
Previous life

Mark was a child of hardly a year old with his cheeks red due to winter chillness when an orphanage found him at their doorstep. They took him in and made a formal report of a missing child to the police. Even though the orphanage found these cases very common they still had to go through the standard procedure.

After few weeks the police had notified the orphanage that the investigation about the child's guardian had been uneventful and given their approval for the child to be taken into the orphanage. Then the orphanage has officially registered the child under the name Mark, which was given by the caretaker of the orphanage.

As the child grew, he had always felt lonely because he had no family even if the caretaker and other orphans did their best to interact with him, they always had to do other household work in the orphanage leaving him alone in his room most of the time. Due to his age he didn't have to do work in the orphanage but that made him more lonely.

Days went by and mark turned five, he was able to read few words by then because of the normal study classes given by the caretaker which was weekly once or twice. He wasn't much interested in learning but he still did as there was nothing else to do for him. The caretaker then given him few household work as he could help them now and days went by like that. The caretaker given few books to him about few scientific things like about space, basic chemistry and other science books which usually interest children because the children would enjoy going through few pictures in them. Most of the children just flip through the pages and would give them back to the caretaker but no one knew that they would have a big impact on mark.

After 40 years, almost everyone knew mark as the 'great researcher' who got that title because of his research which has been greatly valued by the people from various fields of scientific study. No one had ever covered such broad variety of research study like the work done by mark. Mark never cared much about all the awards and status he has gained by his feats but just felt great contempt about results gained from his research works.

Like always mark had found a new topic to research on one day which was parallel dimensions, many other professors and his students thought mark was bored and he was just trying to have some fun.

After few days of research, mark had hypothesized a lot about parallel dimensions, basically they can be called as worlds which are directly overlapped on each other but are also very independent of each other so for further studying on the parallel dimension mark needs to be connect his world to an another parallel world and currently among all the studies mark could only use the concept of black hole for this. When a black hole is formed due to the extreme temperature and gravitational pull, it tries to destabilizes the dimensional barrier separating the parallel dimension and that provides a chance to connect the dimensions for few micro seconds.

Mark spent almost a month to make a prototype which can generate a black hole and destroy it in span of few seconds, he had already worked on few related topics which made his work easier. But his laboratory wasn't given permission to work with such a dangerous material so he had sneak in into his own laboratory that night because he couldn't hold back his curiosity and started the procedure to form a small atomic size black hole.

He was extremely excited to see if parallel dimension could exist or if its all just a baseless hypothesis even though he knew parallel dimension in papers could be proven through various explanations still it can't be called practical with just that. So his eyes shone with researcher's ambition as the process took place, but under his cautious eyes different readings has gone over the normal indications as the black hole which was yet to form and started to give out flares of destabilized energy which touched the walls of the restricted room where the experiment was taking place. A chain reaction followed it leading to more destabilization no matter what mark did he wasn't able to control the process and when he went to turn off the process forcefully it was too late, a huge explosion occurred at that point and enveloped mark.

Mark felt indescribable pain coming from all over his body seconds felt like hours for him, until he felt no more. The energy in the explosion was so powerful that there wasn't a trace of mark's body left in the now totally burnt observatory room. The world lost one of its most brilliant researcher and grief can be the only term given to what the research field experts felt after they heard news.

A strange sensation was all mark could feel after his death. 'Is this death, interesting' that was his first thought after his death as he felt no pain, no feel of touch, nothing he thought like he doesn't have any kind of perception of things around him as if he was locked in his own mind.

Hours, days and years went by for mark, he didn't know how much time went by for him in that death state and he felt like he would go insane like this at some point. He also had thought he might be in that state forever, more years went by without anything happening.

And suddenly his whole consciousness felt warm that sensation made him go mad as many emotions surged through him. At first he felt excited about feeling something then after some time he was confused about what is going on around him?

More time passed and he slowly could feel his legs and arms, it was just a slight sensation but mark knew he moved his legs few times as if it was some kind of reflex and hit a very soft wall which made him feel like he was in a sac, mark had a vague understanding what was going on but his practical knowledge made it sound nonsense. And at certain point of time a strong force fell on his body pushing him in a certain direction, at this point he knew that all his doubts will be clarified soon.

Part of him knew what will come but as he opened his eyes for the first time after many years, the scene waiting for him left him speechless. he saw himself in a newborn's body, waving his small arms. He started crying after realization hit him it wasn't because that was what a normal newborn should do but because he has finally confirmed that his years of painless torture has ended. He felt so happy that crying was the only way he could express himself and he didn't even bother to look at the middle aged women who was holding him or the man who is in his 30s smiling at him.