
REWRITTING NARUTO: Reborn as author

Hey guys ! This is fanfiction I am writing in order to fix plot holes in og canon series . I am also adding few ideas from other animes and manga . This is an imagination of how would have wanted the show to be . I don't own any of the franchise or the rights on the show.

Blaze_56 · Komik
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12 Chs

Adjusting with the environment


I shouted. Seriously If I receive penalty I will die. Is some kind of joke going here? If I don't gain popularity I will receive penalty which is death. And I only have one year to do it. 


I don't even have any money to even open startup to begin with and I not sure any bank will give me any loan or any person will lend me money without charging very high interest.

Suddenly a idea pop up , I looked at the system window and asked " Is it possible by you to lend me some money for fulfilling the task ???" 


Congratulations host ...

You have received loan of about 10 thousand $ from the system at a interest of 5% for accomplishing the task .

Penalty: 200000$ at 5% need to returned with 2 year ,if unable host will die.

I blinked owlishly. It worked . I didn't something like this to work . Even if penalty is death, I still get the money. Now I can startup a business. But for that I need to do some planning. 

Pov ended

Now without the tension of money in head , he went out to the market to get the information here and there . 

After traveling thought out the day he came back to his . Freshing up and sitting on the crouch he thought " Currently the year is 1981 , but it seem many of thing recorded in history book about this period is slightly off as it seem like I am in timeline of India' 1981 parallel universe. Even some of movies and shows like star war which is supposed to have been made by 1977 doesn't exist. My current apartment is in Kalayani . The world yet to have improvement in technological aspect. But I can put all these factors into use if I do it properly ." With this thought he fell asleep.

Next day 

Walking up early in morning and going to saloon to get a haircut along beard trimming. Bought some vegetables and fruits for food. Payed his landlord his rent . Came back to his room and start looking for ideas he could use to complete system mission of gaining popularity. For an artist and citizen of year 2047 , he had a massive knowledge of all kind of show and plays from his time but couldn't directly make any shows as he wishes . He was thinking of the system and how to propagate the works of animation and movies to the world to acquire the popularity points. As for games it can be shelved for later period of time as the technology of 1981 won't allow him to show his ideas on the games. After pondering and self debating with himself for an hour , he came to a decision of making one of 90s kid favourite movie 🎥 'The lion King '. Even though the lion king came in 1994 in his previous life there was no such movie in this timeline. He was pretty sure that with all the music he remembered from his previous life . It will be successful after all it is a movie that was not only popular among children but also parents. 

Brainstorming his mind , he stated writing the script and dailog of the entire movies. It took him three day of non stop work without including daily routine to complete the script. After a week of working on drawing , he completed his sketches of the entire story. It have been quite fruitful for him. Once it has been taken care off he start making contacts in flim and animation industry in India . After two months, of searching he was able contact with the legendary Indian animator Ram mohan and was able to get a appointment with him. Animator Ram mohan had just came to Mumbai for some work , but luckily he able to gain an appointment in a week. 

Day of appointment


I nervously walk though the street of the movie set in his office. Though I am confident he will like the work , but then again I am meeting a legendary Indian animator for the first time in life . So guess it normal. Opening the door , he walk into his office took a chair and sat down . I did same.

Then he asked -" How can I help you lad ?" with a firm voice.

Gathering up my confidence,I said - " Sir I would like you to animate something and publish it ."

Ram - "And what would it be ."

Laxman - " Sir I have draft of my work , you will understand."

I passed him the copy of the original daft including script and sketches. Taking the he draft , he started reading it . As time passed , his eyes becamed narrow and serious. I was feeling nervous more and more with passing time. Then he closed the draft and his his expression calmed .

Ram- " Is it your first work"

Laxman -" Y-Yes"

Ram -" Shall we talk about money ".

Laxman(suprised) -" Are you going to make it ".

Ram- " Yes I am , this story if animated correctly can be considered master piece. I going to say it once so better listen it . You got a talent to be script writter " 

Hearing the praise , I felt embarrassed

 Ram - " Now back to the topic how much will you want me to pay"

Laxman -" About 20% of what it will earn after production and would also like to invest 150000$ in the movie production. Also like to supply you with latest technology for it"

Ram -" (happily) I would thankful for it , it won't be enough, I will need to still take a loan. So what language do you intend to make the movie "

Laxman -" Both Hindi and English for national and international audience. And if you don't mind , can I ask you a favour."

Ram -" Go ahead "

Laxman -"It's nothing bad. I just composed songs related to the movie and I am confident that it will add more to the story."

Mr Mohan looked puzzled .

I assure him saying" Don't worry Sir I will just give the lyrics and add my ideas for the song. I won't be hampering on the movie's original work."

Ram was grateful for this and after discussing all the ins and outs of the matter, left late at night. The production process was set to start and it was going to take time to finish the whole movie.

To be continued...

(A/N: Hey guys please comment and vote below 👇☺️)