
Reverse Reality

Reverse Reality is a novel that I recently finished. I sat in my room staring into space as I sadly felt everything lost its meaning. It has been years since I have cried as a tear fell onto my phone. I wiped my tears as I looked at my empty apartment. Devoid of nothing with no possession to my name. Everything was finished, and I accepted that cold, hard truth. I could only keep moving forward or finish it all. I got nothing to lose. I can die fighting or die here. Both of these choices were difficult to choose, I didn't want to suffer anymore, but I want to try, but with no motivation, I can't find the strength to keep moving forward. So, I chose the second option. I don't want to suffer anymore.

ShadowPanda_538 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Ch. 48 Vera's New Start.

( Cain Pov )

" Yes! Yes! Freedom!!" Ye-Won shouted as she jumped in air.

But just as she landed, she slipped on an icy sidewalk, which caused her to fall.

" Ack!" She exclaimed.

Me and I sighed as we watched Ye-Won trying to get back to her feet only for her to slip again.

A few minutes later, we finally arrived at Leonie's Cafe, which Leonie glared at us for being late for our shift.

I've changed to our work clothes as Leon went to take orders and greet customers.

Ye-won went to clean tables and chairs for new customers.

And I was to look pretty to attract female customers.

This was Leonie's great plan that managed to make her business soar than the other stores on the street.

I had to keep a smile and make small talk with female customers as I made sure they felt appreciated when they entered.

There are times when Leon is a mascot since he has a few fans himself as a few girls ignore me and go straight to him.

' I guess they prefer petite boys.' I thought to myself as Leon tried to get their orders only for them to try to get his number.

' I'll let Leonie deal with that.' I thought to myself as I saw Leonie walking towards Leon's position.

Her peircing eyes scared the girls as they quickly ordered and waited at a table observing Leon from afar.

" Wish I had a female fan group." Ye-won leaned against the broom as we both observed the interaction from across the room.

" Wouldn't you... never mind." I shook my head as I stopped what I was going to say.

" Huh? What were you going to say?" She asked.

" It's nothing." I replied.

" Say it!" She growled.

" Nope." I replied as I started walking away to return to my position, which was at the front door to greet customers.

" Hey! What did you say!" Ye-Won shouted, not caring for the fact she was causing a scene in the cafe.

I ignored her and continued to work or look pretty.

' At least Leonie didn't force me to wear makeup.' I chuckled to myself.

( Princess Vera Pov )

" That was easy...." I muttered as I looked at the palace from afar.

The gaurd at the front door was absent today, and it's only been a few days since I started my plan.

I cut my hair and threw it away, and I hidden myself in the crowd of people in the Imperial City.

I looked at the sea of people on the market street and at the enormous palace in the distance.

I blinked my eyes as I felt a sense of freedom as a smile crept up.

" At least I don't have to study." I giggled as I turned my heels and walked through the crowd of people.

' I have three hours until the servant arrives towards my room for lunch, I should hurry and escape the imperial city and sign up as an adventurer in another city.' I thought to myself as I looked at the servant token I managed to take.

" Guess I won't be needing this." I threw it into a floating trash can and started heading towards the walls.

The steel walls were as high as the mountains... which amazes me as I see the bigger it looks up close than the windows of the palace.

I felt small, yet a surge of excitement rushed through my body as I immediately walked in line to exit the gates.

Female gaurds checked everyone in line as well as carriages that were passing through.

I also saw many other types of races. Elves, a cat woman, an orc who had trouble passing through for another type of screening as she looked used to it.

I'm surprised an orc was here considering that Vrouzzuterra is on the verge of war with the Empire.

The number of monsters in Vrouzzuterra was not a joke. Every ground, sky, and sea is populated by monsters.

And not to mention the frenzied monsters that have no intelligence and attack anything on sight.

I looked at the Orcs party members waiting for her patiently.

After she returned, she wasn't considered a spy as her party walked through the gates.

Next was another group, then another.

It wasn't until my turn that I forgot about identification.

" Reason for leaving?" The gaurd looked at me with a stern face.

" Eh? Ah, I... want to explore..." I smiled nervously as they gaurd raised her eyebrow before looking at her partner.

" Maybe she's a newbie adventurer." Her partner whispered, making the gaurd nod.

" I see... than could I see your adventure card?"

I immediately thought of a lie as I remembered something about the adventure guild.

" Actually, I kinda failed the examination...and want to do a retest..." I replied, looking at the two towering gaurds.

The two gaurds looked at each other again.

" Another one, huh?"

" Hm, the guild master must've increased the difficulty."

" Can't blame her, a lot of newbies are joining, and with the tension with the Monster kingdom... I'm not surprised."

" Hm." The other nodded as she waved her hand.

" Okay, you can pass through, but next time, if you don't have any identification, you'll have to pay a toll." She spoke as they let me through.

' Eh? That was it?' I asked myself as I blankly walked through the gates.

The only reason I mentioned the failed examination was because in the game, if you failed, you have another chance to join if you head to the next city.

" I guess this is a success." I smiled as I started walking on the paved road.

An hour later, I leaned against a tree to catch my breath.

" Maybe... maybe I should've used the train." I muttered under my heavy breathing.

But that would require a ticket, and a ticket needs to have some identification.

I sighed as I lay on the snowy ground.

It was cold even with the sun out.

I rubbed my hands to warm them as I decided to continue my walk.

As for how I'll enter a city? I didn't know, but I'll probably have to pay a toll, and the currency in my space ring was filled with platinum coins, which would be too much.

" Oh? There's a silver coin?" I looked into my space ring as I managed to find a silver coin amongst the platinum.

With a smile, I continued my journey and arrived at the next city after paying the toll.

" First up! The guild!" I exclaimed as I hurriedly made my way towards the guild.

( Cain Pov )

" Ahh! My ears!" I held my ears as Leon finished his singing.

" I... I did it!" He celebrated as I felt my ears ringing.

" Woah, and I didn't feel anything." Ye-won clapped.

Leon's magic made my ears ring, and my body tired as I lay on the couch.

" Uhh, I'm...I'm feeling tired here." I laid on the couch as Yura put a pillow under my head.

I couldn't muster the strength to thank her as I closed my eyes.

( Leon's Pov )

I covered my mouth as I looked at Cain sleeping.

" Uhm. Is he going to be okay?" I asked Yura as she checked on Cain.

" Yes, Sir Styker will alright. He seems to receive a debuff from your attack."

" I..I see." I replied as I looked Ye-Won, who grabbed a marker and started drawing on Cains' face.

I sighed as Ye-Won finished her drawing.

" Hehe, ahem!" She cleared her throat as she sat back down.

" Now onto the next lesson of mana. Corruption." Her face turned serious.

" Corruptions are people who have been infected or have used corrupted mana that aren't refined or purified."

" They come from a red mana crystal that even breathing the same air , it could have dire consequences." She continued to explain as I started to feel scared.

" Though, there are a few ways to counter this, such wearing masks and having Aura. "

" O..oh..." I replied as it seemed Ye-Won was knowledgeable of this 'corruption' Though I never heard of it. It sounds scary.

Ye-Won continued to explain about mana and other stuff like magic as well.

( Vera Pov )

" I want to take the examination exam." I looked at the receptionist who looked a little taken aback.

" Uhm. Sure, can you fill this out?" He grabbed a paper and pen and handed it to me as I quickly filled it.

" Then... this one, please."

Another form to fill as he quickly stood up with paper.

" And please follow me."

I followed after him as he walked to the back of the guild to open a door to the outside.

A woman stood in the middle of the arena.

Her grey hair was swaying from the wind as she finished her opponent with a cold face.

The wrinkles around her brows deepened as she looked towards us.

" Another?" She asked coldly, not bothering to take another glance at me as she holstered her great sword over her shoulder, grinding against her steel shoulder pad.

" Yes, miss Herone." The receptionist calmly gave the paper to miss Herone as she glanced it at before walking towards the center of the arena.

" Alright, the exam is simple. We fight. And I'll test your results to see if you're qualified." She explained.

I nodded silently, wondering if I could face this towering woman.

I grabbed standard issued spear that was given to me as I looked at my opponent.

" Start!"