
PROLOGUE: Beginning of a new life in an alternate (virtual) world!

The year's 2037. In the current rate of advancement towards technology, VR gaming has taken over the gaming world and many game companies are working hard on them now. It has become a blooming business.

By the way, the most awaited game 'Another World Adventure' releases it's beta version next week and get this, I got the first copy of the game from my father who's the director of the game company which developed 'Another World Adventure' a week early. The game provided the best ever real-like full-dive into the game, but the main reason for it to be the most awaited VR game since 2024 was because it was going to be the first game ever to have NPCs that have the same mindset of a human. Seeing this feature to be a groundbreaking innovation, not many people had the patience to play it.

Also, the legendary genius person who developed the A.I. software for every NPCs in the game and also did the lead supervising of the whole project, Kevin Fanner, was currently missing - right before his greatest project's about to be released officially in the month after the next.

Well from what I knew of that technical genius, he would have probably started travelling around the world gathering resources for his next work so I don't get the feeling he's in any sort of problem or involved in that sort of stuff, although he rarely travels around in secrecy.

Well anyway, feeling really happy & blessed, I hurriedly installed the game on my PC, connected to the AWA global server, equipped my Dream-Gear, flung myself on my bed, turned on the DG and started the game.

Dream-Gears are special visors for playing AWA. They can stimulate our brain according to the situation we experience in the game. It's rumored that the stimulation's so genuine that if we get slashed in the game, we get to experience pain similar to how it would be at the real world. Which is why the lead supervisor mentioned this in the VReality Magazine, 'Virtual Reality is just another form of reality, so don't differentiate it with the reality you are used to experience.'

It's being upgraded to be able to support AR system as well, but the company's not making great progress in it. Even so, not many AR games have been developed or are in development. But there's this rumour that the company that developed AWA is developing a new AR game as well. How is that!

Anyway the game started. Then everything turned white. Instead of the common account sign-up & the profile creation which I've experienced in like all the VR games I've played upto so far, I woke up in a white room.

I found myself sitting on a chair with a fancy looking table in front of me. A beautiful woman with pure-white wings attached to her back and with a luminary golden hoop above her head was sitting in front of me. The way she seemed felt so angelic like in those supernatural movies. I was unexpectedly stunned by her divine beauty.

"Ah, so you, sir, are our first guest.."

The woman in front of me said in the purest angelic tone I've ever heard. Ahh... It felt mesmerizing to hear her voice even when we were of the same gender. Imagine the reaction male players will have while getting to see her - Hillarious!

When she called me 'first guest', I directly thought that she meant that I was the first one to play the game.

"Uhh.. Yes, I am uhh... Your first guest, I guess.."

"What happen, miss?"

"Ah- ah.. About that, uhh... I've never seen a beautiful lady like you before with angelic wings like those."

'What the hell am I even saying!?'

"Oh, thank you very much. I'm an angel afterall."

"Oh, uh.. Your welcome." (sigh) I finally calmed down.

"So, coming back to what we were talking about- Congratulations! You, miss, are our first visitor. Very much grateful to you for visiting this world. We guarantee you, your visit won't be in vain and you will make lots of nice memories and have a lot of fun."

"Uh... May I ask what are you talking about, because it seems one of us here is having a slight misunderstanding.." Said I, who thought of this to be just another normal VR game.

She spoke like a new travelling agent who got to meet her first tourist on her first day. She sounded really happy and somewhat cautious of what she spoke, as if she was careful of not saying anything that would displease me.

"Miss, didn't you read the tour advertisement on this world before coming here?"

I shooked my head, being unaware of what she was talking about at all.

"Not even the ones on the in- ter- net back in your world, where we advertised about our world to our fullest capabilities?"

"Ahh.. Yes I did saw them."

I just remembered that all the ads on this game were having the same sentence written, 'Do come visit our world!'. Now I realized what they actually meant. A good setting of the game if you ask me.

"Phew, I almost thought that you were a lost wanderer from another world."


"Oh nothing, it's nothing..."


She avoided the topic as it never happened with an innocent grin.

"Well then, miss, would you like to enter our world right away or would you like to ask anything about this world?"

"Uh.. Then can you tell me, where is this place we are, currently?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Uh... We are currently in heaven."


"Yes miss, we are currently in our world's heaven."

"This world's heaven, you mean there are other worlds and their own heavens as well?"

"Ah yes, that's right. Well you, miss, wouldn't have had any knowledge of it since our world's the first one to popularize itself among others."

"Ohh.... So is this place like in another dimension or a parallel world to ours or another universe of that sort?"

"Uh.... Sorry miss, even we don't have any knowledge about that. All we know that this world and the world from where you came from are totally different and our Gods who created our worlds are different as well."

Oh, so unlike the religious myth on earth stating that everything was created by God and that every religion's Gods are all the same, these folks here believe that there are different Gods for different worlds. Quite an interesting philosophy.

"Well then, one last question.... Does you world have magic or special powers of some sort?"

"Hmm....That's something you, miss, are to see for yourself."

Even though I had many doubts about this world, I set those aside since it was just a game. And decided to enter the world.

"Well then, miss, do enjoy your visit in this world. Oh, I almost forgot, here. This is your world pass for this world. Use this whenever you want to go back to your world and come here again. Be careful not to lose it."

"Ah.. Okay..." quite a problematic feature, isn't it?

"Then let me make preparations for sending you off to our world."

She asked me to stand still in the open space in the middle of the room. Then she started chanting some sort of spell, a pretty long one. And then a glorious looking magic circle started drawing itself on the floor where I was standing and surrounded me completely, glowing brightly. And at last she waved me goodbye and again everything was white, except that this time I felt myself falling down gently from the top, as if heaven was supposed to be at the top of this world.

Next thing I knew was that I was transported to an open field. Took a while to rest from all the stimulation and raised my upper-half to look around where I was. I saw mythical creatures like a flock of ice birds flying, strange plants in a bush nearby, mystical forests towards my south, etc. A medieval fantasy game settings indeed.

'From here on my new adventure will begin in this game. Time to climb at the top in this game too. Now that I remember, I forgot to ask the angel's name. Well I can't help that now, can I?'

Said I, innocently, unknown of the great consequence this will later cause me.

|Back in heaven|

Angel: Ah, I forgot to ask that human's name. Well it was just one mistake so I won't get fired for that anyway. But she might face some difficulties while she tries to come back to this world again after a long break.... Ah leave it. Now then, off to have my hourly break...

If someone's really reading this, then many, many thanks!!

I am new to this writing~ business so if I make any mistakes, do tell.

And about the cover.. it will take some time, so really sorry about that.

Zuffari_Auctorcreators' thoughts
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