
Rise of Gregorovitch

A half-blood wizard born as the grandson of the legendary Wand-maker, Gregorovitch, goes to Hogwarts with the golden trio.

Juwon_Oh · Derivasi dari karya
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Ollivander's

After strolling around Diagon alley shopping for school supplies, his uncle brought Mihal to Eeylops Owl Emporium. Uncle Ben told Mihal, "Choose carefully, owls will be with you for a long time, and if you treat them well. They'll be family." As they entered the shop, a wave of smells hit their noses. Weirdly the smells shifted from bird poop, to smells of oak, which reminded Mihal of his grandfather's workshop. As Mihal started to walk around the dimly lit store, he glanced at the owls as he strolled by.

As he strolled by the owls, he stopped by one that caught his eyes due to the enormous size of the owl in front of him. As Mihal gazed upon the humongous owl in front of him, he said, "You're the one. Looks like we're going to be family from now on."

As he picked up the grey owl, he asks, " What should we call you now? Hoot, no to generic." Mihal stood in front of the owl while looking deep within the bird's eyes. Then he exclaimed, "I know!, How about Hugo?"

As the owl was pleased it started to chirp loudly. Uncle Ben started to walk over as the bird attracted the grizzly Auror over. As Uncle Ben narrowed his eyes at Mihal as if he had done something wrong, a smile slowly crept upon his scarred face. Then he laughed quite loudly.

Mihal quickly complained, embarrassed by his uncle's loud laugh, "Be mindful of other people, Uncle Ben."

"Sorry kid, it's just that you take the saying, 'Go big or go home' quite literally," Uncle Ben replied.

"Yea well the owl's name is Hugo, so use it," Mihal replied quickly, seemingly annoyed by his Uncle's teasing.

"Alright calm down Mihal, let's pay for Hugo and get out of here. The smells getting to me." Uncle Ben replied with a smirk on his. Genuinely pleased with annoying Mihal. Uncle Ben thought, 'No greater joy than teasing Mihal.'

As they walked out of the store with Hugo in toe, Mihal asks, "what next?"

Uncle Ben scoffs at Mihal and said," Ollivanders, did you forget you need a wand."

Mihal replied with a smirk, "No I don't. Grandpa made a tailored wand for me. Sooooo, no need for a wand." As Mihal took out his wand from a holster he'd been hiding, "See Look."

His Uncle got on one knee and looked deep in his eyes with a serious expression, which was rare. The funny uncle was gone, and replaced with a grizzled veteran who hunted dark wizards.

He stated in a deep tone, "Kid, we got to get you a wand from Ollivander's to fool the ministry with the trace. You got something most kids don't have and that's a clean wand for you to use."

Mihal agreed with a nod knowing when his uncle is like this it's much better to simply agree. As uncle Ben got up, the smile quickly returned on his worn face. As they walked to Ollivander's.

As they entered the musty shop Mihal asked, "Do all wand makers not know how to dust?"

Than Ollivander popped out from underneath the desk, and asked, "Ben Kim, 12 and a half inches, Rowan for the wand wood and Phoniex feather for the core I believe."

Uncle Ben replied with, "Yes, impeccable memory as always."

Ollivander turned his head towards the young boy, and looked at him with a joy in his eyes. "What is your name young one?" asked Ollivander.

Mihal replied with, "Mihal Gregorovitch, grandson of Mykew Gregorovitch."

"I see, I see. If you already have a wand why do you require one from me?" asked Ollivander.

Mihal cooly replied, "If I show you the wand my grandfather made me, will I be able to buy a wand."

Ollivander chuckled lightly, and said, "I don't know if Gregorovitch would enjoy his grandson buying a wand from me, but that's even more of a reason to sell it to you." "Come, come show me after. All Gregorovitch is a fine wandmaker, and I am quite curious to see the finest wand he has ever made. His words, not mine."

Mihal sweated lightly hearing his words, and asked, "You talk to my grandfather?" Wondering what his grandfather would think, if he was buying a wand from his rival.

Ollivander chuckled a little more, and said, "Only to gloat, and occasional letter if we get lonely. Don't worry Mihal, your grandfather would say, 'let us see who's wand is better suited for him' or something along those lines."

Mihal laughed a little and said, "You know my grandfather quite well it seems."

Ollivander gave Mihal a warm smile and said, "Now, I believe that is enough chit-chat. Let us pair you with a fine wand."

Ollivander went into the back and gathered a large pile of boxes. As time went by and the wands that were not suited for him increased. Mihal started to wonder if Ollivander was messing him. Than as Mihal was about to say something, Ollivander strolls to the back and looks at him while holding a box.

"Hmmm just maybe, just maybe," said Ollivander with a mystical tone. "This is Holly, Phoniex core and 11 inches nice and supple."

As Mihal was about to wave it Ollivander snatched it from him and simply walked away while saying, "I guess not."

Mihal eyes started to twitch while thoughts of strangling this old man started to twirl around his mind. While his Uncle stood there with a grin looking like he was enjoying a show.

Mihal asked, "Mr. Ollivander do you truly not know or do you do this for fun?"

Ollivander quickly replies, "A little bit of both. Here you go, try this one. Cedar for the wood, and Dragon heartstring for the wand core. Eleven and a half inches, unyielding. Give it a wave"

As Ollivander handed the wand to Mihal. Mihal felt the same sensation he felt when grasping his grandfather's wand for the first time. Mihal examined the wand, it had an intricate design on the handle. Mihal gave it a wave and red sparks started whiz about frightening Hugo quite a bit.

"A perfect fit," whispered Mihal, who was quite impressed with the work of Ollivander.


A/N Would really appreciate feedback, or any ideas on the story. Thanks again. Also this my first time writing, so if there are any mistakes please point them out.