
Ring of Blood


vishal_singh_0552 · Seni bela diri
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21 Chs

Chapter : 3. Orphanage. (Revised).

In the darkness filled night, the moonlight falls on the unconscious Ryan.

Gradually, Ryan's eyelid started to flutter opened but when his eyes opened something changed, unlike his black color they were pure grey color which were unknown to Ryan. His vision was a little blurry at first, but soon came back to normal, he looked at the moon in the dark sky. He laid their, looking at the moon for a few minute- until he started moving once again. His head felt heavy and his body felt sore, as he stood up with wobbling foot step.

' So no one came for me huh ?' He thought looking around the alley and the moon, in the dark sky which was as clear as day for him.

" Well it's not like, I never knew it, it's j-just, it just" He wanted say more but tears got in his way, releasing his grife through it.

After crying his heart out in the dark alley, he checked his body to see for any possible injury but to his surprise, except for his hair and clothes, which now covered in blood and dirt- his body felt absolutely fine. He might feel a little dizzy but that was it.

"How did my injury got healed just after receiving those punches ?" He said while rechecking his body once again, but he didn't find anything abnormal about his body. He put his hand on his chin and started remembering the event that had taken place in the alley, and the more memorie flooded in his mind, the more one thing stood out the most - moms ring.

He checked his right hand, removing from his chin and bring it to his eye level, their a blood red ring was present on his ring finger. This was the final belonging his mother had, when she died in the accident seven year's ago.

" Did this ring saved me ? but how?"

He surveyed the ring for few time on his finger but didn't find any hidden message or any abnormalities, so he tried to remove the for further study at home but the ring didn't bugge from his finger, he tried with his full strength but still the result was the same.

Grumble. Grumble.

" huuhh let it be I'll check it after I eat something at the orphanage" He said when he heard the grumbling sound his stomach.

He surveyed the dark alley and found his bag near the dustbin. After finding his bag he didn't wait around any longer and started walking towards the orphanage, as he was feeling really hungry for some reason.

The walk was quite peacefull in the dark night as he soon arrived at a three story big villa in a humble neighborhood.

After his parents death in the archaeological site seven year's ago, he was placed in this orphanage by the federations officer's.

During the first few month's he didn't recieved any injust treatment but when he awakened his ability, the children and the head of the orphanage started bulling him as they didn't felt any future threat from a useless ability user like him. He was the trash of the orphanage, but luckily most of the students in his age who bullied him were either adopted by some family or recruited by the city guards of the City. That leaves only the head of the orphanage who was always busy with his own works of the federation.

The new orphans are young and naive so they don't care if Ryan has a defective ability or not, but still he keeps his distance from them for his own sake .

" Will I get food tonight " He wonder.

Shaking his head from his self lamination, Ryan opened the main door and went straight for the canteen kitchen, as he was starving from hunger.

He took out some stale food from the freezer and started eating it right away but suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.

" Why were you late Ryan ? " A famine voice was heard from behind.

Ryan's kept the food in the freezer and looked back, where a old lady in her late fifties stood. She was non other then the wife of the headmaster and chef of the orphanage, Miss. Grace.

" Nothing Grace, I just went to the garden for a walk but I soon felt tired so I slept on the bench and when I woke up it was already this late " Ryan didn't told her the truth as he was already in her debt for taking care of him.

" Then how did the cloth got those blood on it ? " She enquired as she placed her hands on his dirty blue shirt.

" ohh this, actually when I was playing in the park I fell from the swing " Ryan said with straight face as he didn't want to have her any suspicion about his lie.

" sigh. Ryan my boy if their is someone bulling you, just tell me I will talk with school authorities " Grace said with a worried and warmth full way.

" It's nothing like that Grace I am having fun time in the school " Even though he felt warm seeing someone trying to take care of him, he didn't want to involved Grace in his mess, she always try to help him and got beaten by his husband so he decided to not tell her anything.

" Ok if that's what you want....sigh...go wash your hands I will warm the food for you " Grace siad as she took out the plates which he was eating in the oven.

" Thank you Grace " He said as he washed his hands.

" Here, eat it well and wash the plate before going back " Saying that Grace went away.

Ryan didn't replied and just nodded in response as he was busy filling his hungry stomach.


" Grace's food is always great " Ryan mumbled as he opened the door to his room.

" mmm I am forgetting something, but what was that huh, Yes the ring " Ryan said in a excited tone as he closed his door and looked towards his room.

His room was nothing special as it only had a single bed and a window. He had stayed in this room for his last seven years.

He moved forward, seating on his single bed and started examining his ring.

It was a rusty looking black-red color ring, with some unusual marking on it's body.

He tried to remove the ring but a strange thing happened.

[ Warning ! Warning ]

[ Attempt to remove the Ring by force. Security protocol is starting ]

" What is this ? "

[ Experiment Ring, Code : Zero ]

[ Starting Mind control system ]

" Mind control !! " Ryan shouted in shock, he didn't knew how his simple checking turn this way but mind conrol seem like dangerous to him.

His nervousness reached the top when he felt his hand and leg going numb by the minutes.

" what should I do , huh yes I should tell Grace about it yeah I should do this yes yes yes " Ryan had a habit to talk to himself when he gets nervous.

[ Mind Control failed ]

" What !! " Ryan.

[ Retry ! Failed ! Retry ! Failed ! Retry ! Failed ! Retry ! Failed ! Retry ! Failed ! ]

Ryan sat back on his bed and looked at the continuous tabs displaying in front of his eyes.

" Really what is going with my mind ? " Ryan said as he try to touch the screen showing infront of his eyes but nothing was their infront of him. It was all going in his head.

[ Bio chip code : Zero, is getting corrupted by the Genesis process ]

[ System reboting ]