
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Immortally Venerable

David, a normal 17 year old boy is transported to another world after his death. Little does he know, that this world, is the cruelest of them all.

Moist_BedBugs · Derivasi dari karya
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23 Chs

Vital Gu List

Wei Huan was surprised at Tai Qing's words, he was actually questioning whether he was sane.

"Is this guy crazy?! He really wants me to be his disciple just because I skimmed through legal documents?!" Wei Huan thought as his face scrunched up,

Taking another as a disciple was a very big thing, especially for gu masters. Gu masters typically took only one or two disciples in their whole life and even that was generally due to pressure from the clan.

Even giving just a bit of advice was something very valuable from a gu master especially an important one such as Tai Qing.

Wei Huan simply turned around and stared at Tai Qing, his face frozen.

"What? My son should be an information path gu master like me after all!" Tai Qing spoke in a matter of fact tone before ruffling Wei Huan's hair.

Wei Huan almost coughed blood as he thought:

"Son?! He really thinks of me as a son?! He met me a day ago!"

Wei Huan slowly calmed down and simply smiled. For some reason, he seemed extremely willing to accept Tai Qing as his "father" completely different from his previous state at the Hei Tribe,

"You, uh.. don't have a vital gu yet, right?" Tai Qing spoke,

"No... I don't have a vital gu." Wei Huan spoke, shaking his head,

"Well... I was thinking that I could get you one..." Tai Qing spoke, his voice shifting tones throughout the sentence,

Wei Huan didn't know how to feel, the one who had rescued him from the slave caravan was also taking him as a disciple and even getting him a vital gu.

"I... I have to pay him back!" Wei Huan thought, conviction in his eyes,

"Listen, I'll write down a list of information path gu worms and then you choose what you want, mk?" Tai Qing spoke off handedly,

"Alright...." Wei Huan smiled while saying, his eyes slightly red,

"Go and do whatever you kids do nowadays, I'll write it down quickly." Tai Qing spoke, seemingly not even looking at Wei Huan's face,

Wei Huan simply walked away, not knowing what to say or do. He simply walked back inside the house and sat down, opening his aperture and beginning to cultivate.

Unfortunately, he had no resources to cultivate for the past month. He had simply been throwing his primeval assence at his aperture walls.

Controlling his primeval essence was thankfully far easier than ever before due to his reduced talent.

Wei Huan's primeval essence rose up in the air, forming into tiny cones made of "water", still attached to his primeval sea.

These "cones" launched themselves at the aperture walls, being easily absorbed with far less drops being flung back than before.

Typically, this wouldn't be possible for a gu master to achieve, after all even the best at controlling their primeval essence couldn't make precise shapes of their primeval essence.

This was only possible due to Wei Huan's extremely low talent. This was such an effect that it could only be replicated by certain cultivation type gu.

"In fortune lies disasters and in disaster lies fortune", this quote was especially applicable to the current scenario. Even though he had lost his talent as well as his vital gu, his control of his primeval essence had become impeccable, allowing him to cultivate more efficiently, although his cultivation was still less efficient than that of a C grade talent.

Wei Huan opened his eyes as his aperture was no longer full of any primeval essence. Wei Huan shook his head to reduce his drowsiness.

Cultivation was almost similar to sleep as it makes one drowsy.

Wei Huan merely rubbed his eyes and put his hand over his face, covering it.

His eyes were throbbing and red, after all, cultivation took a large amount of time and focus.

He had been cultivating for 45 minutes straight, using high level primeval essence manipulation after all.

Wei Huan looked to his side, seeing a small pouch of primeval stones. Wei Huan smiled as he grabbed the pouch of primeval essence stones, pouring them into his hands.

These stones slowly broke apart and Wei Huan's primeval see became fuller and fuller.

Once his primeval sea was sufficiently full, he began cultivating once again.

A little over one and a half hours had passed since Wei Huan began cultivating once again.

He opened his eyes and stood up, a bit more energetic than before.

He slowly stood up from his seated position on the sofa in the living room and began walking around the house, looking for Tai Qing.

Wei Huan ran around the house, looking for Tai Qing anywhere. After all, he had left him a pouch of primeval stones. He would most likely be in the house.

After Wei Huan finished searching the house, he looked outside, seeing Tai Qing sitting on the same wooden stool which he had been sitting on before.

He walked up to Tai Qing, making him turn around and ask:

"You're finally conscious, Mr. Gu Master." Tai Qing said sarcastically in a joking manner,

"Yes, I am! Insolent mortal!" Wei Huan said, playing along with Tai Qing,

"Yeah, Yeah, anyway, the list is finally finished."

"It's time for you to choose your vital gu, big guy!" Tai Qing said,