

"Congratulations to everyone who was able to pass the first test. The second test will begin in 2 days; please meet at the Yushang arena at that time."

Elder Gran could be seen walking down the arena; behind him were 1,000 contestants trying to recover and seeing that Frey wasn't beside him. He looked to the stage, and low and behold; she was also down there in the 1,000 who passed.

Seeing this, Yi Xuan smiled and started heading down. Arriving at the side of the arena, he called out to her.

"Hey, junior sister, since you are done, let's get out of here and get something to eat; food's on me!"

Hearing this Frey's neck turned full 180 as she stared at Yi Xuan with unconcealed vigor.

"Haha, you are showing your bad side. Go and recover a little, and we can leave for the Blue Dragon Pavilion."

Frey nodded before sitting down and recovering using her qi. Only 10 minutes passed before Frey finished recovering.

"Now, please be nice by not draining my wallet this time. I'm only bringing 150 points, so whatever more you get, then that is up to you to pay."

Frey's expression changed.

"You said you would pay it all, but you are only willing to pay 150 points; you are such a miser."

"What do you mean I am a miser?"

Yi Xuan rolled his eyes before speaking again,

"150 points can buy a full course meal for 4 people; if you eat that much, then I don't know what to tell you besides that you will be looking a little bigger."

Frey's face became icy as she stared at Yi Xuan.

"Elder brother, if you are implying what I think you are implying, then let's just say you might need another 8th-grade pill."

Yi Xuan didn't dare to look her in the eyes as he hurriedly explained,

"That's not what I mean, junior sister; I am just saying that the more you eat, the bigger your dantian is, thus making you strong, so buy as much as you want so you can get nice and strong."

Yi Xuan's pace was a little faster as he walked toward the pavilion.


Yi Xuan could hear Frey's discontent, but he ignored it as he continued walking. Soon they reached another big pavilion with a blue dragon spiraling up it. This was the Blue Dragon Pavilion, the most renowned restaurant in the Flaming Sun Sect.

Walking in, with one glance, you could see that this place was prestigious. Golden chandeliers we're hanging from the ceiling. White table clothes with shiny blue edges were on every table in view. The seats were made out of high quality beast leather.

This was only the first floor too. In total, there were seven floors—all each representing cultivation. Because Frey was here, they were able to enter the second floor where qi refiners could stay. Luckily, because of the tournament, it wasn't that crowded yet. However, when it ends, a mass of people will be here celebrating their victory.

Quickly choosing a seat, the two sat down. Yi Xuan has only been here twice. Once with Hansel and the second time with Elder Dran. Both times were very memorable days with tons of joy and laughter.

He has come a third time and hoped it would be the same today.

Looking at the drinks, he sighed.

'Sadly, I am too young and won't to be able to drink.'

The legal drinking age in this society is 17, but Yi Xuan was only 16.

Yi Xuan got some coffee, whereas he ordered juice for Frey.

"I am not a kid anymore; I also want coffee!"

Frey glared at Yi Xuan before asking the kind waitress for coffee. The waitress couldn't help but laugh a little seeing Frey's childishness.

"Ok, one coffee for the young master and another for the young lady."

The waitress jotted it down before leaving.

'Oh man, it's still weird to be called a young master here.'

"Haha, elder brother, did you hear that? I am now an adult as she just called me a lady!"

Frey's face was one of delight and arrogance as she lifted her face making her nose point to the sky.

"Sure, sure, is young lady Frey sure she wants coffee? Didn't you say it was too hot last time you drank it and that it tasted bad?"

Seeing Frey's happy face turn sour, Yi Xuan couldn't help but laugh.

"That was when I was a kid, but now that I am an adult, I can handle everything, and I like will everything."

"Ok young lady Frey, let's see how you will like it."

As the two were joking and laughing, their coffee arrived.

"Well, young lady Frey, why don't you taste the coffee and tell this young miss how good it is."

Yi Xuan pointed to the coffee before Frey and then to the pretty waitress watching it all.

Frey's face turned confident as she took the cup and drank it.

She tried to sit it down calmly as if nothing was wrong, but her face betrayed her calm emotions.

"So, how is it?"

"It is delectable."

"Why don't you drink some more?"

"Uh, well, you see, I don't want to get full too fast, so I can't drink too much."

Frey's expression was still bad as she talked, not noticing that she had given her act away a long time ago.

"Well, now that the young lady is satisfied, what would you like to eat today?"

"Hmmm, I will take the flaming hot lizard steak, medium rare, with a side of salad. Also, can I get some water?"

"Yes, you can; that will be out in a minute.""Alright, what would you like, young lady?"

"Hmm, the same thing he is getting."

"Alright, your order will be out shortly."

After the waitress left, the two started talking again. Because Yi Xuan didn't mention the coffee thing again neither did Frey.

"Well, little sister, since I didn't say this earlier, congratulations on passing the first test!"

Raising his coffee cup, her gestured for a toast. However, as if ignoring him she did not reciprocate.

"I thought you forgot."

"How could I forget when it just happened? I just wanted to save it for another time."

"Well, I did pretty well, considering I am one of the youngest."

Finally easing her cup the two toasted. Yi Xuan continued talking though with a slight grin on his face.

"With that haughty attitude, you will be knocked down a peg in the next rounds."

"I don't wanna hear it from someone who couldn't pass the first test."

"Hey, of course, I couldn't pass because I am only at the 5th stage of qi forming; I haven't even become an official cultivator yet. However, next time, on the other hand, I will surpass you. Or not, considering you are growing just as fast as me."

Yi Xuan sighed when he thought about his cultivation. It was fast, much faster than the average person, but it wasn't enough. Looking at the shop, he knew he had to get many more points to become quicker and stronger.

<Store (PP = Prestige Point)

Talent: Mortal level -> Below Average level = 2pp

Cultivation multiplier: 1.5 -> 2.0 = 4pp

Items: (Time Stone = 5pp) (Spin Ticket = 3pp)>

'Yea, those prices skyrocketed. I probably won't be able to buy the time stone next time around, so I will have to stick to this timeline until who knows when.'

But staring at Frey who was trying her best to sip her coffee without making a face, Yi Xuan smiled.

'I guess this timeline isn't that bad. I should only use the time stone as a life saving device anyway.' Glancing at the cost of the multiplier, he contemplated some things.

'Maybe I should get my talent up. Because if I think about it, if someone is talented, they would also cultivate faster; just look at Frey. She went from 2nd rank of qi refining to 9th rank of qi refining in 2 and a half years in the last timeline. It's not like people in this world have a multiplier, so that must mean my talent is also a component to how fast and far I can cultivate.'

While Yi Xuan was thinking, many more customers were starting to roll in, soon filling the place up.

'Depending on how many prestige points I get, I will choose talent.'

Deciding on this decision, Yi Xuan nodded to himself and finally started to pay attention to the people around him.

Only after another 10 minutes did the food finally arrive.

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