
4. The King’s Aptitude; little girl? 

3 week later,

At the shade of tree, Alexander rested. He pretty much accustomed to the daily life. But what he still could not get used to was, the daily sneaking of Lucinda into his bed.

Her action was new to him, who didn't have any physical contact with any female. Last time he had contact made him paralyzed for an entire month. However, Alexander could not feel any of this. In fact, seeing her naked made him aroused.

He felt bit an urge to have his way on her, but quickly changed his mind. Within the first week of his arrive, Lucinda rarely removed her clothes but now it really felt like seduction.

31st May of 206

The day when he would be tested his aptitude. The warm sunny day, not so hot nor so was it normal, more like a moderate temperature. Citizen inside the wall, were excited.

Day before the testing, Lucinda has said her sayings. She had been a good help to Alexander in getting familiarity. She was approachable and quickly break the barrier Alexander has made since his childhood.

High Mages and nobles from different faction, were wanted to test him right after the summon, but to various reason, they postponed it to later day. Alexander appreciates Lucinda when he heard that she suggested postponing it to the following weekend.

Alexander asks why would he would be tested? The answer he got from Lucinda was lame and unsatisfying. After that he took a book from the bookshelf, he got his answer.

Past people have been summoned countless emperor, many become legend while some couldn't live his adult. Mages of each generation has research countless time, yet they could find small information on.

The main reason for testing was to see how much they would survive. Secondly at what extent would they can control the world's heritage. Alexander couldn't find more other than this thing.

He quickly asks for the history of this world to Lucinda, which initially reject in saying a word to him.

Alexander was not disheartened a bit. He picks a pen from desk and dozens of papers, with his quickly hand, he draws some pictures that shook many of the females from his previous world.

Just like he anticipated, it aroused her interest. Little by little, she finishes the entire book. Just from her looks, I knew she was unsated.

Alexnader waited for her to call him while acting of not caring. Before a second even cross, she begs for another. To which declined it by telling her there is no free lunch, and said if she wanted more, she would have give him something.

Between her Pride and curiosity, she was confused at the choice to the point where she shows her most adorable face.

But her thirst for knowledge made her Pride succumb to curiosity, which she agrees if he gives out of all the volumes he has.

Like a hungry lioness, she jumped at me and carried me into her arms, and then in the blink of an eye, we were in the room.

She removed his clothes and hers also, then quickly changed into comfy clothes. After which any further ado, she promptly started explaining it to me.

Long before the creation of everything, there was a specific being known as the Almighty. With his two hands, he created various creatures in the world. Human, Elf, Dwarves, Dragon and different creatures anything you named it.

Among those, only Five races dominated the world and were excel in five different elements, fire, water, Air, Ground, etc.

But he also created a time bomb, which we called "cosmic." They were unparalleled. It took seven days for the Almighty to finished making all being. On the 8th day, he pronounced to the all wisdom being

"I created every being all content, yet remember children who gain wit. I didn't hast any joy; thou may enjoy all's I created yet remember don't wake the cosmic, as it confounds, I created"

With his word, every being was shrouded in fears and decided to settle far from the cosmic.

Our world, which is known as Plaedies, holds the slumbering time bomb. Every race was in different regions, but they did not dare to go near them.

On the eve of the new year, specific mana comes out of nowhere. It was devastating mana, which reduces every flora and fauna.

For decades, no solution came out from different races. They only watch the world got devoured by the mana.

Lucinda stops for a while as she poured tea for her and Alex. She saw a confused look on Alexander's face.

"I guess you must wonder how our world was saved or was there was any solution," she teased him, which Alexander blushes.

Well, it was on the same day you arrive. A confident man whose age couldn't guess nor his identity. He pronounced his word to the entire civilisation,

"If thou desire to save thy planet, prove thy worth and gain over the orb's wit."

The lost hope they lose was gain for a small amount of time. To reach the Orb, many Warriors, Mages, even the mightiest dragon of that time couldn't get it.

Even our ancestors tried to take control, but only scarce of them reached it, but they couldn't contain the power and exploded into pieces.

Ancestors, be it of different races, tried everything they could to save our world, as it deteriorated years by years.

After a year of sacrifice, a mysterious guy suddenly came and forced his way to the core of the world's power and control it. But before anyone could expect him to explode, he handles it. Like magic, a massive wave of wind comes in, by the time anyone could expect the world to stabilize and turn from drought to greenery to the deteriorating world.

The man who grants the hope returns after he holds the orbs.

He saw his majestic face and knelt.

"O my king and the supreme ruler, whom I wait for a millennium, your return means we can start that plan"].

The person spoke and said, "it isn't time for that, the world had restored just now, and it doesn't have enough power yet." He looked at us then whispered to him.

He then flew towards the sky and announced the news.

" This person took control over orbs and restored the planet to what 'twere. I whom granted thou hope. I pronounced him as the ruler of this planet."

Many oppositions came in to oppose the word of man. But he did not heed any of them.

"When I said to gain control to save the world, I already guess who was the chosen one."

The orbs have their own will! They choose their master, but with conditions, they can't fully control them, giving them partial power, whoever gains their recognition, but for others, they will perish.

The man looked disdainfully at the world creature and continued his speech,

"But this man here controls everything! Do you know what that means?!"

the man spread his words to the entire world. They couldn't help but kneel on their knee, either forcefully or with their wish.

From then, the first emperor took his imperial throne and created the Great Empire of Ithessarth. For around 30 years of his reign, he taught magic and culture

on his 32 years of authority, he disappeared, leaving a note on paper on the imperial throne.

[To my people,

By the time you read this, I probably would disappear from the world. Fear not, I won't disappear completely. Though I may return to this world again, it will take many years from now. My people, I have given my disciple the way. You guys have a summon every 50 years and named him my successor. If he dies naturally, call another since most of them can't survive more than that.

If it takes more years, then here is the condition that he would be my second coming.

CONDITION NO.1; he shall ignite the blood and heart of people the moment of his arrival

CONDITION NO.2; The body which I made for my successor will evolve as he grows.

Lastly, but more importantly, he will have recognition of the girl.

PS; The moment of my arrival, the world will have tremendous change.]


The young woman successfully summoned a person and then got recognition from orbs then named him Second Emperor.

When we reached the 25th emperor, we have understood the authority of Orb's gives to Emperor.

Different rulers have different colours, and then we started the very first ranking of rulers.

Lucinda coughed and said to me, "that's how the order started, and as for scale, we know a few, we categorized it into three kinds of RULER;




As for superior rank, the ruler has controls over 80% of the power of the Orb.

And mid-rank rulers have control over 40%

And low rank controls 5% of orbs

Our ancestors may not know which colours an Emperor has, but the denser the colours, the more you gain control.

Listening to the entire story, Alexander felt exhausted. Still, before he could rest, Lucinda held his shoulder, and with a calm smile, she said, "you haven't forgotten our bargains right, I want that before an hour, you understand!!"

"Ah! Right."

Seeing her personality, Alexander didn't think he can escape from her, so he requests a bundle of paper from her to delay, but she has already prepared much to his avail.

All Alexnader could do was draw and draw for the entire volume, which made me feel nausea now. It was odd for me to know this kind of picture. But well, it was a troll by a friend back in high school. Everyone, even the teacher, was not spared from it. It spread like fear of "never gonna give you up" fever.

Within an hour, I completed the entire six-volume and felt exhausted, after which I just slept on the table.

By 10:00 A.M, I was woken up by lousy Lucinda, with her water ball, which she threw at me.

He endured her prank. Before he realized it, his was changed into ceremonial robes. Then she links her arms with mine.

The fear which made lone erased by her magic spell Dispel, but it was a temporary solution.

Lucinda humph at me and whispers, "hope you finished it," which I obediently said, "yes, ma'am, as a part of my bargains, I have finished it." Then I gave her the entire bundle of paper with drawing in it.

Lucinda then picked it up and started reading it. Just before I thought I could get any rest and take a nap, Lucinda snapped from her reading and glared at me while saying, "Where did you think you were going? Your highness, you do remember what I told you this morning, right?"

Alexander felt so sleepy and tired that he forgot about it and asked,

"Well, listening to your sweet voice and the explanation, I kind of forgot about it, so can you remind me?"

With a big sigh, Lucinda said," As expected of you, well, today we have your aptitude check."

It left him utterly exhausted after drawing for a long time, and asked her, "Can we do it tomorrow "for he didn't expect the honey trap to fail.

Still, Lucinda, with a cold glare, said, "Well, we can do it tomorrow, but you won't get any food until then, or you might get kicked out." Her expression told me that I couldn't even decline it.

Before going inside, she started whispering, 'give me more of your art afterward.' he got taken by surprise. As I was nervous from the atmosphere, I nodded without knowing the content.

Then Lucinda went to the door and whispered something toward the door. Then she came back and crossed arms with me and said, "Let's go" before we reached the door, it automatically opened.

Inside the room, the men in robes and all were bowing while surrounding the orbs. Seeing a heavy atmosphere, Alexander was somewhat excited and nervous.

An old man, probably in his 80s, came to us and said with courtesy," it's a good meeting you, my lord. As you can see, we are all gathered here to see your rank, if you don't mind. I hope Lucinda explained to you the truth about our world."

His words got him surprise, and thought, "then why didn't Lucinda tell me at the beginning?" Then he could only curse at his mind, as for why she did not tell him since the beginning

Old man shows him the way to orbs and said to him,

"Your Highness, touch the Orb, and we may find you as deemed Emperor...

"My lord, you have to touch it, and if you have the recognition, the orbs will float on you with a colour."

The old man coldly said, after which Alexander just went to the orbs and touched but nothing happened to the Orb, it felt depressing, so he walked back while looking down.

As he was moving, the men were looking with disdain as if they show a garbage or something like.

The older man from before came to me and said,

"You who cannot get the recognition by the orbs, then you are not deemed to fit as Emperor, so we need to cleansed the body and removed the soul."

Alexander was frightened by the decree of the older man. Then he told the guards to kick me out,

Before any guard could come to me, Lucinda came in front of me and said, "Fool! You can't even recognize the Evolving orbs which appeared in the orbs of the first emperor."

"Little brat! What do you know about orbs?" The old man scolded her, and then Lucinda fired up and said, "Go and bring the orbs to him again; if not as a descendant of the first emperor, I will not allow you to have free life!"

Seeing Lucinda standing up for me, I felt warm and promised to myself if I get stronger, then I will protect her from anything."

The older man listened to her threats and brought orbs to me; before I touched the Orb, it got evolved into a human form and sat on my head.

The little girl sitting on my head smiled and said, "good morning, father."

This scene made all people in the room get shocked, and all were in fear and awe.

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