
Chapter01:This is who i am

sir hero! please help, we need your help.

jashim, "what is this who are those people I don't recognize this place

he screams and sound terrified and he wakes up, his mom runs toward him.

What is wrong with what was all this screaming about

jashim," it's nothing, I just had a nightmare it's not a big deal.

she laughs at him, "how are you an adult but you still get scared, from nightmare

shut up you old hag he tells her, "that none of your business and why did you enter without knocking on the door.

she tells him, "I did you just didn't hear it, and don't call your mom an old hag

"she smacks his head"

aw, that hurt you didn't have to hit, me that hard

whatever now that you are awake how about you go wash your face and have breakfast with me.

Jashim, "yes I know I will be there in a moment, I just need to change first so I will join you In a minute

you better hurry you have school today or did you forget

he respond, "no I didn't today is the first day of school I'm a university student now.

After he changes his clothes he checks his backpack so he doesn't forget anything, unplug his phone off the charger, and walks toward the door.

he walks toward the stairs, "walking sound"

you're finally here she said, "you took your sweet time, well it doesn't matter just come eat quickly I don't want you to be late.

yes yes I know he responds I will eat quickly I'm not that hungry

he starts eating"eating sound"

Thank you for the food he till his mom it was delicious, oh look at the time I better be going

his mom pats his head, "you're welcome and have a safe day and you better, hurry.

He grabs his backpack and goes toward the door and opens it and walks outside.

Jashim, "I better hurry, I don't want to be late on my first day of school"

he grabbed his phone to check the time, oh I think I should run to the university there is no other choice.

He starts running, but he is hearing a voice calling for him

jashim jashim! wait for me why are you running

he turns left then right but he sees no one, but the voice is getting close

I m I dreaming or something, he said, "I'm I getting crazy"

no your not the voice responds to it, me look behind you silly.

he slowly turns, his face slowly

oh it's you tobio, "I thought I was going crazy sorry I totally forgot, that we were supposed to meet up

don't worry about he responds, "I was also late myself since you are here let get going

both of them start running, they barely made it in time

jashim," I can't believe this day I had to run first thing in the morning

tobio, "well it's better than being late and getting scolded, first thing in the morning

Jashim, "I guess you are right shall we go now I guess we missed the entrance, ceremony but it doesn't matter it's crappy anyways.

Tobio, "wait a second let me catch my breath first

After they took a little break they rush to their classroom.

After a long day of boring studies it finally over

tobio, "hey jashim how about we go to the arcade, it's been a while don't you think

jashim," it's a good idea but I'm actually hungry, so how about we eat first

Tobio, "I guess you are right I'm getting hungry as well how about we get going".

Jashim," right let's go".

they start walking toward the exit on the way to the restaurant

jashim," ah we are finally here I don't have any energy left to do anything else

Tobio, "same here, I don't think I have any energy left but at least we made it.

both of them took a seat and looking, at the menu to see if they will find a delicious waitress, "Hey there are you ready to order

jashim, "yes I will have meal number one please, what about you tobio"

tobio, "yes I will have meal number three please"

waitress" understood that dear sirs your orders will be ready soon

After she took their orders she take her to leave toward the kitchen, "I have two orders here number one and number three at table six

roger that the chef responds

after some time she comes back with the food

jashim, "finally I'm starving,

tobio," me as well how about we dig in.

the food looks tasty, they start eating and drinking after they finish they pay the bill and the two of them leave

jashim, "see you tomorrow"

yes see ya tobio respond

After some time Jashim arrive at the house he opens the door, greet his mom, and goes to his room

jashim, "mom I'm back I'm tired so don't bother me,".

his mom look at his face it must be a long day you can go and rest

he start walking toward the stairs he was a little sweaty, so he did go to the bathroom wash his face, then go straight to his room open the door take his clothes off

jashim," it sure was a long day but it's finally over,"

he put his pajamas on and walk toward the bed, he put his head on the pillow

jashim," that feels nice and warm it must be heaven,"

it didn't take too much for him to fall asleep now he is in a deep sleep, but he is talking in his sleep is he dreaming

sir hero! I need your help

jashim," who are you and why are you calling me sir hero?

My name is Alicia," and I'm the one who will summon you to my world, after you wake up you will find yourself in a different place

jashim, "what do you mean this must be a joke im I dreaming, or something

after that jashim is still asleep but the voice disappears and it looks like he is not comfortable after this

he is starting to sweat and it looks like his body it glowing everything in his body is glowing and he got teleported immediately, as nothing happened

jashim, "what is this why I'm feeling strange, and why it's so cold, I don't get it.

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