
Revenge of the Veiled Mage

At the age of 12 years old, both of Niva's parents who were talented mages, died at the hands of the Mage Clan’s patriarch. Before her father died, he severed Niva’s spiritual veins and ended any potential future her daughter could have had as a mage, hoping that she could live an ordinary life away from the Clan's influence. Niva was a filial child, she would have listened to her father’s words, but the clan forced her into jumping into the Abyss of Tormented Souls, a place of dark magic and terror. As she fell deeper and deeper into the abyss, she vowed; “If I do not die, I will come back and I will give you an end worse than death, I will make you remember your end at my hands even after you reincarnate ten times over.”

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10 Chs

4: Becoming Stronger

Sylas's eyes flickered with approval. "I see determination in your eyes, Niva. That's the first step towards becoming an archmage. Remember, this won't be an easy journey. The path of dark arts is full of challenges and danger, but I'll be with you every step of the way."

Niva nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Sylas. She knew that without his guidance, she would probably be lost in the abyss forever.

As she made her way towards the valley, she could feel the souls calling out to her. They were weak, but their collective voices were enough to send shivers down her spine.

Niva closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened herself up to the souls. As she began to absorb them, she felt their memories, their pain, and their suffering flood into her mind.

It was overwhelming, but Niva gritted her teeth and pushed on, determined to absorb every last soul in the valley.

Sylas watched in amazement as Niva absorbed soul after soul, her body glowing with an otherworldly aura. He knew that he had made the right decision in taking her as his disciple.

After what seemed like hours, which then turned into days, and days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Niva became stronger with each passing day, her power growing with each soul she absorbed.

Finally, the day arrived when Niva had absorbed every soul in the valley. She could feel the power coursing through her veins, her body buzzing with energy. She turned to face Sylas, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I did it," she said, her voice filled with wonder.

Sylas nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yes, you did. Now, let's make our way inside. The real challenge begins now."

Sylas nodded and led the way and Niva followed close behind. She didn't know what they would face inside the Abyss, but she was ready for whatever came their way.

As they walked into the cave, Niva could hear the sound of dripping water echoed throughout the cavern, creating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. As Niva took a step forward, the ground beneath her feet was uneven, causing her to stumble. She quickly regained her balance and looked up to see Sylas beckoning her to follow.

Niva followed Sylas deeper into the cave, the darkness becoming more intense as they moved further away from the entrance. The only source of light was the faint glow of Sylas's staff, which illuminated the path ahead. Niva couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as they ventured further into the cave.

The air grew colder and more damp as they descended deeper into the cave. The walls became slick with moisture and the ground was now covered in a thin layer of mud. Niva's feet sank into the mud with each step, making it difficult to walk. She could feel her heart racing as she wondered what dangers lay ahead.

Suddenly, Sylas stopped in front of a large chamber. Niva approached cautiously, peering inside to see dozens of souls floating aimlessly around the room. The souls were a dull, grey color, and Niva could sense their energy pulsing faintly.

Sylas motioned for Niva to begin absorbing the souls. Niva hesitated for a moment before reaching out tentatively towards the nearest soul. As she touched it, she could feel the energy coursing through her body, filling her with a sense of power she had never felt before.

She closed her eyes and focused, reaching out with her mind to sense the souls around her. She could feel their pain and suffering, their confusion and despair. However, she also sensed something else, a dark presence lurking in the shadows.

Niva shuddered and opened her eyes, looking around warily. She couldn't see anything, but she knew that it was there, waiting for her. She wondered if Sylas had sensed it too, but he seemed focused on watching her.

She took a deep breath and stepped forward. The dark presence didn't seem to be getting any closer, but she could still sense its malevolent energy lurking just beyond her senses.

Niva began absorbing soul after soul, each one giving her more power than the last. As she absorbed the souls, she could feel her body changing, becoming stronger and more resilient. She could feel the magic coursing through her veins, and she knew that she was on the path to becoming more powerful.

As Niva absorbed the last soul in the chamber, Sylas nodded in approval. "You've done well, my disciple," he said. "We will stop here and start your dark arts mastery."

Hey there,

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! It was certainly a thrilling one to write.

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