
The Emperor

While Oliver was on the way to the enemy, using his teleportation skill constantly, he tried to recall all the commanders that he was going to face.

The enemy forces were divided into groups of around a 1000 foot soldiers, with one commander leading them, this commander had a [S-grade] talent and at the least 1 [S-grade] equipment or skill.

When Oliver looked through his memory, he found 1 particular talent of one of these commanders that was rather difficult to deal with if he couldn't get a surprise attack on him, [mana freeze (S-grade)], the talent freezes all the mana in a particular area around the caster, it is an extremely powerful skill but with a lot of drawbacks, for example that it worked on everyone including the caster.

The rest of the commanders were also powerful, but unlike [mana freeze (S-grade)] that was a perfect counter against him, the rest were nothing to him.

There was 1 more man he needed to watch out for, their leader, also the runner-up in their first phase, 'the emperor' at least that is what they called him and his talent [prophesy], the grade was unknown, it was a talent that lets you see glimpses of your future now and then, the only downside was that it was at random, and you got no context.

If Oliver wanted to dominate this battlefield, he needed to get rid of the emperor first, otherwise the troops would be avoiding him without a problem, that's how good the emperor was at utilizing his talent.

And of course, the place where he could find the emperor was in the safest place for him to be, his own base camp, probably in one of the meeting rooms above the shop right about now.

Now that he knew where to go exactly, it didn't take much time for Oliver to arrive exactly 1 km outside the enemy base camp.

With the help of the eyes of truth seeing inside the big white pillar in the middle of the camp wasn't an issue, even at this distance, but there was no one in the meeting rooms yet, so he decided to wait.


A few minutes later, around 5 kilometers away from where Oliver was located, in a meeting room above the shop, 100 men and women were sitting in a room, 1 man sitting at the end of the table calmly overlooking everyone.

"Now that everyone is here, I shall begin the meeting."

Even though his voice wasn't loud, everyone stopped talking and directed all their attention towards the young man sitting at the end of the table, anxiously waiting for him to tell them what this emergency meeting was about.

"Foremost, after this meeting is done, I am going to get killed."

Everyone in the conference room stared at the young man with wide eyes, this was the emperor they were speaking about, someone that could see the future, how could someone like that get killed.

Before anyone could ask him anything, the emperor started talking again.

"I know that you all must be confused, but this is the way it is, I have tried everything, but every single time a particular man seems to find me and kill me, my last hope was getting you all together with me but according to the vision I just had, keeping you here would only make everything messier."

At that moment, one of the 100 commanders finally had the balls to say something.

"Are you sure sir, with my skill activated around you, they won't be able to use skills, I'm sure we will be able to overpower 1 man with all the most powerful commanders here today."

"I'm really touched by you guys' loyalty, but I already told you, he is going to get to me no matter what, if you guys stay here, and he manages to take out some of you along the way, we might as well surrender at that time, especially now that I know how strong he is, so get out of here, and I hope you guys can keep our people save."

"We will, emperor, to the best of our ability."

After that, the crowd started to leave, leaving only the emperor at the head of a table in a big empty room.


Oliver was still sitting outside the camp when he finally noticed a group of people in one of the conference rooms, with at the head of the table 'the emperor'.

He knew that he could get to the emperor without a problem, but with all the most powerful commanders there and especially under the suppression that he wouldn't be able to use skills, even with Anna's help it would become a messy escape, so he decided to wait it out for a few minutes, if they really were going to stick together than he had no other choice.

But a few minutes later it seemed that Oliver was in luck, everyone left except the emperor, Oliver could only guess that he had accepted his fate.

Without any further delay, Oliver teleported directly inside the conference room, appearing at the other end of the table sitting directly opposed to the emperor, who was still as calm as ever.

"Took you long enough, a person can only wait for his death so long, you know."

"Well, I'll make it quick to make it up to you."

"I don't suppose I can ask you to take pity on my people and let them surrender now, can I?"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. emperor, I need their loot."

When Oliver said the word loot for the first time, he saw the emperor's face turn white, as if he felt endless regret coming over him.

Oliver didn't need to be a genius to know what happened, he forgot to give his loot away before he accepted his fate, that's the price you pay when you have relied on a skill that couldn't see further than your own death for a bit too long, of course it couldn't, the prophecies were linked to him how could they exist when he wasn't there.

"It was nice talking to you, but I have a lot of things to do, so excuse me."


Before the emperor could even finish his plea, a lightning bolt struck him right in the chest, killing him instantly.


The damage was extremely high, especially sins the value of his armor should be around 3000 defense.

Before Oliver excrement the loot, he teleported a few hundred kilometers out of the camp.

When he arrived in the spot, before he could even open his special ring, he got a notification.

[congratulations to camp earth for killing the second in command of camp Angbotain.]

Oliver could only imagine how much chaos there was currently in the earth base camp, not to mention the Angbotain camp.

But before he thought anymore about that, he looked in his bag for the loot the emperor was so worried about.

The items were nothing special, he didn't even have his weapon on him, just some random [A-grade] heavy armor with one [S-grade] piece.

The exp ball he dropped was a pretty good amount, it was 3 billion, which should be around level 10.

Oliver guessed that the coins he had on him was the thing he was so worried about, 200 million coins, it seems that he was entrusted with a big portion of the money they had.

Although it seemed like a big amount, with the amount of skill books Oliver wanted to buy 200 million was just a drop in the bucked.

So, without dwelling on It too long, he started to scout for big groups of players.

After about 5 hours of searching, he found around 50 groups, all with around 1000 normal players, and 1 commander.

Oliver was planning on killing as many groups as possible before they got wind of him, they might even surrender if they found out 50 groups died.

Even though 50,000 people didn't seem that much in the grand scheme of things, these were their top combatants, if they were lucky, they would have another 500,000 soldiers of the same quality, but the rest would be way less powerful, so they would be highly likely to surrender.

After Oliver had all the information he needed, he started his attack.

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