
Reverse Reality

Reverse Reality is a novel that I recently finished. I sat in my room staring into space as I sadly felt everything lost its meaning. It has been years since I have cried as a tear fell onto my phone. I wiped my tears as I looked at my empty apartment. Devoid of nothing with no possession to my name. Everything was finished, and I accepted that cold, hard truth. I could only keep moving forward or finish it all. I got nothing to lose. I can die fighting or die here. Both of these choices were difficult to choose, I didn't want to suffer anymore, but I want to try, but with no motivation, I can't find the strength to keep moving forward. So, I chose the second option. I don't want to suffer anymore.

ShadowPanda_538 · Fantasi
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54 Chs

Ch. 26 Mission Finished

( Cain Pov ) 

A fucking bomb...was in my hand and Ophelia gave a detonator. 

" From an ordinary kid to a terrorist." I spoke to myself as I planted the bomb inside an old warehouse. 

" Krzz! Well you just a promotion. Now stop whining and get exploding." I heard Ophelia on the radio comm in my ear. 

I could hear the excitement in her voice as she waited for the fireworks. 

I sighed as I put the bomb under an old gas tank. 

' This leads to an under gas pipe. Exploding this will explode the entire building sky high.' 

I crouched as I looked at the bomb blinking before thinking. 

' If this explodes it won't create that much of a distraction, they'll send some other squad nearby. This won't work.' I concluded. 

Realizing this I grabbed the bomb again and walked out of the warehouse. 

" Krzz!! Finally got it? Being a member isn't about being a robot and doing what you're told but to think and use your heart for yourself." Ophelia spoke as I walked through the crowd taking off my hood. 

" But what are you going to do now? I wonder?" 

' Gotta use the bomb or save it for later. Or I could upgrade it.' I thought as I walked through the stalls and crowd of people. 

I held the bomb inside of my cloak. 

It felt weird. These people passing by with a smile on their faces having their own lives and yet I could end if I fuck up and the bomb accidently explodes. 

All it took was a single mistake. 

I calmed myself and rid of those thoughts as I made my way towards the armored trucks went from my memories. 

' Tape...' I bought a roll of tape and wrapped it under my cloak as I moved across the crowd of people. 

This would help the bomb stick than just placing it on the ground. 

' To follow my heart and think for myself, huh?' 


Since the beginning of time there was no rules and today it still doesn't apply. 

Rules are created by the stronger people to control the weaker people. 

Especially nobles who take advantage of this and abuse their privileges and titles. 

" I'm here on the rooftop." I spoke to Ophelia ad I looked down into the window looking inside the warehouse. 

" And there is a mage." I reported as I hurriedly took cover. 

" Description?" Ophelia asked. 

" Purple eyes, light brown hair, flashy coat with flashy medals on her chest. She is using gravity magic to hold the wolf pack down." I responded. 

" Krzz!! Is she reciting the oath of execution?" 

" Yes. It seems she is almost finished." I replied. 

" Well hurry it up and throw the bomb in there and make sure the wolf pack is in a safe distance." Ophelia spoke. 

" Oh, and be carefully that's Mizuki, a lieutenant."

I nodded and opened the window a little as I held the bomb over the opened window. 

I hesitated.

I looked down to see the other soldiers holding spears as their tips were made of electricity.

The wolf pack, the leader was a wolf with Grey hair as she stared at the lieutenant who was finishing her oath. 

But the lieutenant ignored her as she looked up.

With her other hand, she shot it upwards and activated a magic circle. 

" Shit!" I exclaimed as I counted, move as a purple magic circle appeared above me, and I crashed through the roof. 

* Thud! * 

" Gah!" I couldn't move as my body was suppressed by the gravity. 

Luckily I wasn't recognized as I my face was on the ground and covered by my hood. 

" Well~ it appears u have to recite the oath once more for you." The lieutenant spoke.

She couldn't move as I was sure she was too focused on using her mana to suppress me and the others. 

But it seemed if I struggled hard enough I think I could move but I'm worried about the soldiers watching us. 

I peeked at the leader who growled at the lieutenant. 

" Krzz! Sigh, you fucked up." I heard her groan through the ear comms. 

' Don't need To hear it.' I thought inwardly as I looked at my surroundings. 

There was a magic circle on the ground pulling me to the ground like a magnet. 

" With that said I pray for you people in your next life amd choose a better life than a terrorist..." 

My left eye pounded as I finally located the weak point in the magic circle. 

I felt the stares from the soldiers as watched me struggle. 

It seemed luck was on my side as I found the weak point was close to me. 

Crawling to that point a soldier tapped me with their electric spear. 

* Bzzt!!* 

I felt the pain and when they saw no reaction from me others joined in as I crawled into the weak point. 

In this weak point I was affected less by gravity as I stood up. 

Under the tasing, stabs, and cuts, I laid down covering my ears. 

I didn't know where the bomb dropped to, but I pressed the detonator. 

* Beep * 

* Boom! * 

The shockwave pushed those standing through the air as the gravity was uplifted. 

" My fucking ears!!!" The leader of the wolf pack shouted as she held her ears.

I stood up amd grabbed a spear from the ground. 

' A spear I don't know hownto use a spear...' I thought inwardly. 

" Oi kid! Pass the stick!" I looked up to a woman with green hair slicked back as she held her hand out. 

I tossed the spear to her as she began to attack the soldiers who regained their bearings.

" Shit my spear!!" A soldier shouted as she pulled out a pistol. 

' Shit.' I ducked as the green haired woman attacked the soldier with the gun. 

The spears electric current was so high I could hear it buzzing as it sliced the soldier's arm amd behead her in one quick movement.

" Fucking terrorist!" The lieutenant shouted as she made a magic circle. 

The leader of the wolf pack tackled her to the ground as the rest fought back. 

" Aren't you gonna help?" I heard Ophelia speak into my ear. 

" I don't have a weapon." I replied as I looked for a way out. 

Through the chaos, I escaped through a back door and ran through the alleyway. 

I ran away...

I sat down and closed my eyes as I remembered the woman cutting the soldier's arm. 

I looked up to see Ophelia with her usual grin. 

" Coldve done better, but overall you completed your mission." She spoke. 

During the time the lieutenant spoke her oath it felt like death was hanging over me but that wasn't what bothered me. 

It was how weak I felt in the moment and felt like I relied on my luck. 

" It was luck..." I responded. 

" I didn't know where I dropped the bomb, if it was closer I would've died and if it was too far it wouldn't have worked. And the lieutenant reciting the oath of execution..." 

" Enough! You're alive... just stop thinking about it and go back to the tournament, you still have a couple.pf matches today." Ophelia interrupted as I nodded. 

But still... I felt like a coward as I ran away instead of helping. I felt weak.

I stood up and left as Ophelia watched. 

A few minutes later I got a call from Leonie. 

" Oi, where ya at?" She asked. 

" I'm... enjoying the atmosphere here outside. Where are you guys?" I replied as I took my hood off. 

( Ophelia Fruin Pov ) 

' He's not ready but he's getting there.' I thought to myself as I looked back to see the leader of the wolf pack, Meryl.

" Meryl..." I spoke in a cold voice. 

Meryl's body shook as she looked at me. 

" Today's you fucked up. You created a huge noise today, and as such, you're demoted to Shadowfang." 

Meryl nodded in acceptance. 

" My lady? What of the boy?" I looked at the woman with green hair. 

" He's dead..." I replied. 

The woman had an uneasy face as I grinned. 

" I'm just fuckimg kidding. He escaped. And if you're wondering he's a rookie. So remember today as you guys have been saved by a rookie." I grinned before walking away. 

The woman looked relieved as they also ran away to hide. 

' Maybe I should. I put Cain under her wing, I'm sure she could guide him.' I thought to myself. 

The seats were in charge of training Cain to become the next leader, and those training will be difficult, especially for boy. 

But for now, we'll put him in a squad who will show him the ropes.

( Cain Pov ) 

Days passed as I finished my mission. 

The first day ended, and out of the 7 schools that participated, only four remained. 

Blossom Academy, Skyline, Karyu, and Alita.

I stood with Nyusha as we looked at Karyu Middle School. 

There, I saw Tachibana and her vice captain. 

I didn't care about the other two schools as we both defeated them. Today is the day where our duel will depend on whether Alita or Karyu wins the championship.

Doubts settled in but with the help of my friends I was able to come this far. 

I was nervous, I watched Tachibana's fights and noticed how far she improved. 

Her opponents never last a minute. 

And the worst thing was she never used her mother's sword techniques only using the basics. 

And not to mentions she hasn't use her art as well. 

I couldn't find a weakness amd I couldn't find a counter for them as I observed her across the colosseum. 

The Colosseum was large which stretched for 2.4km. 

With my left eye, I observed her from afar.

Tachibana seemed to watch her fellow member fight on one of the stages. 

For the past few days, I have been practicing flow state whether it was in matches or in dream training.

It was the afternoon, and I was waiting for my match with Tachibana. 

I waited and waited. 

' I wonder if she is waiting as well?' I thought to myself. 

But looking at her she was calm, very calm. Like our match means nothing to her. 

Ai Tachibana, from the novel she was like a robot or a puppet. 

Growing up she only knew how to swing a sword by her mother.

She swung her sword to the point she didn't enjoy her life. 

Her mother who saw this regretted introducing her daughter to the sword and began to focus on another student so her daughter could enjoy life. 

Yet Tachibana didn't want to enjoy her youth but wanted to wield a sword. 

Seeing her mother focus on another student made her felt neglected but didn't care as she continued to swing her sword. 

Her mother only taught her four moves of the Shinryu. But even then, she mastered the technique without her mother. 

I know about the 14 techniques she created, but reading and seeing are two different things. 

And not to mention her eyes. 

The eyes of Fate. 

The ability to see a person fate lines and predict their future moves. A single move could change the course of fate and make her move accordingly. 

' But she shouldn't have unlocked them yet. Unless.... I could unlock them today?' 

In order to unlock the eyes of Fate. One must find their eternal rival/enemy. 

Tachibana unlocked hers in the story because the main character gave her a worthy battle that made her feel alive instead of feeling like a robot.

' I should unlock it early for her. Hopefully, I could give her that feeling of a worthy battle.' I closed my eyes and waited.