
Cloth Awakens and Elder Dragon Fights the Alpha Wolf

Amidst the chaos, the rocky terrain becomes a battleground in itself. Knights and wolves alike stumble upon the treacherous slopes, their footing compromised by loose stones and jagged edges. The sound of bones breaking and cries of pain mingled with the clash of weapons, adding a grim reality to the brutality of the conflict. 


During these clashes, the wolves moved with a primal grace, their sapphire eyes ablaze with a hunger for victory. They lunged at the knights, their sharp teeth bared, aiming for exposed flesh. With lightning speed, the wolves tore into the knights, their jaws clamping down on armored limbs and torsos. 


The knights, clad in sturdy armor, fought back with unwavering determination. Their swords, gleaming with the promise of justice, struck with precision. Each swing of their blades was met with the gnashing of wolf teeth as the knights struggled to maintain their footing. 


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