

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasi
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101 Chs


Mirai and the rest decided to wait for the boss to return.

Mirai could not contain all the anger and frustration she felt.

"Damn men".Mirai seethed as she whipped Cesar multiple times.

"Why can't you just die".She sobbed

The girls dragged Cesar and Driyo to the courtyard.They took turns inflicting pain on them.They formed a circle and each girl took turns hurling stones at them.That was until Mirai snapped ams started whipping them.

"Take it easy".The African girl shouted

"You weren't there Jessica".Mirai shouted."He humiliated me, humiliated all of us"

"Relax,I know.We were all there too but you don't see us beating the shit out of them".Jessica replied

"They aren't really feeling the pain"

"Yeah but they're feeling some of it".Jessica gingerly removed the whip from Mirai hands.

"Yeah but wasn't this your idea?".Mirai said

"It was but I didn't think you'll go this far.I wanted us to blow off some steam"

Cesar and Driyo were in bad shape.Cesar took the worst of it,his clothing was now ragged from the repeated strikes of the whip.They were still bound by the binder which made it even worse.

"How're you holding up".Driyo whispered to Cesar.

"Hmm".Cesar nodded.He looked a little disoriented and the binder didn't help him in any way

"This is the third day".Cesar said


"I think my real body will soon die".Cesar said out of breath

"How do you know?"

"I feel weird"

"Just hold on bro".Driyo had no idea what Cesar was feeling or what to say to him.He hoped Cesar wouldn't die and leave him here.These girls were savages

"What's going on?".A female voice came from the left.

"Ma'am".They all greeted

"Answer me,what's going on?".Sofia said

"Go on". Jessica nudged Mirai

"Why does it have to be me?".Mirai rolled her eyes."Ma'am it's a long Story"

Mirai told Sofia all what happened and why they brought the prisoners out.She left out the part that they faked unconsciousness during the battle.

"He called himself the third dawn?".Sofia frowned

"Yes ma'am"

"What's up with these men".Sofia started."We met one who called himself the first dawn, Samantha said she fought one who called himself the second and now we have the third.How many are they and what does it even mean?"

"No idea ma'am".Mirai replied

"Ok,get them back to the dungeon and you're all free to log out".Sofia turned

"Ma'am?".Mirai called out."He said we should release the prisoners or else.."

"Or else what?".Sofia asked

"He didn't say". Jessica chipped in

"Where were the rest of you when this happened?".Sofia faced the remaining

"They were badly wounded and some were unconscious". Jessica said quickly

She hoped the boss would believe her lie.

"Have you all taken healing potions?"

"Yes ma'am".

Sofia nodded her head as she headed back to the office.

The office wasn't a business type office,it was more like a military general's office but without the flags and medals.

Sofia grabbed a bottle of rose' from the fridge next to her desk.She uncorked it and took a huge gulp.

"Man, everyone of these damn dawns are powerful and have magic powers".Sofia placed the bottle on her desk

"Maybe that's what they are,A group of powerful people".Sofia took another swig.

"Ma'am?".There was a knock on the door

"Come in".Sofia replied

"Ma'am, There's a letter for you"

"Samantha" Sofia exclaimed."What are you doing here? It's your day off

"I just wanted to see how much progress we've made". Samantha sat down

"How nice of you".Sofia brought the bottle to her mouth

"A letter just came in for you"

"What do you mean by "came in?""

"It just appeared out of the sky"

"Where is it?". Sofia's face turned serious

"Here". Samantha handed the letter

Sofia opened it and read the contents.She didn't reach the end before hitting her palm on the table.

"Damn it"

"What's wrong ma'am?". Samantha shifted forward

"The first dawn requests a meeting with me".Sofia massaged her temples

"Is that bad?". Samantha frowned

"I honestly don't know.The last time we talked he said he wanted to help me, Perhaps it's time for the helping to begin".

"I hope so". Samantha said nervously."When is it?"


"Should I inform the girls?"

"No need".Sofia said."You remember what happened last time?"


"But If it makes you happy,you can bring them along.I want just two girls to accompany me"

"Yes ma'am". Samantha left the office.

Aevulis looked at his laptop with an excited expression.Everything was going exactly as he planned.It was finally time