
Chapter 1

"Rise and shine miss Wu" called out her little maid Fayar, who was around 13 to 15years of age, to the sleeping beauty that laid sleeping on the bed, unshaken by the the brightness of the glorious morning sun which reflects her bedroom window unto her beautiful face, a face that can put a goddess to shame and make a goddess doubt her existence, big white eyes, egg shaped face, small cherry lips and silk hair that reached down to her waist.

She slowly opened her eyes, putting a hand over her face to shield her face from the reflection of the sun that shone upon her face, making her face to shine brighter than that of a goddess.

"Your food is ready Lady Wu" her maid Fayar said as she placed the food on the table and bowed.

"Thank you but I would love to shower first" she replied as she moved closer and slapped her hard twice across her face.

"That's for not performing your maidly duties right, bringing food first when it's time for my rose ice bath, do you want to die now get this food out of here and prepare for my ice bath" staring down at Fayar as if daring her to look up and face her ethereal face.

As Fayar took the food away to avoid it getting cold, she sat down at her study place brought out a white paper and ink brush and began to write, just then a tall man with excellent martial arts flew in from the window, knelt on one kneel, waiting patiently for her to finish.

She got up and walked majestically to the man handed him the written script "make sure this message gets to the village witch and tell her House Wu will come pay her a visit".

As the man flew out the window, Fayar walked in "My lady, your ice bath is ready" she said as she bowed and left the room. She entered the bathtub and soaked herself in it, as she exhaled out satisfied with the bath.

As she sat down and munched her rice cake dipped in toad sauce and tea slowly, another man flew in from the window, as she turned and faced him, she asked "has my message been delivered".

"Yes my lady" he replied.

"Good, inform the others that lady Wu will come visiting the village witch at district Yan today, prepare the carriages, nothing must go wrong" she answered as she turned and wiped her mouth as she was done eating.

"Yes my lady" he answered as he flew out without a trace just as he flew in.

Lady Wu wore a plain white flowing dress, as Fayar helped her tie her long hair into a bun, with a light make-up to go with it. Now alone, she stared at her white face powdered to perfection in the mirror, she slowly nodded her head in acknowledgement of the make-up, but her smile fades at the realization of something, she loosened her bun and jumped out of the window of her castle, her hair flowing with the winds like a paid artist, making her look like a goddess descending on Earth.

Lady Wu's martial arts is also top-notch as she herself is at the peak of level 8 and about breaking to level 9.