

"Time to party! Woo hoo!"

When he opened up a jug of water, Yi Xuan could be seen chugging it before hitting it on the table like he was an overworked salary worker finally able to let loose.

"This is life."

Frey looked on with no expression before speaking.

"So... when is the party gonna start?"

Yi Xuan looked at Frey and awkwardly laughed.

"It's already started; I got water and a couple of games here. Now it's time to relax!"

"Where are all the people then?"

When he heard this, Yi Xuan stiffened before laughing.

"There is no need for more people. Do you not like hanging out with your elder brother?"

"You could've just said you had no friends."

Yi Xuan grabbed his heart as if he was in pain.

"Junior sister, do you have to be so blunt about it?"

After seeing this, Frey started to laugh.

"Let's play some Go Fish, then."

"Ahh, but we've already played so much of that. Why don't we try something different."

Yi Xuan didn't get an answer, but Frey's glare said it all.

"Fine, I give up since you beat me in the tournament, but next time I choose."


"OK, I'll grab the cards!"

Walking over to the side Yi Xuan went to the pile of miscellaneous stuff on the ground when he heard a knock.

Looking up at Frey, he could also see a confused look on her face. Noticing her unmoved body, Yi Xuan sighs and goes to the door.

When he went to open the door, he felt a solid fist hit his face. It seemed that right when he opened the door; the person was also trying to knock again.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Are you ok?"

Holding his nose, Yi Xuan looked up and was stunned at who he saw.

"Oh no, I not only hit someone, but I also went to the wrong house. Are you OK?"

The girl at Frey's front door was none other than Krystal, the future Blue Fist Goddess and the person who knocked out Frey in the tournament.

'Why did she come here?'

"Yea, I am fine, just a fracture, nothing that a pill won't fix, haha."

"Thank goodness; I was worried it was something worse. I am truly sorry for what I did."

Seeing her bent body in the form of a bow, Yi Xuan looked surprised.

"No worries, no worries, no need to do that."

Lifting her, he examined her once again.

"So, Krystal, why have you come here?"

"Oh, I forgot. I heard that a girl named Frey Hope lived here, but it seems I came to the wrong place. By the way my name is Krystal, but it seems you already know that."

Yi Xuan could only laugh awkwardly as he heard her mention her name.

"Why are you trying to look for this Frey girl?"

"I wanted to become friends with her!"

Yi Xuan looked at Krystal weirdly.

"Why would you wanna be friends with her? She is quite annoying-"

As he was finishing the sentence, he felt a fist hit him in his back.

"I mean, she is a very nice girl; I am just wondering why you would wanna be friends with her."

Now Krystal was looking at Yi Xuan weirdly as he rubbed his back with a pained expression.

"Well, I fought her the other day in the tournament, and she was fun to fight! But I also feel bad for knocking her out. So I came to apologize and hoped to be friends so we could train together."

Yi Xuan was surprised to hear this, but he smiled slightly.

"Well, luckily you came to the right place."

Krystal had a questioning look on her face, but when Yi Xuan opened the door entirely, her face became one of understanding.

"Elder brother, why did you have to tell her?"

"Haha, don't you see she is genuine about this, and weren't you making fun of me for having no friends? Don't you also have no friends? This may be the only time for you to get a friend."

Yi Xuan laughed at this joke, but he knew that even in 2 more years, she would still have no friends.

Seeing Frey at the door arguing with Yi Xuan, Krystal's face went from surprise to relief.

"Frey, I am sorry for knocking you out, but I had such a good time fighting that I would like to become friends with you to fight more."

Krystal making such a big commotion surprised the two in the doorway.

Seeing her bowed down like that, Frey couldn't take it.

"Hmph, it's not your fault. I'm just too weak. I would've gotten out in that round anyway, so there is no need to apologize."

"Ah, but-"

"If you apologize again, I won't be your friend."

After hearing this Krystal stiffened up a little before relaxing.


Seeing the two slightly get along made Yi Xuan happy, but he had other matters on his mind.

"Err, you guys better go in; it seems Krystal made quite the commotion as everyone is trying to figure out the noise."

Looking around, many other disciples came out of their house with different emotions as they watched Frey's house.

Hearing this, Krystal turned bright red as she walked into the house.

Looking around, she could tell that Frey was a minimalist and didn't have much stuff. However, in contrast, there was a big pile of different games in a corner.

"Well, now that another has arrived, we can call this a party!"

Grabbing the pack of cards and water, Yi Xuan directed the two to the table where Yi Xuan dealt cards.

"Uh, what is this?"

Looking at the stack of cards, Krystal was thoroughly confused. Seeing this, Yi Xuan sighed as Frey had the same reaction.

"These cards can be used to play all kinds of games. The one we are playing now is called Go Fish. This is how you play..."

After explaining the rules, Krystal got the hang of the game, so they started playing.

"Uhhh, you, do you have a 5."

"Oh, this is quite embarrassing; it seems I never introduced myself. I am Aldrin Schnitte. Nice to meet you."

As she heard this, Krystal smiled.

"Haha, nice to finally meet you. When did you arrive at the sect?

"Ahh, I arrived... 4 years ago."

"Oh, same!"

"Do you remember that one kid at the examines..."

The three kept playing Go Fish until deep into the night.

"Well, I better go. It's getting late, and I don't want to get yelled at by an elder for staying in a house with two girls. So, you two hang out some yourself."

Leaving the house, Yi Xuan felt fulfilled.

'It seems Frey will finally be able to make a friend.'

'Let's see how everything is going.'

<Yi Xuan (Aldrin Schnitt)

Rank: 5th rank of Qi Forming (Mid-stage)

Talent: Mortal

Cultivation Multiplier: x2.0 (+0.5)

Items: None

Prestige: 1

Prestige Points: 0

Progress till next prestige: 58.06/100.00

Skills: None>

'Still slow, but I am making progress. It seems I might be able to hit the qi refining realm before the end of the year.'

Thinking of this, Yi Xuan had a big grin.

'Next prestige, here I come!'