
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
131 Chs

Chapter 123

When Wan Ting heard that Mr. Lai had found the key to the problem, she immediately asked with excitement, "Mr. Lai, will my fortune be better by removing the green plants?"


Mr. Lai said with a serious face: "The Feng Shui formation is an invisible formation. Even if you remove the green plants, you can't remove its influence on the Feng Shui pattern. Wan Ting hurriedly asked, "What should I do?! "

Mr. Lai said: "You should place the exorcism transporter refined by Masters in the place of the green plants! Only in this way can you completely eradicate your troubles, keep your fortune open, and allowed the purple qi flow from the east with your fortune!"

Wan Ting asked: "Then what is this thing that can reverse my fortune?"

Mr. Lai immediately took out an egg-sized stone from his pocket and said earnestly: "Miss, this is Taishan chalcedony. It is the essence of the entire Taishan stone that has been eroded and weathered for tens of millions of years. It is a magical product for exorcising evil and as transporter for reversing fortune! If you place this piece of Taishan chalcedony in the place of a green plant, all the evil aura will immediately dissipate. When the purple qi comes from the east, it will flow in with your fortune!"

Wan Ting asked with joy, "Mr. Lai, how much does this Taishan Chalcedony cost? I will buy it!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Lai's eyes flashed with excitement!

Immediately, he said with a serious face: "Miss, this Taishan, if this piece of Taishan Chalcedony is placed in Hong Kong, it will be worth at least 15 million, but since I also have a relationship with the young lady. I will sell you this piece of Taishan Chalcedony for only Ten million."

Wan Ting nodded and said, "Money is not a problem, as long as it can really help me solve the trouble!"

Mr. Lai said without hesitation: "Miss, don't worry, if you put Taishan Chalcedony up now, your fortune will be completely changed tomorrow!"

Wan Ting breathed a sigh of relief immediately. She did not hesitate to bring the checkbook, and with a tender wave of her hand, she wrote a cash check for 10 million and handed it to Mr. Lai: "Mr. Lai, give that Taishan stone to me. Please make your formation!"

Wan Ting now only wants to solve the current trouble as soon as possible!

Recently, she has been tortured crazy by her own bad luck.

Just last month, just after her 24th birthday, she began to be unlucky.

First, there were various car accidents, and all five cars were damaged to varying degrees.

Not long after, she sprained her ankle again, and she is still in pain.

A few days ago, the relic left by her mother, and also her most cherished jewelry, was lost by her!

That jewelry has been with her for more than ten years, and it is almost accompanied with her for half of her life. She offered a reward of several million, but there has been no news.

For this reason, she did not know how many times she cried quietly at night.

Yesterday, the Hong Kong Li family, which the Song family was actively cooperating with, added a lot of blockage to the Song family!

The two originally negotiated cooperation and were about to sign a contract, but the Li family in Hong Kong suddenly introduced a partner. Not only did they stop signing the contract with the Song family, but also revealed from all aspects that they wanted to cooperate with another partner.

For Wan Ting, this is tantamount to that the duck that brought its food to mouth but was suddenly taken away by someone else.

The loss this brought to the Song family was extremely huge, far more than she could bear!

All kinds of unlucky things continued, and Wan Ting had long been unable to bear it. At this moment, she just wanted to get in touch with this sad life, so as not to suffer more losses.

Therefore, it is very cost-effective for her to spend 10 million to solve the Feng Shui problem.

Mr. Lai got a check of 10 million, and his hands tremble a little with excitement.

He hid the check in his body, and immediately took the Taishan chalcedony to the window sill, took down the pot of green plants, placed the stone on it, and kept chanting Taoist mantras.

Ma Wen looked at all this and sneered secretly.

This Mr. Lai not only doesn't understand shit, but also unknowingly self-defeated and caused a catastrophe!

In fact, he had already seen the weirdness of this house through the Feng Shui mystery in the Jiu Xian Tian Shu.

He could clearly feel that in this room, a very terrifying formation of trapped dragons in the mystery of Feng Shui was basically formed.

The so-called trapped dragon formation, as the name implies, in this formation, even if it is a dragon, it will be trapped, let alone the fortune of ordinary people.

Therefore, no matter how strong the fortune is, those who live in the trapped dragon will inevitably lose their fortune and continue to have bad luck.

The eldest lady lives in such a room, her own fortune is all trapped, and once a person's fortune is trapped, naturally one after another will be unlucky.

Fortunately, this trapped dragon formation has only begun to take shape and has not yet been perfected.

If it is really allowed to continue to improve, not only human fortune, but also human fate can be trapped in it.

Then it won't be bad luck, it is very likely that you will lose your life!

Coincidentally, the only loophole left by this trapped dragon formation is that pot of green plants!

Green plants are wood, representing life and vitality!

With it, it is tantamount to opening the only remaining life for this Array.

This pot of plant can barely fight against the gathering of the trapped dragons, keeping the last bit of luck for the young lady.

However, Mr. Lai actually picked this place and put his broken stone here.

You know, stone is hard! Represents unbreakable!

Once this stone replaces the green plants, the dragon formation is almost complete!

At this time, Mr. Lai finished chanting the mantra and took a deep breath, saying: "Miss, I has finished the formation, you can rest assured!"

Wan Ting hurriedly asked: "Then my future fortune can be restored? Wouldn't it be so bad?"

"Yes!" Mr. Lai nodded and said, "I rely on someone for his Feng Shui technique, which is famous in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. Even Hong Kong tycoon Li and Macau gambling king Ho are also the Feng Shui clients of mine. Miss, don't worry! "

Wan Ting hurriedly asked: "Mr. Lai, I wonder if you can wish me to find the bracelet my mother left me? If possible, I would pay another 10 million!"

Mr. Lai scratched his head: "This eldest lady, I am good at Feng Shui mystery. Finding things is not my area of ​​expertise."

Wan Ting nodded disappointedly: "It's okay, you reversed the current bad luck, I am very grateful to you, Mr. Lai."

As soon as she finished speaking, her cell phone rang. On the phone, a woman said hurriedly: "Mr. Song, it's not good, something has happened!"

Wan Ting hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

The other party said: "The shipment we exported to the United States was just unloaded in the United States. As a result, the other company said that our product was not up to standard and we had to return it in accordance with the contract and claim triple compensation!"

Wan Ting suddenly glared, and blurted out in a panic: "The five thousand tons of goods will be returned? This time, I have lost tens of millions of transportation fees and customs declaration fees, including the triple compensation, it is several hundred million!"

Wan Ting couldn't understand why Mr. Lai just changed her fortune, and then there was such a big problem?

At the moment on the phone, he said: "There is no way, Miss, now the other party strongly demands triple compensation, we are at disadvantage!"

Wan Ting hurriedly asked: "Could it be a mistake? Did you ask them to test it again?!"

The other party said: "I have already told them, but they said that after monitoring twice, the goods still failed the test!"

Wan Ting blurted out: "Check the source immediately to see our export records. When was this batch of goods produced and who was responsible? Find out and tell me clearly!"

After that, she said again: "In the U.S., you can drag as long as you can, and then send a few people over to check it out!"

"Okay, Miss!"

After hanging up the phone, Wan Ting's expression was cloudy. She looked at Mr. Lai and asked, "Mr. Lai I have encountered another particularly difficult thing. If it can't be solved, the loss may exceed 500 million. Haven't you reversed the fortune?!"

Mr. Lai dodged Wan Ting's eyes, and said falteringly: "Stopping adversity also takes time, and it cannot be done overnight."

Wan Ting replied: "Then it will improve slowly, and there shouldn't be new bad luck suddenly!"

At this time, Wan Ting receive called again, and it turned out to be the eldest son of the Hong Kong Li family!

She hurriedly connected the phone, smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Ms. Song." The other party said in a cold voice: "We thought about it and felt that the Song family was not the best partner in our eyes, so we might unilaterally terminate the cooperation."

"Termination of cooperation?!" Wan Ting suddenly became anxious and blurted out: "Mr. Li, you should be able to see that we are obviously superior in all aspects compared to others! The cooperation between the Li family and our Song family is the best and a good choice."

The other party chuckled and said: "To be honest, a master next to my father is measuring Feng Shui for my father. He said that the aura of the Song family does not seem to match that of the Li family. If we continue to cooperate with you, it may affect the fortune of the Li family, so I'm sorry Ms. Song."

After speaking, he hung up phone.


Wan Ting originally wanted to take this opportunity to take the Song family to the next level, but she was completely disappointed when she did not expect it to be empty.

Mr. Lai was already a little panicked at this time. He originally wanted to lie to her and leave as soon as possible. He didn't expect that after his own practice, Wan Ting suddenly became even more unlucky?

He felt that in this place shouldn't stay here for long, so he hurriedly said: "Ms. Song, the change of Feng Shui fortune requires a process, so you must calm down. I believe that by tomorrow, everything will disappear! I will leave now!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to walk outside.

Wan Ting blurted out: "Wait a minute! Mr. Lai, this situation is obviously problematic! Why did I have two such big troubles immediately after you finished the formation!? Give me an explanation for everything you say! "

Just after speaking, Wan Ting felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, which made her sigh, almost unable to stand firm.

She barely stood firm by holding on to the TV on the wall, and the colic made her sweat!

She wondered, what was wrong! When is has never happened before, how can it happen to her suddenly?

She hasn't figured it out yet. There was another sharp pain in her lower abdomen. This pain made her legs soft and she could only hold the TV with her hands to keep standing.

At this time, the bracket of the TV on the wall suddenly clicked, and the metal bracket broke!