
Return Of Crazy Villain

Asher Leblanc. He was the Villain of the dating sim game I played. As you can expect he didn't get happy ending. After playing the game countless times, I noticed how unfair that game was. I really didn't like this setting. While the protagonist was clad in plot armor, Villain didn't have anything. Neither "Real" Friends, or someone who would care for him. In the end, I lashed out about it in forum and even gave one star review. However, I was only called "Crazy" in return, by other readers. At that time, I thought if only I could transmigrate in this story as "Asher Leblanc", I would show them real "Crazyness." I didn't think my wish would be fulfilled soon. "It's time to show them how crazy this Villain is."

Crazy_Villain · Fantasi
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Asher Leblanc

Asher Leblanc. That's my current identity. Most people know me as Duke Leblanc's youngest son.

But why am I living as Asher Leblanc? It's because I went on an overhyped game review site and screwed them over. Nothing else.

In return, they screwed me over and sent me here after I died in an earthquake.

Sometimes I wonder, was I that annoying to the Goddess of Fate that she had to use an earthquake to kill me?

However, now we are even because we both screwed each other over one time. Or not?

"It's because I'm not satisfied with this," I muttered, my frustration was growing.

"Oi, Neria. How many points do I have?" I asked

[Who is Neria now?]

"It's you. I am giving you a name. It's Neria," I replied.

[But wasn't it Serene in my first life, Eva in the second, and Charlotte in the third? Why do you keep changing names? Stick to one!]

"It's boring. New life, new name, new start!" I explained with a mischievous grin.

[Okay, Host. You can call me Neria from now on.]

"Good girl... or maybe a good system?" I teased.

[Ugh. Host, you're giving me the creeps. Please stop.]

"But haven't we spent three lives together?" I questioned, hoping to establish a closer bond.

Neria fell silent, contemplating my words.

[Okay. Should I call you Ronnie or Asher?]

"You can call me Asher. I've only lived one life as Ronnie, while I've had three lives as Asher. Lol," I replied, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

[Hey there, Asher. Just a friendly reminder, your point balance stands proudly at a whopping zero.]

Well, well, well. Zero points. That's about as impressive as the IQ of that guy.

[Don't joke, Asher. That guy's IQ might be in the negatives!]

"Hahahahaha," I chuckled, finding amusement in the absurdity of it all.

You might be wondering who 'that guy' is. Well, he's just a regular fellow with a little desire to destroy the entire world and also the same person who killed me in previous turn.

That guy and his grand plan to destroy the world. Totally normal, right?

Who doesn't daydream about annihilating the entire world every now and then? It's just a normal pastime, right up there with knitting and stamp collecting.

But enough about him, let's talk about points.

"Why, oh why, can't I bring my hard-earned points from my previous turns?" I asked, a playful pout forming on my face.

[Unfortunately, the Goddess rejected application to transfer those points.]

"Oh, that Goddess and her twisted sense of humor," I chuckled. "Screwing me over again and again. Can't say I'm surprised!"

I leaned back, reminiscing. "You know, Neria, this isn't our first rodeo. I've had this exact conversation with Eva and Charlotte before.

Every time I hit that restart button, I'd file my application to bring over those hard-earned points. One million points, a monumental task indeed!"

I needed one million points to get free from this world. However, I failed to do so every time.

If I was successful, how would I be here? lmao.

"Ah, the endless quest for one million points. It's like trying to catch a unicorn with a spaghetti lasso. Utterly impossible, yet strangely enticing!"

[Still, Asher. Anyone will want to screw you if you write that kind of review.]

Ah, it brings old memories.

Let me recall that review.


Title: The Game That Tapped into the Realm of Disappointment

Rating: ⭐⭐

Review by: Ronnie

Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one? Strap yourselves in, folks, because we're about to embark on a wild ride through the realm of disappointment.

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me just say that I had high hopes for this game.

The hype train had my expectations soaring through the stratosphere. But alas, reality hit me harder than a rogue fireball.

Let's start with the graphics, shall we? I mean, were we transported back to the Stone Age or what? The pixelated characters looked like they were pulled straight out of a vintage Atari game. And don't even get me started on the textures!

They were flatter than a pancake left on the sidewalk under the scorching sun.

Come on, developers, this is the 21st century! We deserve better than this visual eyesore.

And what about the gameplay? Well, let me tell you, it was as exhilarating as watching paint dry.

The controls were clunkier than a rusty suit of armor. It felt like trying to maneuver a drunken ogre through a maze of obstacles.

I couldn't help but wonder if the developers had intentionally designed it to frustrate players to the brink of madness. Bravo, if that was their goal!

Now, let's talk about the storyline, or lack thereof. It was more convoluted than deciphering ancient hieroglyphics.

I found myself scratching my head in confusion, desperately trying to make sense of the jumbled mess before me.

What was they doing with villains? Especially Asher Leblanc. That guy was purely there for becoming scapegoat in every route. And they even said he is a villain.

It was like the writers had thrown a dart at a wall of random ideas and decided to go with whatever it landed on.

Although it provides you a freedom of choice, which is pretty much new in any dating sim. You can write your own choice and aren't restricted by only 3-4 choice like other games. But what can you do if main characters and story has nothing interesting.

I'm sorry, but a game without a coherent and engaging story is like a knight without a sword – utterly useless.

In conclusion, dear fellow gamers, I must urge you to steer clear of this abomination.

Save yourself the agony, the tears, and the countless hours wasted on this monumental disappointment.

I'd sooner face a dragon armed with a toothpick than subject myself to this game ever again.

May the Goddess of Gaming have mercy on your souls if you dare to venture into its treacherous realm.

P.S. If the developers happen to stumble upon this review, I implore you to go back to the drawing board.

Take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves, "Do we really want to unleash this monstrosity upon innocent gamers?" The answer, my friends, should be a resounding "NO."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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