
Revenant in an Anime World

Having the duty to reincarnate the souls from an extensive variety of worlds, 'God' ended up reincarnating a soul in a world where he shouldn't exist. A world where three 'anime' worlds are mixed in one. 'God', instead of crying on spilled milk, he decides to observe the newborn in this foreing world. **** (I do not own the front page) -It's a slow story. -'God' is not the MC, just an observer. -The MC soul comes from the 'Code Vein' world. -MC will have few memories about his past life, so when he reincarnates is a baby in all aspects. -The story has sexual content. (no NTR, no Netori, no Rape.) (It has 'incest' but they are not related by blood.) -The animes (I don't own them) for this story are: 1.-Grisaia no Kajitsu. 2.-Shinmai Maou no Testament. 3.-Highschool DxD. -The characters and their 'story origins' will be the same, however, I will not follow the story lines from the animes. **** Hi, this is my first project so I'm a newbie. And, even if this story is sort of a fanfic, I will give my all in this story. If you have an advice or constructive critic for the development of the project I will gladly read them and consider. For those who only want to write malicious critics, you are losing your time. I don't have many experience writting sexual content but in time I expect to improve. English is my Second Language so you may find some errors. I will appreciate if you give me advice in this.

Villain4ever · Komik
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43 Chs

Ch 09: 6 Years

Fever (Villain4ever): Hi guys.

Sorry for the late release. I had some compromises to do.

Please enjoy.


In the middle of the forest, in some place in Japan, there was a modern cabin. In the balcony of the cabin there was a small round table with three chairs.

The singing of the birds and the sound of the wind touching the oaks' leafs made harmonious aura in the isolated cabin.

It was a quiet and peaceful place.


Yeah, quiet and peaceful.

"ZIRCON! Don't use your red flame to light the oven!" A panicked shout sounded from inside the cabin. "Wait, wait, wait! Not the-"



Inside the cabin's kitchen, a blond woman with her hair tied in a bon, had her eyes close while the tomato sauce tainted her face to her chest.

"Ha, haha."

A dry laugh came from the 6-year-old kid with his white hair also tainted with tomato sauce.

Yuria tried to wipe the sauce in her face with her hands but with not avail due to the red semi-liquid dropping from the ceiling to her face.

"I told you that you mustn't use that flame if you can't control it." She gives a mad look to the kid who caused that disaster.

"Sorry." Zircon said with an apologetic voice.

Seeing the sincere apology from the kid, she couldn't stay mad anymore.

"Haah. Are you ok?" She asked, while removing some of the tomato sauce from his face.

She checked if he had any injurie. After all, that explosion was quite big.

Fortunately, the kid was without any kind of injury on his skin due to the sauce being cold. Seeing that Yuria sighted in relief and then took a tissue to clean his messy face.

Zircon by reflex tried to avoid the tissue, but he didn't resist when Yuria held him from his chin.

When she finished, Zircon's face completely. Well, with the exception of his hair and clothes tainted in red.

"We are done." Said Yuria with a prideful tone and smile.

But that prideful image was being broken for the sauce covering her face.

Zircon in his case tried to contain his laugh, but then he decides to clean Yuria as well. He then takes another tissue and hold her face while standing on the tips of his toes, trying to reach her.

Yuria seeing him trying hard to clean her, she starts laughing softly and crouches down to help Zircon.

After a while, he finished the cleaning, but then, he saw the condition of the kitchen and couldn't help but sigh due to the view. The walls were laminated in tomato sauce, the oven was burned and the microwave just exploded in pieces, leaving a dark mark in the wall.

"It's better that you wash yourself before continue cooking." Said Yuria.

"But, Yuria-nee."

"No 'buts'. You must be presentable when Asako returns, right?" She strokes his head.


"Then hurry up. I'll clean in the meanwhile."

Zircon just nodded his head before going to the bathroom.

When she sees the back of the 6-year-old kid, she can't help but remember all the things that happened in the last 6 years since that day.

As soon as she packed all her things, Asako and she, along with the child took a plane directly to Japan.

Still she had to report to the geezers of the high ranks in her job that she was going to Japan. As she was already assigned, there was no big trouble. In fact, due to that, she has already changed her name from Julia Baldera to Yuria Harudera before the entire incident.

Anyway, she moved out with Asako to the cabin where she lives now with them, and since then she has watched the growing and development of Zircon.

She never thought that someday she would ended up raising a child, or at least, not so soon. At that day, she was still 20 years old and Asako was 19 years old. They were simply too young for that kind of responsibility.

At first, she was still scared of him due to their first meeting when she almost died. Knowing that the child was practically an atomic bomb that could explode at any moment didn't help either.

However, it didn't take long to her to get accustomed to him. Seeing him act as a child of his age made her think that he wasn't that bad.

Her opinion about him just improved when he said his first words.

"Asako-nee, Yuria-nee. Thank you." He said with a sweet and innocent voice.

Yuria still remember that in that moment Asako tried hard to contain her tears. Well, both of them ended up crying. And if it wasn't sweet enough, Zircon hugged them with a smile on his face.

To be honest, after that day she could no longer imagine him as some kind of volatile weapon of mass destruction. He was just a kid.

(A kid that lost his parents at a young age.) Her hands stopped moving while she was cleaning the ceiling.

She remembers that one night, when Zircon was 4 years old; she was drinking with Asako while he was sleeping in his room. Suddenly, they heard Zircon screaming. Both of them rushed up to his room and when they arrived, they saw him hugging his knees in fetal position with tears in his eyes while saying the names of his mother and father.

The trauma of that day was so severe in Zircon, that he still remembers something that happened when he was 2 months old. Due to this, both Asako and Yuria started sleeping with him in the same bed since then.

But if there was something that she was grateful about, is that he also remembers his name, which he also mentioned the first time he said his first words. At least, there was something good about that, if one wants to see the silver lining of things.

After that, the days passed slowly and with calm. Sometimes she and Asako take turns of who is going to take care of Zircon while the other was at work, with Asako still working as a special agent and she herself is in charge of the administration and be the moderator of Asako's missions, even if she usually doesn't listen to her.

Now, she is teaching him how to cook at his request, because he wanted to cook a surprise meal for Asako before she returns from work. They planned to make spaghetti with meatballs but... well; one can already see how that resulted.

(His powers are becoming stronger.) She thought.

One month ago, Zircon has started using his powers, which were red and blue flames in their respective hands, being his right hand with the red flame, and the left with the blue one.

Maybe he has already used his powers in the past, however, the difference in this case with the first time he used them as a baby, is that it was only one month ago that he started to use them consciously, instead of reacting to his emotions.

After she finished cleaning all the kitchen in 30 minutes, Zircon has also ended washing himself and was wearing new black clothes instead of white. Maybe because he doesn't want his clothes to be stained too much.

Yuria, seeing him now, can only smile at him after remembering all the past 6 years.

"Well, let's hurry up. Asako will arrive at any moment." She gave Zircon a smile.

"Um!" He answers with another smile.

"I hope you enjoyed it."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Villain4evercreators' thoughts