've both learned something today."

"Don't say such things, master! I could never live down being seen as sassy!"

Vanessa replied in a heavily sarcastic tone. Kye lifted his arm up and raised his middle finger in response. Vanessa laughed before clearing her throat.

"In more pressing news, Madam Layla would like to see you about your suit. Mister Antonio informed her of your stylistic choices and I believe she wishes to ask you about how you came up with them."

Kye groaned and lifted himself off the bed, straightening up his clothes once he stood up. He nodded to Vanessa, signalling her to lead the way. He followed her down the corridors for a short moment upon when they stopped and Vanessa knocked.

"Come in."

The two of them entered through the door upon when Kye was hugged violently by Alicia.

"I had no idea you were so aesthetically minded! Your suit ideas were perfect."

Kye patted her arms to try and get her to let go but she wouldn't budge until Layla peeled her off him.

"Well, I agree with Alicia, your ideas are amazing but I have to ask, where did you get them from? You've never shown any significant artistic talent before, so where did this colour coordination come from?"

"Well... honestly these are just the colours that spoke subtle yet also bold. It was really thanks to Mister Antonio that it turned out half as nice as it did, much of the credit should be given to him."

Antonio stepped forward and shook his head.

"It is the job of the client to know how they wish to be presented to the world, and my job to make it a reality. Without your clear vision for your own self, it would have been like dressing a pig in a dress. I will have the family's garments done within the next two days, I very much look forward to seeing the entire ensemble together."

With that, Antonio and his staff left while the Runewalkers excitedly discussed the coming party. Kye couldn't help but feel a little anticipation himself, wanting to see the suit on himself. It would be another two days of nothing much to do but Kye felt as though the time would pass rather quickly.