

Shortly after the Chitauri invasion in New York another globally affecting incident occurs, one that Fury manages to keep under wraps however. Nanites are spreading around the world at a slow rate and turning some organisms into EVOs. The only known cure: Rex Salazar Pairing: Rex x Daisy / Rex x Ruby

Grimm_48 · Televisi
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11 Chs

uncontrolled abilities

"Are you sure you can sleep like that?" Skye asks half laughing, watching Rex climb into a hammock diagonally above her bed.

"For now it's enough." Rex says, looking down to her and almost falls out.

"Hey, careful. If you pop out you'll smack me right in the face." Skye says, poking him from below.

"Hey." He complains.

"You know, as short as our arrangement hopefully will be. This is the first time I'm looking forward to sharing a room with someone. Back in the foster houses I hated sharing my room. They would usually pick on me for not even knowing my parents." Skye tells Rex sadly.

"Hey. You do know them now. And no matter how crazy your dad is, he does love you." Rex tells her to cheer her up.

"Yeah. You're right. Thank you Rex." Skye tells him, pulling her blanket further up to sleep.

"Good night Skye." Rex tells her and also tries to get some shut eye.

Sleep doesn't last long for him however when the whole plane and surrounding area starts shaking while Skye has a nightmare about Ward and her father killing their team.

When Rex comes to he is already plummeting towards Skye and barely manages to catch himself, placing his arms on her bed, besides her scared looking face.

"Skye." Rex says gently, caressing her cheek before starting to shake her carefully until her eyes open and the shaking stops.

"What happened?" She asks, looking at him confused and happy that she was just dreaming.

"I think you had a nightmare. The whole plane was shaking." Rex tells her.

"Make that the whole base." Mack says, arriving with May and Jemma at the room in the plane.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. This is bad, right? If even bad dreams can make me lose control like this." Skye says upset, pulling her legs up to her chest while Rex sits down beside her on the bed.

"It'll be fine. I'm here. I'll just wake you if I feel something shaking." Rex tells her, wrapping an arm around her supportively.

"You guys can go back to bed. I got her." Rex tells them and one by one the late-night visitors leave the small room.

"I'll sleep on the floor. Don't want to fall down on you if it happens again." Rex says, sliding off the bed and lying down next to it.

"Don't be silly. Join me on the bed. The last thing we need is you getting hurt or cranky when we don't even know yet what effect the mist had on you." Skye tells him, lying back down and scoots further towards the wall, looking at the metallic, tiled wall of the containment room while Rex climbs onto the bed behind her.

Skye feels him think about a position they can sleep well in, considering the small size of the bed.

Without saying a word Skye takes his arms and wraps them around her midsection while pulling him against her backside, making him spoon her. She soon drifts off to sleep, enjoying his warmth and caring touch and whispers "Thank you." tiredly.

Meanwhile Rex struggles to find sleep more than her, her warm body making him react and he mentally fights down the boner about to press against her butt.

The next day May brings a visitor to the two young agents in the containment room of the plane.

"Skye, Rex I want you two to meet someone and talk to him. This is Andrew Garner." May says.

"A shrink? No way." Skye says immediately.

"Shrink? What for?" Rex asks.

"It has shown itself that your powers are influenced by your emotions and I would like to try and help both of you deal with yours better." Andrew says.

"What are your experiences with patients who suddenly regain their memories after years of amnesia?" Rex asks.

"It's not really a common area but I've had some experience." Andrew answers truthfully.

"Fine with me then." Rex says shrugging.

"Skye?" May asks.

"No way, I've seen enough shrinks during my time in the system." Skye tells her.

"Let me talk to her." May says, pulling Skye out of the room to talk to her one on one and lets drop that she was married to Andrew, which is enough to catch Skye's attention almost immediately.

"She's on board with it." May says, pushing a almost giddy Skye back into the room.

"Then lets start with you Skye." Andrew says and motions for Rex to leave.

Rex looks to the brunette who doesn't even register the look, already imagining May and the shrink before her sitting silently in a room as a date.

He then follows May out of the room and waits in the common area of the plane, where May makes herself a drink.

"So, what's the plan for me anyways? I get the feeling that you're only letting me stay close to Skye because you don't have any way to contain me, not because I'm helping her." Rex says.

"That's true. Both Coulson and I don't like you staying so close to her with your past in Hydra still much of a mystery." May tells him.

"There is no mystery, because I wasn't Hydra. I was taught and trained by Hydra agents, yes. But I never joined them. I was only following my parents' instructions." Rex answers.

"Even if that's so, it doesn't mean that you're Shield material, let alone a good influence on Skye." May tells him.

"Yeah, maybe you're right about that." He sighs, making himself a drink as well with May looking at him curiously.

"What are my options? I doubt you'll just let me go into the outside world huh?" He asks after downing his drink.

"It's Coulson's call." May replies.

"Come on everyone knows you are like his counsel." Rex says.

"I don't think letting you go is a good idea, no. We don't know what the diviner did to you." May tells him.

"Yeah. I don't really feel any different either to be honest. Except I might be coming down with a fever or something." Rex says, looking at his hands, transforming them into his metal gauntlets.

"Let's get Simmons to take a look at you then, might be good for you to get to stretch your legs anyways." May says, nodding for him to follow.

"Simmons? Are you sure she'll agree to it? So far she wasn't entirely open minded about the whole mutation business." Rex asks.

"You're going to face people who disapprove sooner or later." May tells him.

"Guess it's sooner then." He chuckles softly and follows her out of the plane and to the lab, where Simmons puts him into the quarantine room which has been roughly patched up.

"Why is Rex in quarantine again?" Coulson asks, arriving at the lab area, where May is hanging around, trying to figure out how to handle Rex.

"Simmons wanted to be sure. She first said that the mutations could bring diseases humans can't handle with them and Rex has an unusually high fever apparently, which doesn't seem to bother him much if you ask me though." May informs Coulson, who then walks over to the room, waving at Rex, who nods in reply before looking back at a tablet he has in there with him.

"I made sure it has restricted access to our databases." Mack informs the leader before he can ask about the device.

"Anything you can tell us Simmons?" Coulson asks.

"His body temperature has risen to levels normal humans can't without shutting down. First guess is that it has to do with his mutation." Simmons answers.

"Is he fine then?" Coulson asks.

"He seems to be yes. But we don't know how high his temperature will increase." Simmons informs him.

All of a sudden, a streak of fire hits the inside of the quarantine's windows.

"Shit, what the heck." They hear Rex say and see him taking off his shirt and douses it with water to set out the small fire he caused inside his room.

"Get him out of there, the smoke could kill him." May tells Simmons, who looks at the room thoughtfully.

Fitz pushes past her and enters his security code, the quarantine opening and the fire containment system activates in the room once Rex is out of it.

"Sorry. I swiped up on the tablet and that happened." Rex says disappointed, holding out a half-charred tablet for Fitz.

The scientist accepts the device and nods mumbling something about using it to determine the burn temperature.

"Looks like it's safe again." Rex says, not reacting to Simmons stunned and fearful presence.

He enters the quarantine again and looks at his fingers, before interlocking them and lying down on the bed, his hands underneath his head as a pillow.

"Can you tell Skye I can't keep her company anymore? It's too dangerous now for her until I know how I triggered this." Rex asks May, who nods positive and heads to the plane minutes before Coulson and Bobby head to the man's hometown, having gotten a secretive message from Skye's father to lure him there after he gathered people from the index to show Skye how Shield treats people who are different.