
Revenge of the Monster

Rohan is a class 8 hunter who lives in Hunter City. When coming back from a hunt the moon suddenly turns blood red. When Rohan gets to Hunter City he finds it being attacked by a huge reptillian monster. He then gets kidnapped and becomes a test subject. What will happen to him from now on?

Spooky_Dank · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Vex Hugo Durand

*Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I chained to a wall?*

Rohan just woke up and dozens of thoughts flashed through his mind.

He then remembered what happened to Hunter City and that he got blocked by that mysterious man.

*I thought I was going to die.*

*My chest feels fine.*

*I must have been healed by the tiger man.*

*Did that guy forget I can use mana? Time to escape these chains!*

Rohan then attempted to use his mana heart to strengthen his arms so he could break out of his chains but he couldn't use his mana.

*What! How is this possible?*

*You can seal mana?*

*Im screwed! Im gonna be sold as a slave or used as cat food!*

*Wait, I won't be eaten by the tiger because why would he go through all this trouble to kidnap me if the tiger could have just killed and eaten me back at the city wall.*

*So he will sell me as a slave.*

*I am sure that I have at least a few days to prepare an escape before he sells me.*

Rohan was sitting in silence for hours when he heard a door creak open and light shone into the dark room.

Someone stepped into the room.

Rohan looked around and saw that he was in an underground dungeon.

Across from him was an empty cell.

The cell was made out stone and was covered with moss.

Rohan then looked at the chains binding him and saw runes on them

*So that's why I couldn't use mana*

*I thought my mana heart was destroyed*

*I still have a chance to escape*

Rohan then looked at the person who opened the door.

It was the tiger person!

"Ah hello," said the tiger person in a cheerful voice. "My name is Vex Hugo Durand but you can just call me Vex."

"You must be wondering where you are right now and let me assure you that you are in good hands right now."

"You are so lucky! For I Vex Hugo Durand have decided that you are my next test subject!"

"Well I didn't decide for I am just a clone of the original but congratulations!"

*The name Vex Hugo Durand, sounds familiar.*

*From where do I know that name?*

*Wait, I'm going to be a test subject?*

*This guy seems very talkative, maybe he will tell me something*

"What am I going to be a test subject for?" asked Rohan.

"It's oh so complicated but I'll explain it to you in simple terms," replied Vex Hugo Durand.

"I Vex Hugo Durand am trying to make the perfect body for myself."

"To do this I am trying to combine humans and monsters into one body."

"The benefits of this are that the person who is perfectly combined has a mana heart and can have other body parts absorb mana!*

"They will have infinite potential!"

"The only down side is that everyone who has lived after the procedure, though most people just die mid surgery, go insane."

"I'm getting close to perfecting it so maybe you will be my first success."

"Then I can do it on my self and become perfect!"

"Then I'll finally reach class 1!"

"So, how happy are you that you've become my test subject?"

"Your ecstatic right?"

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for you!"

"Your insane!" Yelled Rohan.

"I don't want to be apart of your test!"

"Let me go!"

"I'm sorry but I can't do that right now," said Vex.

"I'm sure you are just confused and can't process how lucky you are to be my subject. "

"I'll come back tomorrow and see how you feel then."

-One day later.-

Rohan was starving and his stomach was grumbling when the door opened again.

Two people came in this time. One was Vex Hugo Durand and the other person was in chains.

Their was a big contrast between the two people.

Vex Hugo Durand's skin was so dark it was almost black and had pure white hair. He was 6 feet 3 inches tall and very skinny. His eyes were bright purple and seemed to analyze everything. You could tell that he was strong for when he walked into the room the temperature dropped.

The other person was pure white and had bright blue hair. His muscles were bulging and his eyes had crazed look. He was snarling and trying to bite himself.

"Rohan!" Vex said cheerfully.

"Let me introduce you to the other test subject, Gabriel."

"He's a bit crazy right now but I hope that side affect will go away shortly."

"I'm sure you two will get along very well."

Vex Hugo Durand latched Gabriel to the wall of the other cell and put food out in-front of Rohan.

He then stood there staring at Rohan.

*His eyes are so creepy.*

"I'm waiting for you to eat Rohan" said Vex.

*This guy is insane!*

*He's gonna make me insane!*

*I'd rather die then become a monster!*

*What can I even do?*

*He mentioned becoming class one so that means he's class two!*

*He could kill me with a blink if he wanted to.*

*He can even clone himself!*

Rohan was lost in thought when his stomach started growling and he quickly started eating.

After he was finished eating Vex floated the plate up and into his arms.

Vex then said, "I'm sure you will love it here Rohan, it's your chance at greatness!"

Vex then left the cell and closed the door behind him.

The room plunged back into darkness.

Vex Hugo Durand is meant to be an insane genius that talks to Rohan like they are friends and that Rohan is such a lucky person to be his test subject. I hope I portrayed that well.

Spooky_Dankcreators' thoughts