

The darkness surrounded Flecture as he scrambled to get away, running always running with no end, this was his life now ever since he could remember. He lost his parents about a year ago, they were murdered like most of his kind before him. His parents tried to keep him hidden throughout his life moving from place to place to get away from the 'hunters', but in actual fact they were monsters that considered our kind an abomination and unworthy to be on this earth. They always had their faces covered at all times, their skin was black most of the time , but he could be wrong since they only hunted at night. They have extremely sharp reflexes and knives in the shape of claws on their hands and elbows. These things always scared him and his mom would always say that if he saw one he should run as fast as he could and never look back.

So that's what he was doing at this moment running from the worst nightmare for about the tenth time this week. He ran into the forest in a desperate attempt to loose the monster hot on his heels, bobbing and weaving past upcoming branches picking up speed as the adrenaline kicks in. His body burned with pain as his legs struggled to keep him going, but he ignored the pain knowing that if he stopped for even a second it would get him. He jumped over a river only to almost trip over large tree roots on the other side, he manages to regain his footing, his heart thumping painfully in his chest as fear seems to creep up on him. After what seemed like a lifetime, he finally no longer sensed the monster behind him, but he was not taking a chance as he scales the nearest tree in an attempt to get a better view and escape the monster that scared him beyond belief. he takes a look around and confirms his suspicions, "I finally lost him." he sighs deeply as relief washes over him within an instant making his heavy breathing slow slightly with each deep breath.

After a while he jumps down from the safety of the massive tree, only to start walking in the direction he was running knowing full well that turning back was suicide. he was only 18 and only just coming into his abilities as a guardian. They live and breath to protect the royal bloodline, even though Flecture was half royal and half guardian he still had someone determined to protect and he was taken away when all of this started by the elders to keep him from harm no matter what the cost he must always be protected, and that's where his feet were leading him. He's running to find him and to be by his side once again and be whatever he needed him to be.

Most guardians have a set similar abilities that they all share. Its normally heighten reflexes, overwhelming strength, intense speed, agility, and dragon senses which means transforming into a dragon or half dragon, his mom was a royal and his dad a rare type of guardian, he did not only have the normal abilities but also a few of his own. Where as mom had the royal abilities, which usually were spiritual and many others that Flecture never got the chance to see before he lost the both of them so suddenly, if it wasn't for his dragon awakening a few days after the incident he would probably have died at that time. A Chainguardian's dragon is like there soul, it talks to them and guides them throughout there lives. Flecture was unable to shift only just coming into his abilities after his dragon awoke shortly after he lost his parents the shock and pain forcing him to accept his dragons early arrival, bringing an immense amount of pain as his abilities work there way into his system forcing his muscles to grow and ache with no end.

he began to jog now as the sun began to rise, sending warm rays of sunlight through the trees bringing the forest to life as birds sang there sweet songs and wildlife could be heard from all around the forest. He closed his eyes just basking in the beauty of it all as the warm rays of sun light land on his skin and his body absorbs the energy only given by the sun, an endless source of energy he was glad to have as his abilities began to replenish from last nights frantic chase. he hummed slightly at the feeling "I could go on like this forever as long as there is sun in my wake." he says happily enjoying this moment of peace...

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